Archived Coaching on sales floor

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Depends on what you mean by a coaching.

Telling you that you did something incorrectly and how to do it correctly is technically a coaching but if done in a convivial manner is fine for the sales floor.

Chewing you out for being an idiot should never happen in front of guests or coworkers.
A formal coaching is a sit down with two people isn't done on the floor.
The only time our TLs and ETLs "coach" on the floor is when they are telling people they did something incorrectly and have to demonstrate the correct way to do it. As commiecorvus said, nobody should get chewed out on the floor in front of people. Formal coachings, at my store, are done in the ETL-HR's office. Because we also have an HR office, used for HR things, people have joked about putting a sign that says "Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate" (Abandon hope, all ye who enter here) on the door of the ETL-HR's office.

To summarize, simple "you did this wrong, here is the correct way to do it" is basically training and that happens on the floor all the time. Something like "you did x, y, and z wrong yesterday and the morning team had to spend so much time fixing it" should not happen on the floor. A formal coaching where you sign a paper does not happen on the floor at all.
I thought you a cart attendant? It sounds like you got a verbal one or a correction on how to do something correctly.
Someone can be coached on the spot, and it documented later.

But anyway, for little things, I don't call them coachings. If I tell the cart attendant he needs to wear his vest, or push no more than 7 carts by hand, or whatever he is doing wrong, I just tell him on the spot. But I'd never document something like that. If HR asks then I say we had a conversation or a teach and train moment.
The LOD came up to my register a few days ago and told me a guest called and complained and said I wasn't friendly. She told me to I'm a nice kid and the guy sounded like a grump but to try and be more friendly and speak clearly.

Does this count as a coaching?
The LOD came up to my register a few days ago and told me a guest called and complained and said I wasn't friendly. She told me to I'm a nice kid and the guy sounded like a grump but to try and be more friendly and speak clearly.

Does this count as a coaching?

They have to record anytime a customer calls and talk to the person who was called about.
But it sounds like they didn't take it too seriously.
Should a coaching ( the serious kind ) happen on the they yes, sometimes . I have seen it happen and heard of it happening. Some etls need to learn that some conversations need to be taken off stage....or at least away from guests and team members prying ears . Each and every team member is different and some don't respond well to being called out in front of people. If its an official coaching then it needs to be taken off the floor.
In real life.... the only time I bring someone off stage to have a formal talk is if they are 1-2 cochings away from being put on CCA to stress the seriousness.

TM's know if they are being "coached." Now, I dont call anyone stupid or an idiot or anything like that. To be honest I let TM's coach themselves by asking simple open ended questions. I tie the knot of the bow by saying, "_____, I just need you to improve your performance. Let me know how else I can be of help." Something along those lines.

It blows my mind that a cashier cant ask a guest every time to use their damn red card.
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