Archived Cold temperatures

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I gotta disagree. I grew up in cold weather.

One of the fun facts is that the super bright red color your skin turns is actually a cold injury. There is actual damage to your skin and it is getting pretty close to being frostbitten. Living in a place with cold weather never taught me to be concerned. If your skin was red, oh well. If parts of the red area were actually very pale, oh well. No one said anything other than "You can't feel that? Go wash that part in the sink."

Then there's wearing the absolute heaviest thing you own. Also something not to be done, but that's how we were raised. Super thick coat, super thick snow pants, moon boots. Nope, layers, lots and lots of fairly thin layers. It'll trap heat better, keeping you warmer. And if you accidentally layer too thick or too thin, you can adjust your layers pretty quickly.

And when it snows, cotton is to be avoided at all costs. Never learned that either, growing up people swore by cotton. Warmest thing ever. Allows for breathing. Yep, and when that snow hits you and your body heat melts it, the cotton gets wet and then bye bye all your body heat.

Judging from my childhood and the so-called wisdom of the elders around me, it seems that simply living where it's cold is actually the best way to not know how to properly deal with the cold.

Sounds like we grew up in fairly similar areas as well as eras. I could have posted that almost word for word.
We have 6 inches of snow. Ca, please clear the all spot doors of snow for now. Then, take a shovel with you on carts. Our snow removable folks are not here yet.

going to be honest, I have no idea where my store stores all this stuff, they kind of just bring it to me or do it themselves lmao
All good advice. My store provides some gloves and hats and hand warmers, but nothing beyond that. The snowpants they provided didn't fit anyone and was requisitioned in like 2008 lol. One year a GSA told me to run back and get a good pair of gloves I could find after the wet snow had soaked all the way through my gloves, and they were like these super nice ski gloves that were water proof... they disappeared in 4 weeks because someone took them. Thanks, other cart attendants of that time. My GSA was actually upset to hear that a $20 pair of gloves went missing in such a short time. They were super good and useful, but someone took them home one day and never brought them back.
My first stl used his pcard to buy five sets of North face gloves for the ca, pfresh, and etl-log to use. I guarded my pair like a hawk, they stayed in the ambient room in a basket and if you touched them I'd track you down til they came back. After my last trainee after me left market it took one week for them to be taken. Ca also lost theirs. Big bin of extras disappeared, so the dozen liners and convertible mittens are also mostly gone.

My regular ca is a bitch about weather. He has his own rain suit, etc but he whines like crazy. For me it's definitely my hot chillies liners or cuddleduds. Snowboarding gloves, face mask, hat with ear flaps. Fur lined snow boots. I have the insulated carhart onsie for working at the barn in winter. But still thermals under clothes in this weather. Fleece lined jeans or work pants are awesome as well.
Unfortunately, you still have to go out and get carts. people are brain dead and will still go out and shop in blistering winds and temperatures.

Make sure you layer up. The most I layered up on the coldest day of winter last year was Three pairs of socks, boots, pants, shorts underneath, thermal underwear, under layer of stretchy gloves, then thick winter gloves. I had a t-shirt underneath, then a sweatshirt/hoodie, then my two-layer winter coat. I wore a stocking cap and a ski-mask, and used my coat's hood, although I tried not to that much because it created a blind spot on both sides of my head where I couldn't see on-coming cars. Lots of hand warmers, it was about -3 all day and was snowing almost all night, was insanely wet and cold, winds were horrible, not fast, but extremely chilly.

Here in Minnesota, this weekend isn't suppose to get above -7 degrees.

EDIT: I can't believe I forgot to add snowpants. I wore snowpants, too.
And you all wonder why they have cart attendant TLs there. 😱
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