Archived Coaching for call outs

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I get that they use that term "bodies" in corporate but saying it to me felt so insulting but I just nodded and said yeah I dude I love working here and you are being so transparent about how much of a dickhead you are...please re evaluate your perspective
I called out only once in my entire 7 years because I was in car accident that left me burned , my knees bashed , my forehead and hand cut and bruised . My Stl called to make sure I was okay he took me off the schedule for 2 weeks straight . But I’m a workaholic and i showed up the next day . And then I had a family emergency where I had to leave the country for more than two weeks . When I got back I was already getting paid because they used all my sick hours while I was out of the country all I do was sign the sick hours papers when I got back.
Target could benefit from a point system;

1st missed day (in 90 days) = 1 point
2nd missed day (' ') = 2 points
3rd missed day (' ') = 3 points
4th missed day (' ) = 4 points AND LEVEL 1 documentation

5th missed day (in 90 days) = 5 points
6th missed day (' ') = 6 points AND LEVEL 2 documentation/verbal warning

7th missed day (' ') = 7 points AND LEVEL 3 documentation with ETL discussion

8th missed day in 90 days = LEVEL 4 AKA TERMINATION

Seemed to work where I was employed previously.
Gets rid of dead wood and people who just dont want to work. And 90 calendar days isn't really a long time. So the points drop off 90 days after that certain "point" was gained.
Target could benefit from a point system;

1st missed day (in 90 days) = 1 point
2nd missed day (' ') = 2 points
3rd missed day (' ') = 3 points
4th missed day (' ) = 4 points AND LEVEL 1 documentation

5th missed day (in 90 days) = 5 points
6th missed day (' ') = 6 points AND LEVEL 2 documentation/verbal warning

7th missed day (' ') = 7 points AND LEVEL 3 documentation with ETL discussion

8th missed day in 90 days = LEVEL 4 AKA TERMINATION

Seemed to work where I was employed previously.
Gets rid of dead wood and people who just dont want to work. And 90 calendar days isn't really a long time. So the points drop off 90 days after that certain "point" was gained.
Keep in mind, sick and vacation time is still given and can be used, but the attendance system holds. Also, obvious things like car accidents or major surgeries would be exceptions.
5. "I am feeling rather sick but don't worry I'll come into work anyway"

UK and American bosses in particular are, in The Local's humble experience, not known for their high sympathy levels for sick workers. Most of them don't actually believe you are ill at all, but are calling in from the cocktail bar of a lavish hotel. Even if they do believe you, they would still rather you came in to slog through a few calculations on that spreadsheet before going home after an hour having spread your virus throughout the entire building.

The Swedish boss' mentality is much more sensible. Stay at home until you are well. Do not spread your illness. A sick worker is a liability...
5. "I am feeling rather sick but don't worry I'll come into work anyway"

UK and American bosses in particular are, in The Local's humble experience, not known for their high sympathy levels for sick workers. Most of them don't actually believe you are ill at all, but are calling in from the cocktail bar of a lavish hotel. Even if they do believe you, they would still rather you came in to slog through a few calculations on that spreadsheet before going home after an hour having spread your virus throughout the entire building.

The Swedish boss' mentality is much more sensible. Stay at home until you are well. Do not spread your illness. A sick worker is a liability...
I have to go with Sweden on this one...
If you call out, you should expect to have a conversation about it the next week with your leader. It gets documented but doesn't mean anything to you as a team member. When it becomes a trend and there have been multiple conversations (3+) then you get written up/corrective action. Don't take it personal, your leader should be consistent with all team members.

The main problem is that not all leaders are the same so some work centers get multiple call outs because the leader doesn't feel like having the conversations while others are stricter. That's why it may seem like bull shit to you that you're getting coached while a hypothetical team member in softlines doesn't and calls out all the time. That's probably a problem at most stores because all leaders aren't the same.
It’s a difference between calling out and calling in sick. If she calls in sick And uses sick hours you are not allowed to have a seek to understand conversation . If she calls out yes .
A team member can call out sick and not put in their sick time for a few days? I have conversations the next day I see this TM so how am I supposed to know that? I think you’re misunderstanding a seek to understand conversation. I’m having a conversation with this TM to understand Why they called out. I am fully aware I can’t try to pertain medical information after the fact they tell me they were sick but targets policy does not accept doctors nots as an excused absence. Legally unless this sickness or injury results in this TM qualifying for FMLA target does not have to accept a doctors note. Again I am not having these conversations to punish these TMs. I am having them to understand why they called out and if there is anything myself or Target can do to help them.
The best way to protect your team is to understand why they call out and give them good info about the helpline and FMLA.

