COVID-19 Coronavirus...

if the stores are closing at 9pm, are schedules changing immediately? if im 7-11pm tomorrow do i spend 2 hours doing other things or ??
The email the SD’s got said schedules stay the same so TM’s have time to restock and clean. But I imagine some will definitely not follow that.
If I was the closing TL, I'd have you stay to get the store into shape. I've done abandoned lately but the zone is just a mess. Not that it has to be perfect but it's so bad that TMs doing freight are just flexing everything it seems.
I would not worry too much about the zone at this point. Everything is in the can, how good the zone looks seems to be the least important thing right now... but they shouldn't be flexing everything except important products in this situation.
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if the stores are closing at 9pm, are schedules changing immediately? if im 7-11pm tomorrow do i spend 2 hours doing other things or ??
I was told that shifts will be as scheduled so work can be done when there's no guests. Areas that get done with everything early will move over to areas that still need work, although I'm not sure how that will work when the real problem is the lack of products on the floor, not a lack of time/workers.
Fuck, I gotta change my will. One of my cats is listed as having a bit of caretaker money, but the other isn't mentioned since he was adopted just a few months ago.

And what happens when you are left money in a will, the will has been read but the amount has not been disbursed yet, the will reads that if you are dead your portion goes back into the estate, and you die well after the dead person?
Thank you, I will try. My mom has sarcoidosis and she’s 60, so we’re all worried for her. Everyone in the family is avoiding going outside unless necessary. Last thing I want is to be responsible for bringing the virus in the house. If she were 40 and healthy, that would be another story.
Follow up question here- If I take an LOA, will it go into effect immediately, or will I still be on the schedule for my scheduled shifts? If it's the later, there should be no issues calling out because of the new absence policy, right?
Follow up question here- If I take an LOA, will it go into effect immediately, or will I still be on the schedule for my scheduled shifts? If it's the later, there should be no issues calling out because of the new absence policy, right?
LOA can be effective immediately. I would partner with HR about whatever shifts you have coming up so they can proactively work on filling them. On Monday I successfully replaced all shifts for this week for a TM who decided to take an immediate LOA, but posted their shifts for next week. Those aren’t the 911 right now.

***Please remember to follow the rules when taking a LOA. They state to contact HR 2-3 weeks before your return date so they can begin to schedule you again. HR actually does need that much time to allocate hours for you in the schedules.

This endless payroll and OT will not continue.
im a bit worried about this, dont know if they would approve LOA though. im 30 and asthmatic so i have a bit to worry about if i catch this, but im more worried about my father who is 59 with COPD. im the front of store attendant.
My job emailed fuckin everybody and basically said "here's two weeks of you get sick PLEASE CALL TF OUT!! THAT'S WHAT THIS IS FOR!! DO NOT COME TO WORK SICK!!"

But also we're staying open, in case anybody wants a $800 pair of Louboutin pumps to trade for a package of TP I can hook you up
Its fatality rate is under that 3.4%. Guaranteed. How much below that is debatable. I'd estimate 1-1.5%. The cruise boat near Japan had 6 deaths and 700+ confirmed cases. A 0.98% fatality rate. Everywhere else appears to have a much higher rate because there are many more actual cases than there are confirmed cases.

It's still deadly, and very contagious, but most speculated mortality rates are wrong due to there being unknown cases.
Depends on testing. When there's widespread testing, then mortality improves. But we aren't testing.
3.4% is nonsense

Diamond Princess had 3711 passengers. They were ALL tested. 638 tested positive, 306 presented symptoms, 6 died.

0.95% mortality rate

Other #'s are only significantly higher because they're not testing everyone, so there are a lot of minor cases that aren't being recognized which skews statistics.

I'm not saying it isn't more serious than the flu. It is. But 3.4% is still misinformation. The CDC and WHO know it's not that high as well, it's why they haven't published official mortality rate estimates.

Here's the problem. 17% of the people on that boat had it. 0.95% of those died.

There are 327.2 million americans. If 17% of us get it (and it's estimated that way more than that will), that's 55,624,000 Americans with the sickness. If 0.95% of those die, that is still 528,428 dead Americans.
The issue is how those who survived did so. Respiratory triage requires hospitals, equipment, meds ...and you are sure to have lifelong lung issues.

It's more serious than just the old folks dying.
So true! Lol
im a bit worried about this, dont know if they would approve LOA though. im 30 and asthmatic so i have a bit to worry about if i catch this, but im more worried about my father who is 59 with COPD. im the front of store attendant.
I am wearing gloves, and wiping dow constantly. I'm careful to avoid people in breakroom.
Wearing gloves and sanitizing is great, but if someone coughs, water droplets and aerosols stay in the air with the virus for hours. People are saying this isn’t airborne, while technically true, but you can still breathe it in if you breathe in one of those aerosols.
On my first day back in a while, I immediately notice I am fucking touching everything. I'm touching shit before i even get in the door. I'm looking at the doorbell like it is coronavirus. Then some brave soul answers the door and we are in each others faces. And I go to the office and punch buttons to get in and I punch the damn clock and get my hands on some equipment before I start touching all over the product... Then I realize no one has even briefed me on any cleaning policies and the only new signage I saw was one stating we have hours to give away. And on my break, i got a coffee but the cafe chairs had been removed. And I remembered that it was a dining area and we no longer have those.
So I went to the break room. But the break room is basically a dining area. And it was at that exact moment that I knew...

I was stuck in The Truman Show.

In all seriousness there's just no way anyone can do anything that will make a significant impact. I fully expect forced quarantines in most major cities within the next week. Prepare yourself. Try to stay well for as long as you can if you need the work.
On my first day back in a while, I immediately notice I am fucking touching everything. I'm touching shit before i even get in the door. I'm looking at the doorbell like it is coronavirus. Then some brave soul answers the door and we are in each others faces. And I go to the office and punch buttons to get in and I punch the damn clock and get my hands on some equipment before I start touching all over the product... Then I realize no one has even briefed me on any cleaning policies and the only new signage I saw was one stating we have hours to give away. And on my break, i got a coffee but the cafe chairs had been removed. And I remembered that it was a dining area and we no longer have those.
So I went to the break room. But the break room is basically a dining area. And it was at that exact moment that I knew...

I was stuck in The Truman Show.

In all seriousness there's just no way anyone can do anything that will make a significant impact. I fully expect forced quarantines in most major cities within the next week. Prepare yourself. Try to stay well for as long as you can if you need the work.
Yeah there’s already talks about a shelter-in-place order possible in NYC. I expect the same in places all over the country.
I cannot fathom anyone holding onto this notion that we are all just scared because of media hype.

I mean, you really have to live under a rock to still think that way.
idk i still definitely think that way, my current way of life has not changed at all

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