

Tech After Dark
Oct 14, 2021
How much red and khaki (or jeans) do you have? I am packing to move and I have so much now. This is not including much fleece vest and a red hoodie and I have only friends with bullseye for eight months.

I have about 7 or 8 short sleeve tops, 3 or 4 3/4 length tops, 3 or 4 red sweaters, 2 khaki paints and several pairs of jeans. I’m drive up so I also have several pairs of khaki shorts.
Kept my khakis when I went to state and IT jobs.
I gave my dad all of my 10+ red shirts but two.
I don't do jeans generally and most days I'm doing a red vest over a button up because of my teaching job, but i kept buying red for the weekends lol
I have oodles of red shirts. I have a drawer full of plain red shirts. I have approximately 15 red shirts with Target logos or designs on them. I have a couple of more red shirts from our men's graphic tees. I have a bunch of red shirts from my college alma mater because one of our colors is red. I have a red sweatshirt/sweater for everyday of the week when it gets cold. I even have enough red Christmas shirts to wear a different one everyday in 4th quarter.

I don't wear jeans to work. Too hot. I have 10 pairs of wearable khakis at the moment.
I have about 10 or so target branded shirts. It could be more. I have some flannels, a couple sweaters, a hoodie, and 3 coats. Two of my coats are drive up and the other can be worn in public, if I must LOL. I also have shorts and capris.
Nope, just do the fine dining experience occasionally with Mrs. Captain. Hot dog and all the carbonated swill you can consume $1.59. After that I'll buy a chicken. I do with they had a sporting goods dept. Bulk bait and 12ga shotgun shells.
3-4 pair of khakis 3 pair of jeans and 6-7 red shirts. I like to only do laundry once a week. Plus a red fleece and a red quilted "puffy" jacket. Khakis are cooler than jeans when it gets to be 105° with 99% humidity
It's funny how people see things so differently. I find khakis so uncomfortable, but then again womens jeans are lighter than mens and have stretch, which is a must. I live in jeans.
I gained a LOT of weight after quitting Target. (I stayed there as long as I did because I feared the weight would come back after I quit fast walking/running/lifting all day.) A lot of my stuff went to the local thrift store, but my daughter kept some of it. She's got 8 red shirts, variety of shades and a mix of solid and pattern, a pair of khaki pants and a khaki skirt. There's another shirt in her closet I bought right before I quit with intent to wear to work but never did, and one of the larger cut red shirts I bought at the end is in my closet.
Edit: Found another red shirt in the laundry, so bump up the total by one.

As far as price, I almost always went to the local thrift store. Can't beat a $4 short sleeve shirt, unless it's their special of the week and is only $2.
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I gained a LOT of weight after quitting Target. (I stayed there as long as I did because I feared the weight would come back after I quit fast walking/running/lifting all day.) A lot of my stuff went to the local thrift store, but my daughter kept some of it. She's got 8 red shirts, variety of shades and a mix of solid and pattern, a pair of khaki pants and a khaki skirt. There's another shirt in her closet I bought right before I quit with intent to wear to work but never did, and one of the larger cut red shirts I bought at the end is in my closet.

As far as price, I almost always went to the local thrift store. Can't beat a $4 short sleeve shirt, unless it's their special of the week and is only $2.
When I first started at Target I already had two or three red shirts that I got from thrift stores. I've since picked up three more, in addition to the tops I've gotten at the store.
While I was losing a lot of weight at Target I had to go to the thrift store to keep myself clothed. Surprising good quality. So feeling pretty, and working in softlines, I got dressy. I wore lace necklines or sleeves. I wore velvet. I wore skirts. It is amazing how much nice looking stuff is actually rugged enough to put a crib on a flat and take it to the front and comfortable enough to stay in up to 8 hours. And since softlines Style is in an area with carpeting that has a little bit of carpet padding, flats are actually pretty comfortable to work in.

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