I can protect my team a lot better if I can get them on FMLA.
I totally agree. I’m not asking these TMs for details but I provide them with ways target can help them
Target could benefit from a point system;

1st missed day (in 90 days) = 1 point
2nd missed day (' ') = 2 points
3rd missed day (' ') = 3 points
4th missed day (' ) = 4 points AND LEVEL 1 documentation

5th missed day (in 90 days) = 5 points
6th missed day (' ') = 6 points AND LEVEL 2 documentation/verbal warning

7th missed day (' ') = 7 points AND LEVEL 3 documentation with ETL discussion

8th missed day in 90 days = LEVEL 4 AKA TERMINATION

Seemed to work where I was employed previously.
Gets rid of dead wood and people who just dont want to work. And 90 calendar days isn't really a long time. So the points drop off 90 days after that certain "point" was gained.
90 days is generous. 8 call outs in a year and we’re having a pretty serious conversation.
That's definitely not true. My first store/state didn't have sick time so honestly irrelevant. My second store/state does have sick time but you can use it for any call out? I'm not asking you details about your sickness, health questions or any FMLA issues. I am simply having a seek to understand conversation as to why you called out which is most certainly allowed. Saying you are sick does not excuse you from having an attendance issues. There are proper ways to deal with different situations, again when and if patterns develop you can follow the proper channels to handle the issues. Constantly sick? I would document conversations that I suggested you talk to HR about medical LOA or reducing you avail. Constantly calling out for mental health issues? I would document that I suggested you talk to HR or SD about how intermittent FMLA works and see if you qualify. There are plenty of reasons to have a documented conversation outside of trying to punish someone. I am 100% within my legal rights and targets policy to ask you why you called out so I can both provide you with the proper way to handle your situation and to make sure you do not develop a pattern and if you do I have a way to protect myself and my team.

Put down the kool-aid. You view your team as equipment or tools to be used. Short term effective, long term not so much.

Life isn't black and white, and when you "document" every little thing, regardless of your intention, it gives the perception that you are mired in the grit with your focus solely on results and metrics.

There is something to be said for consistency I agree, but each individual is a unique person with a unique situation and trying to apply the same approach to every attendance situation will end in you being an ineffective leader in the long run, because no one is going to want to work for you.

The way you write, the verbiage you use, the tone of your message, it's reminiscent of someone who is so completely invested in spot that they can't see outside of that orbit. Take it from someone who has been there: the leadership methodology they push at Target is highly ineffective and oftentimes a direct counter to actual effective leadership methodology. Don't hamstring your ability to grow as a real leader by keeping your eyes closed and thinking the target way is always the best way.

If the best practice was really the -best-, then it wouldn't ever change, now would it? 🤔
That's definitely not true. My first store/state didn't have sick time so honestly irrelevant. My second store/state does have sick time but you can use it for any call out? I'm not asking you details about your sickness, health questions or any FMLA issues. I am simply having a seek to understand conversation as to why you called out which is most certainly allowed. Saying you are sick does not excuse you from having an attendance issues. There are proper ways to deal with different situations, again when and if patterns develop you can follow the proper channels to handle the issues. Constantly sick? I would document conversations that I suggested you talk to HR about medical LOA or reducing you avail. Constantly calling out for mental health issues? I would document that I suggested you talk to HR or SD about how intermittent FMLA works and see if you qualify. There are plenty of reasons to have a documented conversation outside of trying to punish someone. I am 100% within my legal rights and targets policy to ask you why you called out so I can both provide you with the proper way to handle your situation and to make sure you do not develop a pattern and if you do I have a way to protect myself and my team.

Sounds like someone drank way too much Kool Aid
Put down the kool-aid. You view your team as equipment or tools to be used. Short term effective, long term not so much.

Life isn't black and white, and when you "document" every little thing, regardless of your intention, it gives the perception that you are mired in the grit with your focus solely on results and metrics.

