Coping sucks


The time frame vs reality
Apr 18, 2021
Someone I have admired for the longest time has quit... that person never said goodbye or anything like that as I rarely ever saw them because they were always working during the days I was off and largely due to everyone's hours being cut in general. Definitely made some good memories with this person, despite not being close or anything that. I simply admired them for their dedication to the job and their welcoming personality. I wish this person the best!!!

Sorry if that sounded creepy? I just wanted to get that off my shoulders as I never got to tell them that in person? I really looked up to this person, they were one of the main reasons why I did not quit this job... as I felt that they made this job more tolerable everyday I got the chance to work with them. I learned many things from this person which in turn improved my work ethics
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Same thing happened at my store, except it was our best ETL. People come and go all the time but it really sucks when you lose one of the good ones.
Some people were actually sad when I quit cus I worked hard and didn’t care to be involved with the cults drama and culture BS. I still talk to some of them to this day. Target doesn’t deserve great workers to be there when all they do is screw them over.
Nah not creepy. I have felt that way about a few good people that have come and gone. For me its not so mich their work ethic but their outlook and personality that drew me to them. Yeah they worked hard but honestly their non flustered easy going nature about the retail beast really helped me through some crap. I miss all of them 🙁 they are a rare breed these days to.
Nah not creepy. I have felt that way about a few good people that have come and gone. For me its not so mich their work ethic but their outlook and personality that drew me to them. Yeah they worked hard but honestly their non flustered easy going nature about the retail beast really helped me through some crap. I miss all of them 🙁 they are a rare breed these days to.
I just KNOW someday I am going to BE that person.
when I leave: there will be no warning, no explanation, no party, no crying, no hugs.
I may or may not give notice, it depends on the circumstances, but either way I am staying silent To ALL but HR.

I have seen the good-buy parties. Don’t like them.
I have listened to many reasons why people are leaving. Don’t care.
it is a personal choice and decision that I will make alone ….. when I am ready.

If there is anyone reading that has left a Target:
I am interested in how you did it,
please tell.
Worked my 2 wks and didn't say a word to anyone but HR. Last day, name tag slapped on the TSC counter and walked out without saying a word. Fuck it.
I just KNOW someday I am going to BE that person.
when I leave: there will be no warning, no explanation, no party, no crying, no hugs.
I may or may not give notice, it depends on the circumstances, but either way I am staying silent To ALL but HR.

I have seen the good-buy parties. Don’t like them.
I have listened to many reasons why people are leaving. Don’t care.
it is a personal choice and decision that I will make alone ….. when I am ready.

If there is anyone reading that has left a Target:
I am interested in how you did it,
please tell.
I put in my 2 weeks without telling management, Let them figure it out when I did and if they didn’t know I’d tell em a few days later. Just to show I don’t communicate back since they don’t do it some of the time. They were so shocked all my managers up front had a little meeting upstairs to talk about it, How did I know? They talked on channel 4. During the first day of the 2 weeks, My ETL came to talk to me and tried to act friendly, Wanted me to do on call, Told her nope I’m leaving for good. During the 2 weeks her and the other toxic TL I couldn’t stand made it a bit of a living hell for me cus I was quitting and half the time I just ignored what they wanted. Got tired of them putting alot of work on me and not cross training these soft people who didn’t want to do much work but be at a checklane and won’t help others. After I walked out my last day, didn’t even look back at that place.
We always miss the ones who keep that cart corral full.
Or at least half full on busy days and did the stuff a lot of people would refuse to do. Sadly it’s a unappreciated position to a lot of people in that company and Target doesn’t give more work to the others up front who don’t do a whole lot.
It's a bittersweet thing. It always stings when someone you admire ends up leaving, but it's also something you want for those you care about as they tend to leave for greener pastures.

There are a few coworkers that I genuinely love and care about, and as much as working with them brightens my days, there's nothing I want more than for them to move on to something greater because they're capable of and deserve so much more than what Target has to offer.
Did you mean to ask what was asked in my exit survey? I honestly don't remember. But it really doesn't matter because the questions are just posturing. That's clear from the fact the unsafe working conditions i mentioned were STILL ignored when I left.
Did you mean to ask what was asked in my exit survey? I honestly don't remember. But it really doesn't matter because the questions are just posturing. That's clear from the fact the unsafe working conditions i mentioned were STILL ignored when I left.

I am sure they were vague without much substance and will probably be ignored.

In a related matter I have noticed that some of the required trainings we do as of late have no room for feedback.

Good luck.

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