COVID-19 Coronavirus...

3.4% is nonsense

Diamond Princess had 3711 passengers. They were ALL tested. 638 tested positive, 306 presented symptoms, 6 died.

0.95% mortality rate

Other #'s are only significantly higher because they're not testing everyone, so there are a lot of minor cases that aren't being recognized which skews statistics.

I'm not saying it isn't more serious than the flu. It is. But 3.4% is still misinformation. The CDC and WHO know it's not that high as well, it's why they haven't published official mortality rate estimates.

Here's the problem. 17% of the people on that boat had it. 0.95% of those died.

There are 327.2 million americans. If 17% of us get it (and it's estimated that way more than that will), that's 55,624,000 Americans with the sickness. If 0.95% of those die, that is still 528,428 dead Americans.
South Korea has been testing hundreds of thousands of people, and their rate is 0.8% according to Wikipedia, so based on that plus what you just said I'd say that around 1% is a much more accurate number. Unless every single person gets tested regularly, which is completely unfeasible, we won't know how many people actually have coronavirus, and therefore the stats are going to be skewed towards those with serious symptoms and therefore those more likely to die from it.
South Korea, per the article listed above, also has more hospital space per capita than the US, meaning they're better able to respond to serious cases, resulting in a lower mortality rate.

The US doesn't have that capacity, and isn't testing to where it needs to be, so it is likely that the mortality rate will be higher due to lack of adequate care facilities for serious cases.
from what i saw at my store, before some stuff went out the lead was like "ok does anyone want anything? if you dont get it now you wont see it again" and i thought that was nice. like no one went crazy taking everything they just grabbed an item and paid

That’s awesome. I let some of my team members buy some stuff low key. Same thing they didn’t go crazy just a small amount of items and kept it moving. Just have to be careful who is around because some are by the book and make a big deal out of things.
Do stores open a register early for the morning teams, at all? I don't work that early so I don't know if my store does, though I know if someone needs something after close, they can walkie the front end and they'll keep a register open for TMs who need stuff after close (quick stuff, obviously, not a full monthly grocery run).
Do stores open a register early for the morning teams, at all? I don't work that early so I don't know if my store does, though I know if someone needs something after close, they can walkie the front end and they'll keep a register open for TMs who need stuff after close (quick stuff, obviously, not a full monthly grocery run).
yeah, when my store was 4am, during break time a tm with register access (i was like 1 of 2 or 3 that early) would open a register and ring everyone out for their snacks
Do stores open a register early for the morning teams, at all? I don't work that early so I don't know if my store does, though I know if someone needs something after close, they can walkie the front end and they'll keep a register open for TMs who need stuff after close (quick stuff, obviously, not a full monthly grocery run).

