COVID-19 Coronavirus...

So one guy in one state is "a bunch of boomers"? Seriously, why are you being SUCH a jerk about boomers? There are enough assholes of all ages in the world. "Boomers" did not cause this, and it's been the Millennials (and younger) that have been frolicking through our stores without a care in the world every day.

Boomers mad.

But, okay, let's go into this.

Who is the reason it spread in multiple states? Boomers.

Who refused to self-quarantine in the early days? Boomers.

Who refuses to let any progressive policies such as universal health care or paid time off pass because they by-and-large vote Republican? Boomers.

Who refuses to close down Target because they have to do shopping? Spoilers, both the whining guests and corporate are...You fuckin' guessed it, boomers.
Millenials: morons who probably shouldn't have been allowed to breed. When their spawn start getting sick; it will be their fault. I do feel sorry for the kids who got stuck with these shitty parents.

And who raised them to be shitty parents? Right, you seem to be forgetting that one aspect.

Also, no millennials should breed? So I assume then you want the death of the human race, with millennials being the last generation to exist. Interesting flex.
Boomers mad.

But, okay, let's go into this.

Who is the reason it spread in multiple states? Boomers.

Who refused to self-quarantine in the early days? Boomers.

Who refuses to let any progressive policies such as universal health care or paid time off pass because they by-and-large vote Republican? Boomers.

Who refuses to close down Target because they have to do shopping? Spoilers, both the whining guests and corporate are...You fuckin' guessed it, boomers.
Can't speak for every store. But at mine, my sister (Gen X, btw) said everyone lined up outside our store yesterday was definitely practicing social distancing.
i went to my store to pick up animal crossing and the line went pretty much around the building and there was absolutely no personal space at all. most of the people lined up were definitely older folks, there were some younger ones too but i'd say the majority was 50+ easily
And who raised them to be shitty parents? Right, you seem to be forgetting that one aspect.

Also, no millennials should breed? So I assume then you want the death of the human race, with millennials being the last generation to exist. Interesting flex.
Generation X, anyone? Those Slackers are just as likely to be parents of Millennials as Boomers. Stop blaming everything on people 55+, it's ludicrous.
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what i still dont get is why people are panic buying

like ok california is doing the safer at home thing non essential stores are closed

grocery stores are still open. if people just bought what they needed like they always have there wouldn't be a "shortage" of essentials. there also wouldn't be huge crowds at one time which is the exact opposite of what we need rn. if they bought what they needed when they needed it would be less traffic throughout the day rather than one massive crowd in the morning

but somehow people still arent understanding that and are acting like it's gonna be a full on lock down or smth
People are stocking up because even though stores are open we're not supposed to go out more than absolutely necessary so if we can have enough necessities on hand to limit trips out, all the better.

I don't have to cite that your age group overwhelming votes Republican lmao. That is a known fact.
So Republicans caused this? I think the finger can be pointed squarely at Communists here. And again, it sure looks like the under-50s who are still not taking this seriously, in my neck of the woods at least.

Do you honestly believe that Dems would have had Universal Health care and 100% paid sick leave for all in place before this happened? And that it would've had any significant impact on this? Very naive.

And no response to the point about Gen X ? Like they don't exist?

You cannot be taken seriously. Shame, I thought you were actually a fun poster at one time. My bad.
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I don't have to cite that your age group overwhelming votes Republican lmao. That is a known fact.
There are many race/ethnicity groups that don't vote Republican regardless of age. Also for many the state you live in is more an indication of how you vote than your age. In the last 60 years the only Democratic candidate that my state did not vote for was McGovern, Mondale, and Dukakis.
i went to my store to pick up animal crossing and the line went pretty much around the building and there was absolutely no personal space at all. most of the people lined up were definitely older folks, there were some younger ones too but i'd say the majority was 50+ easily
But were the 50+ staying for hours trashing Style, whining about the fitting rooms, destroying home decor & then whining that they can't sit in Starbucks for another two hours? My guess is no.
I get it.
Thing are tense and fucked up.
But lets not take it out on each other.
There is a shitload of blame to go round.
There will be debates about it for decades.
Right now however, we need to keep things from getting worse not rip each other apart.
Every episode of The Walking Dead hammers home the point that the problem was not the zombies but the asshole humans.

Let's not be the asshole humans.
I blame Trump for this whole situation. He was briefed on a probable pandemic on January 3rd. Down plays the whole situation from day 1. "Oh, it's just like the flu - no big deal." Even to this day, he's trying to say they are close to finding medicine and vaccination when this is not true. He's the most incompetent president and people are dying because of his neglect and stupidity.
People are stocking up because even though stores are open we're not supposed to go out more than absolutely necessary so if we can have enough necessities on hand to limit trips out, all the better.
Texas didn't get the memo about "not going out more than necessary". My store has been super busy all week. Style, Domestics, Toys & Tech are getting trashed like it is Christmas.
Even to this day, he's trying to say they are close to finding medicine and vaccination when this is not true.
It is true. You just have to define "close" as months away instead of weeks like most people want, or years as things usually progress.
C'mon guys, Commie said stop. Just stop. There's a political thread for that type of thing.

If it helps anyone retain hope, think about this:
- The Spanish flu hit in 1918.
- 1/3 of the world's population caught it, around 1.5-2% died.
- Young healthy folks were also dying, not just the people in poor health.
- There were no tests, no way to identify and quarantine people who weren't obviously sick.
- There were no ventilators.
- There were no antivirals, and no hope of one being created.
- There were no antibiotics for secondary infections. Just lots of fresh air.
- There were no disposable gloves or facemask. Hope you wash your cloth mask well.
- Reports were that hospital wards looked like something out of a Middle Ages plague era, and every morning they removed the bodies of the dead.
- They stacked the bodies of the dead in the morgue because there were too many bodies and too little room to lay them side by side.
- There were no laws about price gouging and funeral parlors took full advantage of the situation.
- The social safety net was nearly nonexistent. Hope your church and relatives like you.
- Health insurance was nonexistent. If you couldn't pay for what little medical treatment was available you went without.

- Just a couple years later there were flappers and speakeasies.

We will survive. Society will survive. Most people will survive, and the deaths while tragic will not be a civilization ending number. We just have to push past our fear and be smart in our daily lives. Blame games and panic are more of a danger right now to people than the virus is. Blame games and panic often lead to more dead people than a disease scare does, because they lead to hot tempers and crime.
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