COVID-19 Coronavirus...

Its official. While there are no cases in my county (testing ? What testing?) my staycation has begun. I went to Walmart and among other things bought a case of Guinness, a tarp and a shovel. As long as the former holds out I shouldn’t need the latter.
I told my wife similar. We buy duct tape, electric knife, small spade and at the checkout say, "Welp, better than yesterday; we only lost one today!"

I still see mouthwash available. Can't we just wipe our hands with that if no sanitizer is to be had? It burns us! Must mean it's working.

One takeaway for me from this is... anything with alcohol is good. Drinkable or not.

Leffe Ale & Murphy's stout makes a beautiful black & tan, if you're so inclined.
Here some sad news
I still see mouthwash available. Can't we just wipe our hands with that if no sanitizer is to be had? It burns us! Must mean it's working.

In case you're not joking, no. The alcohol content needs to be above 60%. but mouthwash maxes out around 20-25%.

what the heckie is this lmao

A scam.
Here some sad news

The Grand Traverse County Health Department wants to make the public aware of two locations where recently confirmed positive COVID-19 cases were present while symptomatic.

You fucking assholes. I hope you survive and the relatives of anyone who dies due to your actions sends you reminders every fucking year that your actions killed them. Stay the fuck home, you selfish fucking assholes.
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You fucking assholes. I hope you survive and the relatives of anyone who dies due to your actions sends you reminders every fucking year that your actions killed them. Stay the fuck home, you selfish fucking assholes.
The article doesn't say what symptoms they had at the time. They very well could have had a slight sore throat at the time and thought nothing of it, as almost anyone would, until it got more serious later.
My state, liquor stores are considered essential services and are allowed to stay open. I can't think of any reason they'd be essential except DIY sanitizing supplies.
Probably so people don't go into detox and potentially die, for the real alcoholics. Or start ingesting other, non-safe things to do the same - causing them to waste hospital resources.
My state, liquor stores are considered essential services and are allowed to stay open. I can't think of any reason they'd be essential except DIY sanitizing supplies.
Probably so people don't go into detox and potentially die, for the real alcoholics. Or start ingesting other, non-safe things to do the same - causing them to waste hospital resources.
I love my wine, but even I said the same thing at first, that liquor stores aren't essential. It was pointed out to me that not only would alcoholics suffer and possibly die, but that even those without alcohol dependence would go crazy and people may attempt break-ins to get booze - so yeah, I'm on board with liquor stores staying open!
Forgive me if I'm just rehashing old shit, but I didn't see this on my first read through: So, since Target has been deemed an "essential" store (bullshit in my opinion) does that mean we will stay open even if total lockdown/shelter-in-place orders go into effect? I know some states have that already, and word is our governor may be declaring that soon for us.

Has anyone completely shut down yet? I've already been off work because my brother is waiting for his COVID test back and our whole house was quarantined, but I was not offered the paid LOA. I have a low immune system and asthma, and I'm just worried that if this stuff gets way worse before it gets better that I might be screwed if I'm forced to go back to work. Kind of don't want to ask my HR about it, though, because I'm already the problem child who had to be out while nobody else in my store has had to quarantine yet.
Here some sad news

This was always going to happen. Sooner or later. We're wide open, no screening of guests or TMs.
I saw in so many countries people are getting health checked like checking temperature with a contactless device before letting in to a public place like stores or malls. That would be a good thing to practice at stores like Target and Walmart.
A person in my household tested positive on Monday. My HR discussed it with the other LODS and decided to send me home early. I'm not to report to work for the duration of 14 days. HR called me later that day to contact Benefits about how to get the 14 days of pay due to quarantine. I called the Benefits line and they said I was mistaken and that my HR has to call the Crisis line. I call my HR and she in turn calls the Crisis line. She called me back and said the Crisis line for this particular case is for TMs to call. I call them. They say the Crisis line is not for Covid-19 and to call....the Benefits line. I call the Benefits line and go through the recorded options and finally find a message to send info to [email protected]. I sent the info they wanted. I know they are busy but still no response yet. I just now contacted Benefits through the web chat and was also given that email address.

I'm not in dire need of the money right now, but it kind of sucks lol. I'm not even sure if I'm in the wrong in thinking I should be given the 14 days of pay.
I think you should be given 14 days pay as you are required to stay home for 2 weeks. They might be still struggling with following a correct process. But keep your HR and benefits updated through emails and calls.
A person in my household tested positive on Monday. My HR discussed it with the other LODS and decided to send me home early. I'm not to report to work for the duration of 14 days. HR called me later that day to contact Benefits about how to get the 14 days of pay due to quarantine. I called the Benefits line and they said I was mistaken and that my HR has to call the Crisis line. I call my HR and she in turn calls the Crisis line. She called me back and said the Crisis line for this particular case is for TMs to call. I call them. They say the Crisis line is not for Covid-19 and to call....the Benefits line. I call the Benefits line and go through the recorded options and finally find a message to send info to [email protected]. I sent the info they wanted. I know they are busy but still no response yet. I just now contacted Benefits through the web chat and was also given that email address.

I'm not in dire need of the money right now, but it kind of sucks lol. I'm not even sure if I'm in the wrong in thinking I should be given the 14 days of pay.
They just passed the stimulus bill in Congress that includes 4 months of full pay for unemployment benefits

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