There is something to be said for consistency I agree, but each individual is a unique person with a unique situation and trying to apply the same approach to every attendance situation will end in you being an ineffective leader in the long run, because no one is going to want to work for you.

The way you write, the verbiage you use, the tone of your message, it's reminiscent of someone who is so completely invested in spot that they can't see outside of that orbit. Take it from someone who has been there: the leadership methodology they push at Target is highly ineffective and oftentimes a direct counter to actual effective leadership methodology. Don't hamstring your ability to grow as a real leader by keeping your eyes closed and thinking the target way is always the best way.

If the best practice was really the -best-, then it wouldn't ever change, now would it? 🤔
Sounds like someone drank way too much Kool Aid
All I said is I’m consistent with my team and help them when I can 😂 not sure how that means I drink a ton of koolaid. Sure I like my job and plan to be here for a while but not sure how you got that from this thread. Also the coach every call out isn’t my rule it’s my SDs and ETL HR. I’m not going to be coached because I didn’t have a simple conversation about why someone called out, it doesn’t hurt anyone and protects myself and target as a whole. I’m one of the nicer TLs in my store and definitely give a crap about my team. I don’t think holding people accountable is something someone should get upset about. The whole point of the conversations is to understand what’s going on. For the 28743874th time I’m not having these conversations to punish these TMs. I’m trying to help them
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The thing is, if the TM was sick, you can't help them. Just let it go unless they call in sick a lot.
You act like everyone who calls out sick is actually sick. Sick or not feeling well is used as an umbrella reason for call outs. As a TL I’m supposed to have a conversation with this TM to simply ask them why they called out. If they say they had the flu then great, remind them attendance is important and move on. I’m not saying coach people for being sick??? I’m simply saying to have a conversation with every TM that calls out to understand why.
remind them attendance is important

This is the problem. If someone was really sick, you come across as the asshole boss for reminding them that attendance is important. (They know that by the hit calling in takes to their paychecks.) It's OK to just say, I'm glad you're feeling better today let me know if you need anything. That's being there for your team. Of course, if you have TMs who are constantly "sick," that's a different conversation.
90 days is generous. 8 call outs in a year and we’re having a pretty serious conversation.

I just had a migraine that lasted for almost a week.
I had to take 4 days off and they sent me home from work in the middle of the day on Friday.

Migraines like mine are a fun part of having a brain that isn't wired quite like everybody else and come as a fun extra with my epilepsy.
I'm lucky, I work at a place where people actually care about their coworkers more than what problems are caused by their absence.
I get paid for the time I'm out so that helps too.

Nobody is going to 'talk' to me about being out unless it is to ask me if I really should be at work and are they going to have send me home again.
Treating everyone who calls out like they have committed a violation 'just in case', is not good management.

Are people calling out when they aren't sick and making the job difficult for other people?
Of course.
If the company wasn't cutting staffing so close to the bone then it isn't a problem if there are call outs.
A good boss makes plans for every contingency and call outs are one of those.

Making someone feel like they have done something seriously wrong by being sick creates stress and serious problems with your staff.
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I just had a migraine that lasted for almost a week.
I had to take 4 days off and they sent me home from work in the middle of the day on Friday.

Migraines like mine are a fun part of having a brain that isn't wired quite like everybody else and comes along with my epilepsy.
I'm lucky, I work at a place where people actually care about their coworkers more than what problems are caused by their absence.
I get paid for the time I'm out so that helps too.

Nobody is going to 'talk' to me about being out unless it is to ask me if I really should be at work and are they going to have send me home again.
Treating everyone who calls out like they have committed a violation 'just in case', is not good management.

Are people calling out when they aren't sick and making the job difficult for other people?
Of course.
If the company wasn't cutting staffing so close to the bone then it isn't a problem if there are call outs.
A good boss makes plans for every contingency and call outs are one of those.