If inbounds takes their breaks before the store opens, someone from another team who came in later will open a SCO for them. It was part of my morning routine during Q4. Clock in, grab equipment and keys, take a leak, wash hands, then open a SCO. Followed by, "This is seasonaldude, here for the day. SCO 1 is open if anyone needs it."
Can anyone clarify the details around the paid 14 day COVID leave? My store did not know the answer.
Are you only eligible for it if you are diagnosed with COVID? I’m very curious because it looks like my kids schools will be closing soon.
That’s awesome. I let some of my team members buy some stuff low key. Same thing they didn’t go crazy just a small amount of items and kept it moving. Just have to be careful who is around because some are by the book and make a big deal out of things.
My mom wanted milk today and I had about a minute in my shift so I went to check if we had any. They were out but someone was currently stocking it. He looked at me and said "take it bro". I grabbed a gallon from the shelf, went and clocked out, then bought it. I'm not sure how bad that is, but if they want to fire me over a gallon of milk, so be it. It would be a fitting end to my time there.
Can anyone clarify the details around the paid 14 day COVID leave? My store did not know the answer.
Are you only eligible for it if you are diagnosed with COVID? I’m very curious because it looks like my kids schools will be closing soon.
Yes, only if you’re diagnosed. And thank god it’s been confirmed tests will be free now. I assume they’ll pay you for any scheduled hours you missed.
The US doesn't have that capacity, and isn't testing to where it needs to be, so it is likely that the mortality rate will be higher due to lack of adequate care facilities for serious cases.
We have fewer hospital beds per capita than Italy, and their mortality rate has been much higher than 1%. That's why the huge push here to "flatten the curve" - we just do not have the capacity for a crush of patients all being sick at the same time. Schools in my state are closed for the next few weeks; mass gatherings are prohibited; some city governments are declaring local states of emergency and closing most city offices. We have to get ahead of this thing and not let it get really bad.
Can anyone clarify the details around the paid 14 day COVID leave? My store did not know the answer.
Are you only eligible for it if you are diagnosed with COVID? I’m very curious because it looks like my kids schools will be closing soon.
Not sure all the details are definite yet, unless your state has passed legislation about it. At the federal level, I think it's only passed the House so far. And from what I've heard, it's 14 days of paid leave if you are ordered to self-quarantine, are sick yourself, or caring for someone who is. I'm guessing it doesn't all have to be used in one 14-day stretch if you don't work 14 days in a row; I typically work 4 days a week at Target, so it doesn't seem like I'd be eligible for payment for days I wouldn't be there anyway. But I think companies will be working out the details once the bill is actually signed into law. (Assuming that it is signed into law; it'd be politically stupid for members of Congress to vote against it or the president not to sign it, but well, they've all done stupid things before so who knows.)
We have fewer hospital beds per capita than Italy, and their mortality rate has been much higher than 1%. That's why the huge push here to "flatten the curve" - we just do not have the capacity for a crush of patients all being sick at the same time.
I'm starting to think that it's not if I get sick, but when. Next week, next month, next year? And how long before it mutates enough for round 2?
I'm starting to think that it's not if I get sick, but when. Next week, next month, next year? And how long before it mutates enough for round 2?
I think that too but it is scary for me considering my parents. Don't want them to face it but it might be inevitable. I just hope they are ok.

id rather just let natural selection handle it and hopefully come for me
That's true. It can take me all it wants, but not my loved ones.
Here’s some numbers for all you uneducated snowflakes who believe what the media tells you..

Fatality rates among virus
Ebola: 50%
MERS: 34.4%
Smallpox: 30%
SARS: 9.6%
Coronavirus: 3.4%

That’s right! A whopping 3.4%! Such a pandemic!!

oMg WeRe AlL gOnNa DiE

Those numbers mean just about nothing without context.
For instance, Ebola can only be caught from direct contact with fluids from a person with Ebola.
But since they die so quickly, it tends to self correct.

The reason smallpox was so fucking terrible and wiped out entire areas was because it had very similar spread patterns to COVID-19.
People could walk around with it for a while without knowing they were sick and spread it.

It is important to remember we are are taking these steps to keep it from turning into a problem, not that it is a problem now.
In Italy they are starting to triage in the hospitals because they are getting overwhelmed.
We don't want that.

id rather just let natural selection handle it and hopefully come for me
Those numbers mean just about nothing without context.
For instance, Ebola can only be caught from direct contact with fluids from a person with Ebola.
But since they die so quickly, it tends to self correct.

The reason smallpox was so fucking terrible and wiped out entire areas was because it had very similar spread patterns to COVID-19.
People could walk around with it for a while without knowing they were sick and spread it.

It is important to remember we are are taking these steps to keep it from turning into a problem, not that it is a problem now.
In Italy they are starting to triage in the hospitals because they are getting overwhelmed.
We don't want that.

Shopping or working at target is unfortunately the opposite of keeping people away from each other. We are some of the most likely people to get it early.
Anyone in retail and sales. Today I shook hands with a couple, got them seated at my desk, and they both had a few wet coughs while I was working with them. I did my best to not touch my face or glasses while with them and begged a coworker for wipes when they left.
Anyone in retail and sales. Today I shook hands with a couple, got them seated at my desk, and they both had a few wet coughs while I was working with them. I did my best to not touch my face or glasses while with them and begged a coworker for wipes when they left.
Luckily wet coughs are more uncommon with Corvid than dry coughs.
Anyone in retail and sales. Today I shook hands with a couple, got them seated at my desk, and they both had a few wet coughs while I was working with them. I did my best to not touch my face or glasses while with them and begged a coworker for wipes when they left.
met a client today for pet sitting and he shook our hand and then i noticed him sniffling and wiping his nose with his hand after

i was like


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