Archived Codes over the walkie

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ok... I'm gonna show my age here and wax nostalgic for a moment... I remember when if you lost your child or your parent, you could go to the service desk or employee of the store and they would have it announced could so and so come to the front of the store? quick, easy, done.
How sad that in today's world, we can't do that? Instead, mom's too busy on the phone to notice Little Johnny said he was going to look at toys, she finally realizes when she goes to check out that Little Johnny is no longer with her. So starts a Code Yellow and poor Little Johnny, who was happily looking at legos, winds up with a wall of red coming at him cuz most of our tm's realize that most lost kids are in toys or under a rack in soft lines.
Bad parenting now, and bad parenting then. Young children should never be allowed to wander unattended.

Very true. We've had a few codes where it was a small child, but mostly it's a kid between 8 and 10 that have gone off to look at toys or video games and the parent just didn't hear them say it.
Most of ours are for very young children, and then the parents don't seem that concerned.

Even had one woman chew me out for "the stupid Target rule that children can't be left unattended.." "but Ma am, I found her crying...." "Shes fine." and dragged the child away totally po'd.

If I lost sight of my kids for more than a couple minutes, I would feel myself starting to panic....
So, when you have a lost child come to Guest Services or go to a TM and says they've lost their parent, what do you say?

I had this at my store and I just went on the walkie and asked all TMs to switch to channel 2.....and then I described the missing parent. Then the parent was found and came to Guest Services.
When it comes to code yellow, it's missing child not parent. At our store when the child says he/she cannot find their parents, we normally get a TL, GSTLs, AP walk around the store with the child to find the parent. It's pretty pathetic how long it takes a parent to realize their child is missing. Almost makes me want to call the cops on them!
Bad parenting now, and bad parenting then. Young children should never be allowed to wander unattended.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but I was a child who regularly got lost and my parents were good parents.

My problem would be losing sight of my Mom or Dad because they went to the next aisle and I hadn't seen them. OR, I'd be looking at thing I know...I look up.....there's no Mom or Dad.

Finally, shopping in stores where the clothing racks were high and usually was like a maze...and I'd get lost.

So, sometimes it has nothing to do with parenting....just life in the big department store.

Also, when I was a kid the service desk was always right at the front of the store and it would be easier to go there and have my parents paged. Now service desks are in different places and can be difficult to locate. Besides, we now live in a post Adam Walsh society and everyone is a possible kidnapper. How sad.
I guess I'm more paranoid than most, but hardly live in a bubble. In the 60s, I was approached by a pedophile. Luckily, I got away before anything horrible happened, but it left a big impression on me. My little ones were rarely out of my sight. Just such an easy thing to hold their hand or them hold onto the basket. I only had 2, so not sure how this would work if I had had a big family 🙂

But it goes to show, these type of sickos were around back then, just the news didn't want to report such things...
If the child comes up looking for a parent, we get the name (if the child is able to tell us) & page them to the service desk "to meet their party". If the child is too young or distraught to tell us, we try to comfort them while alerting TLs & AP because TMs may blurt something out over the walkie.
We had one kid who regularly got separated from his parents (about 6 yrs old), He was never upset & knew most of us. My ETL (at the time) said if he kept doing it, we were gonna put him to work zoning while waiting for his mom/dad. His parents agreed.
I would Ask the kid, Do you a certain place to meet in a store, if you get lost? Some kids are taught not to speak to strangers.
Do codes vary store to store? I recently heard code silver. Any idea what that is!?

So does anyone really know what this "Code Silver" really means? hahaha I had all the team leads calling "CODE SILVER" over the walkies today and I had no flippin idea what was going on 0_0
In tornado alley, I believe a Code Gray is for a tornado. The operator goes over the intercom and tells everone to head towards the bakery/deli... Thankfully I've never been present during a code gray.
In my neck of the woods, the most dangerous weather we get is snowstorms. Had Target been in the Buffalo area in 1977, I wonder if they would've used Code White.
Code Silver

So does anyone really know what this "Code Silver" really means? hahaha I had all the team leads calling "CODE SILVER" over the walkies today and I had no flippin idea what was going on 0_0

Its when we have the bank dropping off money to the CO. Its rarely used because they don't want people knowing were getting money in the building. Its a more of a unofficial code, some stores use it some don't.
Its when we have the bank dropping off money to the CO. Its rarely used because they don't want people knowing were getting money in the building. Its a more of a unofficial code, some stores use it some don't.

Some stores just announce over the walkie, "LOD, the pizza's here," in a bored tone of voice...
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