Put down the kool-aid. You view your team as equipment or tools to be used. Short term effective, long term not so much.
Life isn't black and white, and when you "document" every little thing, regardless of your intention, it gives the perception that you are mired in the grit with your focus solely on results and metrics.
There is something to be said for consistency I agree, but each individual is a unique person with a unique situation and trying to apply the same approach to every attendance situation will end in you being an ineffective leader in the long run, because no one is going to want to work for you.
The way you write, the verbiage you use, the tone of your message, it's reminiscent of someone who is so completely invested in spot that they can't see outside of that orbit. Take it from someone who has been there: the leadership methodology they push at Target is highly ineffective and oftentimes a direct counter to actual effective leadership methodology. Don't hamstring your ability to grow as a real leader by keeping your eyes closed and thinking the target way is always the best way.
If the best practice was really the -best-, then it wouldn't ever change, now would it? 🤔