Archived Coaching Target Mobile....

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Jul 11, 2014
My STL has their radar on one of the newest Target Mobile team members and is hell bent on getting her out. He is always talking to me(Electronics TL) and my ETL-SF about how we need to pull in her to the office and coach her on x, y and z. We try and tell him that we have to go through her Target Mobile boss or their Discrict Manager and go from there. He says he doesn't care if that's the rule he wants me to pull her into the office, coach her and document it. In turn my ETL-SF keeps hounding me to do it even though he doesn't agree just cause....well the stl is the boss. So what do I do? Can TL's coach Target Mobile? My previous ETL-SF and STL always told me we couldn't.
From what little I understand about the Target/Target Mobile relationship, Mobile is its own little structure. Your STL can't do much outside of badgering Target Mobile's leadership to do something. And I'm guessing harassing Mobile employees could open up some action against Target? Or something, I don't know.

Bring this up with ETL-HR maybe?
You can't coach or write up Target Mobile. Your STL has to partner with Target Mobiles boss. If you pull target mobile into a office you can open yourself up to false imprisonment charges.
Do you ever see the lead for Target Mobile?
If you do I'd put a bug in their ear about the situation and let them handle it.
It's not your job and your shouldn't be caught in the middle.
What the STL is asking you to do is seriously out of line.
You can't coach or write up Target Mobile. Your STL has to partner with Target Mobiles boss. If you pull target mobile into a office you can open yourself up to false imprisonment charges.

I wouldn't go that far. It would have to be a situation where you couldn't leave or you felt it wouldn't be safe to leave. That's not target. You wouldn't win a lawsuit for a coaching conversation, justified or not.
Now a guest, yes if AP detains it could go that far. But for TM's (even mobile) it's within the ordinary course of business to have offstage conversations.
My STL has their radar on one of the newest Target Mobile team members and is hell bent on getting her out. He is always talking to me(Electronics TL) and my ETL-SF about how we need to pull in her to the office and coach her on x, y and z. We try and tell him that we have to go through her Target Mobile boss or their Discrict Manager and go from there. He says he doesn't care if that's the rule he wants me to pull her into the office, coach her and document it. In turn my ETL-SF keeps hounding me to do it even though he doesn't agree just cause....well the stl is the boss. So what do I do? Can TL's coach Target Mobile? My previous ETL-SF and STL always told me we couldn't.
The mobile TM may be curious enough to go to the office, but I can almost guarantee if they have half a brain, they will just pull the "I don't work for Target" card and walk out as soon as they realize what is going on.
My STL has their radar on one of the newest Target Mobile team members and is hell bent on getting her out. He is always talking to me(Electronics TL) and my ETL-SF about how we need to pull in her to the office and coach her on x, y and z. We try and tell him that we have to go through her Target Mobile boss or their Discrict Manager and go from there. He says he doesn't care if that's the rule he wants me to pull her into the office, coach her and document it. In turn my ETL-SF keeps hounding me to do it even though he doesn't agree just cause....well the stl is the boss. So what do I do? Can TL's coach Target Mobile? My previous ETL-SF and STL always told me we couldn't.
Not going to happen tell the stl to shove off they are not employed by target.
I wouldn't go that far. It would have to be a situation where you couldn't leave or you felt it wouldn't be safe to leave. That's not target. You wouldn't win a lawsuit for a coaching conversation, justified or not.
Now a guest, yes if AP detains it could go that far. But for TM's (even mobile) it's within the ordinary course of business to have offstage conversations.
I guess it would depend on the situation. For example if the coacher saids "you are not leaving this room till you sign this" or something.
I've always just partnered with the mobile DM and the lead at my store if a mobile rep was not performing well or creating problems (e.g. leaving electronics key out). Just email or call them and the issue will be out of your hands and in theirs.
There's proper procedures for situations like this and what your STL is asking you to do is not apart of those procedures.

Target Mobile employees are third party vendors. No different than the cleaning crew, portrait studio and other vendors. They don't work for Target.

However the situation you are being put in is a very tough one. Go against what your STL says and you could be in the dog house and on the way out yourself.
I'd go to HR on this one. It tells you word for word on the team lead training that Mobile are not team members and that any problems with them must be addressed by their managers to avoid litigation problems.
While Target mobile TM don't work for Target they do have certain responsibilities working in electronics and holding keys to help guests and ring up guests. The STL can "coach" them if they feel they are indeed doing things incorrectly that hurt business. STLs know what they are doing, they know they have their own boss and know how to call conference call them if needed. Remember folks, don't get involved if you don't need to be involved.
That's the problem: the STL wants the electronics TL to do the coaching when the TL knows he CAN'T.
While Target mobile TM don't work for Target they do have certain responsibilities working in electronics and holding keys to help guests and ring up guests. The STL can "coach" them if they feel they are indeed doing things incorrectly that hurt business. STLs know what they are doing, they know they have their own boss and know how to call conference call them if needed. Remember folks, don't get involved if you don't need to be involved.
Disagree they are not with target they are independent contractors.
Store Leadership cannot, let me repeat, Cannot coach or have any type of performance conversation with a Market Source Team Member. The ETL-HR/STL must contact there district manager for all performance related issues. I have gone through 14 Market source Wireless Team Leads in my buried since the beginning of the year. I simply tell the DM that, that person is no longer aloud in my building and its taken care of.
Your STL is an idiot, there I said it.

P.S. you will get thrown under the bus when/if Mobile's Boss finds out about this mock trial your STL is so adamant about you doing.
yea I am sure the STL will deny ever telling the TL to "coach" the Target mobile person to save their own ass!
Well if the STL tries to deny it, hopefully the ETL-SF will back the TL by being a witness and also getting told to have the Electronics TL coach a Target Mobile TM. You should definitely partner with your ETL-HR with this one. Don't do this because who knows what will happen.
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