Archived Confused by what GSTL is saying or trying to say

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In my past experience, when a transaction, request, or situation was outside the norm, policy, or my ability, I would then escalate it to the GSTL then ETL.

Missing Barcodes or barcode errors are ASANTS. Some stores are strict about pushing theses items straight to GS or fitting room to be researched and tagged precisely. Then some stores allow closest Dept# and 9s to sale the item.

When a price challenge was above $20. It was pretty much call a GSTL. Because anything outside of that range goes on a report and circumstances researched.
I think your GSTL probably just thinks that you are capable of making your own decisions and being empowered to make it right for the guest etc. This is probably a good thing. Although I can see where he may be coming from due to how stretched thin GSAs/GSTLs can be, I don’t think it’s right of him to not want to come over to the lanes to help you when you need help; I can’t say for sure but you seem pretty self sufficient to me so you probably truly do need help when you call him over.

But yeah, rather than using no barcode, I would recommend getting the target app on your phone and searching for an item on there and finding the DPCI to type in or finding something similar. If it’s somrthing junky or from the dollar spot or whatever then really go ahead and use no barcode, it’s honestly just about your best judgement

As for the “older cashier ladies”, we definitely have a few like that at my store and it sucks that you are stuck babysitting them. Really seems like they don’t want to learn and would rather complain about everything and call the GSTL over for every little thing even after I’ve explained things to them 100 times which is super annoying... wish we could performance these people out, but its kind of hard to do that with veteran cashiers. Probably sounds mean but it gets tiring after a while.

Honestly if you feel like it I might ask your ETL-GE what the deal with this GSTL dude is lol
Like I said, I've been trying to limit the amount of times that I call for a GSTL, but I had to call him over yesterday when one of the self-checkout registers coin dispensers jammed, and he even seemed annoyed that I called him over for that, even though he was the only one who could fix that issue. I forgot to mention this as well, but he was also annoyed that one of the other cashiers pressed the "Additional Assistance" button calling for back-up because hours have been cut so much that we can't call for back-up since there are so few team members on the sales floor. He said that we should instead be calling for him or other GSTL by walkie-talkie if we need back-up at the registers due to long lines. I'm not sure about this, but I've read that the "Additional Assistance" button has a metric that is not good if we press it too frequently, so that could be another reason he instructed us to not use that button.
I understand not pressing the back-up button if it's bad for metrics, but I agree and feel like it's not right if he doesn't want to fix legitimate issues when they arise, such as the self-checkout registers jamming. I also remember when there were times that guests became angry that they couldn't buy an item that was on the sales floor because it was street-dated. Understandably, no matter how I explained the situation and apologized, the guest demanded to speak to a GSTL (when this happened there was another GSTL). Something like that requires a GSTL's presence so I hope that you understand when I say that I can't be completely independent and operate without a GSTL.
Like I said, I've been trying to limit the amount of times that I call for a GSTL, but I had to call him over yesterday when one of the self-checkout registers coin dispensers jammed, and he even seemed annoyed that I called him over for that, even though he was the only one who could fix that issue. I forgot to mention this as well, but he was also annoyed that one of the other cashiers pressed the "Additional Assistance" button calling for back-up because hours have been cut so much that we can't call for back-up since there are so few team members on the sales floor. He said that we should instead be calling for him or other GSTL by walkie-talkie if we need back-up at the registers due to long lines. I'm not sure about this, but I've read that the "Additional Assistance" button has a metric that is not good if we press it too frequently, so that could be another reason he instructed us to not use that button.
I understand not pressing the back-up button if it's bad for metrics, but I agree and feel like it's not right if he doesn't want to fix legitimate issues when they arise, such as the self-checkout registers jamming. I also remember when there were times that guests became angry that they couldn't buy an item that was on the sales floor because it was street-dated. Understandably, no matter how I explained the situation and apologized, the guest demanded to speak to a GSTL (when this happened there was another GSTL). Something like that requires a GSTL's presence so I hope that you understand when I say that I can't be completely independent and operate without a GSTL.
No I definitely understand. I think that it’s wrong that your GSTL seems unhappy to try and help you guys - that’s his job. I think you should talk to your ETL-GE or HR about it if you feel comfortable doing so. And there isn’t a metric attached to pressing the backup button, your GSTL probably just doesn’t want you pressing it for some other reason (when I was a guest service TM, a GSA told me they didn’t want me pressing the backup button at guest service because it “made it seem like they weren’t doing their job” (which they kind of weren’t)) but cashiers don’t always have walkies and most of all it isn’t your responsibility to be calling for backup in the front over the walkie. This is your TL’s job! But yeah, it’s sad that he was annoyed to come over for things that only he could clearly have a fix to (like the jammed SCO, you need keys) and I think he has a nasty attitude. I’m sorry you have to deal with that
I forgot to mention this as well, but he was also annoyed that one of the other cashiers pressed the "Additional Assistance" button calling for back-up because hours have been cut so much that we can't call for back-up since there are so few team members on the sales floor. He said that we should instead be calling for him or other GSTL by walkie-talkie if we need back-up at the registers due to long lines. I'm not sure about this, but I've read that the "Additional Assistance" button has a metric that is not good if we press it too frequently, so that could be another reason he instructed us to not use that button.