Making someone feel like they have done something seriously wrong by being sick creates stress and serious problems with your staff.
I hear you . I have really bad migraines to the point that it brings me to tears and my nose even bleeds. I showed up to work with one and my Stl asked me to go home and I said I’ll stay , next thing that he said was put your sunglasses on . Migraines are the worse
You act like everyone who calls out sick is actually sick. Sick or not feeling well is used as an umbrella reason for call outs. As a TL I’m supposed to have a conversation with this TM to simply ask them why they called out. If they say they had the flu then great, remind them attendance is important and move on. I’m not saying coach people for being sick??? I’m simply saying to have a conversation with every TM that calls out to understand why.
Hell yeah lets remind people who have a very contagious virus that AtTeNdAnCe Is PaRaMoUnT.
I called out only once in my entire 7 years because I was in car accident that left me burned , my knees bashed , my forehead and hand cut and bruised . My Stl called to make sure I was okay he took me off the schedule for 2 weeks straight . But I’m a workaholic and i showed up the next day . And then I had a family emergency where I had to leave the country for more than two weeks . When I got back I was already getting paid because they used all my sick hours while I was out of the country all I do was sign the sick hours papers when I got back.
Don't get me wrong my STL had a lot of love and concern for me when I wasn't there when I basically never call out. He literally hugged me and said I hope I'm doing okay after a family emergency. It's just sometimes I feel like I get way over stressed nowadays by this bullshit of wanting people to be always available and never have a hang up or a problem when working... not realistic and it's over the top to expect a system that is less than 2 years old (at my store to specify) to be foolproof especially when almost every month or so a new idea is implemented. Wish I could convey my feelings better but this is the best I have right now.
Coaching isn't always a bad thing. Do you think pitchers in a baseball game tell their pitching coach "YOU'RE JUST DRINKING THE KOOL-AID. BE MORE UNDERSTANDING."? Probably not. I'm sure some TLs/ETLs/SDs can be assholes about how they approach it, but some coaching is meant to be a tool to help you avoid going on a CCA. I have to coach for every callout per my ETL and SD, that's the job they are holding me accountable to. It usually sounds like, "Thank you for not coming to work sick. Just so you know, multiple attendance issues can count against your performance, so if you need any resources like FMLA for any reason, let us know so we can get accommodations." If a health issue is making a TM call out several times a month, it's best for them and us as a store for them to protect their job with an intermittent LOA that allows them to document their health-related absences and be protected for them. Your diagnosis isn't my business and I'm not going to pry, I just want to help you so I don't have to eventually move forward with a CCA because you didn't know the resources available to you. If that makes me a Kool-Aid drinking asshole, great. Order me a new nametag.
If they say they had the flu then great, remind them attendance is important and move on

Seriously! You're going to remind them attendance is important if they had the flu. That's demeaning. How about some empathy for the TM and tell them you're glad they're feeling better and you're glad they chose to not share a contagious condition with the rest of the staff.
I have never called out, sick or otherwise, even when I have had good reason. I am too afraid they will be seriously pissed off at me because they need me for this or that and I feel they won't be able to fill the gap I leave by not being there. I could get shot in the stomach, be bleeding out and I would still be uncomfortable not going to work...
I just had a migraine that lasted for almost a week.
I had to take 4 days off and they sent me home from work in the middle of the day on Friday.

Migraines like mine are a fun part of having a brain that isn't wired quite like everybody else and come as a fun extra with my epilepsy.
I'm lucky, I work at a place where people actually care about their coworkers more than what problems are caused by their absence.
I get paid for the time I'm out so that helps too.

Nobody is going to 'talk' to me about being out unless it is to ask me if I really should be at work and are they going to have send me home again.
Treating everyone who calls out like they have committed a violation 'just in case', is not good management.

Are people calling out when they aren't sick and making the job difficult for other people?
Of course.
If the company wasn't cutting staffing so close to the bone then it isn't a problem if there are call outs.
A good boss makes plans for every contingency and call outs are one of those.

Making someone feel like they have done something seriously wrong by being sick creates stress and serious problems with your staff.
If that’s the case then you would have a doctor provide information qualifying you for intermittent FMLA. I totally understand people get sick but everyone here needs to understand we work in retail where 50% of call outs are BS and people just don’t want to work. I get the majority of people on this site are long term people that only call out when they’re actually sick and you know who those TMs are. Obviously every conversation is different and there are plenty of times I give them the whole hope you feel better and move on. People in this thread are not the majority of TM or call outs. I know people get sick and I’m not a hard ass. I’m just saying to be consistent and have a conversation when someone calls out. Again not punishing these TMs just understanding why they called out. When all is said and done I’m just doing my job because that’s what I get paid to do. If my SD wants a conversation every time someone calls out then that’s what I’ll do.
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