The way it was explained to me: The additional assistance button shows corp that your store doesn't have enough coverage at that time to deal with guest traffic. This could be bad if it means your GE just didn't schedule enough despite seeing the forecast. However, if they can see that the forecast didn't predict that much guest traffic, they will re-evaluate payroll if the pattern continues. So if you're GE is trying to game the system and ignore the forecast, then no they wouldn't want you using that button. If they do follow the forecast and want better coverage in the future/more hours, then that button is your best friend.
I appreciate all of your responses about this and I have to agree with Kitters and Dog that some of the GSTL's responsibility is being unloaded onto me, which is fine and necessary since he wants me to be self-sufficient before being trained in guest services.
I haven't had a chance yet to speak to an ETL about this GSTL, but I have been seeing some small "signs" that he works differently from the other GSTLs and not in a good way. I've seen him talking on his phone, even when assisting guests and I really have to wonder why he does that, even though Target emphasizes focusing on guests and their needs. I'm not in any position to question why he does this, maybe he is calling Corporate, or asking about technical issues that need to be resolved, but to me, it looks unprofessional and I don't think that the guest gets a positive impression from that interaction.
He's also been late a couple of times for shifts when he is scheduled to open, leaving no GSTL for about an hour. Ultimately, these issues are between him and HR, or the ETLs, but I am really wondering if he is trying to make his life easier and passing more and more responsiblity onto me.
Like I said, I've been trying to limit the amount of times that I call for a GSTL, but I had to call him over yesterday when one of the self-checkout registers coin dispensers jammed, and he even seemed annoyed that I called him over for that, even though he was the only one who could fix that issue. I forgot to mention this as well, but he was also annoyed that one of the other cashiers pressed the "Additional Assistance" button calling for back-up because hours have been cut so much that we can't call for back-up since there are so few team members on the sales floor. He said that we should instead be calling for him or other GSTL by walkie-talkie if we need back-up at the registers due to long lines. I'm not sure about this, but I've read that the "Additional Assistance" button has a metric that is not good if we press it too frequently, so that could be another reason he instructed us to not use that button.
I understand not pressing the back-up button if it's bad for metrics, but I agree and feel like it's not right if he doesn't want to fix legitimate issues when they arise, such as the self-checkout registers jamming. I also remember when there were times that guests became angry that they couldn't buy an item that was on the sales floor because it was street-dated. Understandably, no matter how I explained the situation and apologized, the guest demanded to speak to a GSTL (when this happened there was another GSTL). Something like that requires a GSTL's presence so I hope that you understand when I say that I can't be completely independent and operate without a GSTL.

Why isn't your GSTL at the lanes? He should (for the most part) be close enough that it isn't inconvenient to help with a coin jam. He should be out there seeing the back up before it happens.
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