COVID-19 Coronavirus...

About time. Other businesses updated their commercials weeks ago while T was still promoting Easter shopping. I will be looking for this one on TV.
BTW right now due to many businesses experiencing an extreme drop in revenue, television advertising revenue has dropped sharply. This is particularly true for local over-the-air broadcast stations including network affiliates. It's a great time for Target to run tons of bargain-priced TV advertising as we're still open.

The Ultimate Karen.

Idaho woman arrested during protest after refusing to leave a closed playground -

I'm not finding direct links, but apparently Karen (aka Sara Brady) got hold of and released the personal address of the arresting officer and there was a huge crowd that showed up at his house as a "protest" that was actually quite intimidating. And when someone decided turnabout was fair play the police are sending out extra patrols to make sure she's safe (that part is on the police department's FB page).

And most of the park was still open, just the playground was closed. Apparently this was a setup to demand everything be fully opened immediately. Guess they don't care about their small children getting COVID-19.

I don't normally wish major ill on a person, but I hope that the DA does decide to press charges and give her a criminal record. And her husband leaves her to save his own career and pursues sole custody since she can't be trusted with her children's health.
Idaho is one of the states that is slow on the uptake because they haven't been hard-hit yet. Still, if you have half a brain you know what's happening in this country and the world, and they should all be taking steps to minimize the spread. Those idiot moms should be arrested and the police officers should be wearing protective gear.

Why is humanity so dumb?
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The Ultimate Karen.

Idaho woman arrested during protest after refusing to leave a closed playground -

I'm not finding direct links, but apparently Karen (aka Sara Brady) got hold of and released the personal address of the arresting officer and there was a huge crowd that showed up at his house as a "protest" that was actually quite intimidating. And when someone decided turnabout was fair play the police are sending out extra patrols to make sure she's safe (that part is on the police department's FB page).

And most of the park was still open, just the playground was closed. Apparently this was a setup to demand everything be fully opened immediately. Guess they don't care about their small children getting COVID-19.

I don't normally wish major ill on a person, but I hope that the DA does decide to press charges and give her a criminal record. And her husband leaves her to save his own career and pursues sole custody since she can't be trusted with her children's health.

What a complete bitch.
Why are people constantly talking about "opening up" the country, lifting restrictions, "when things get back to normal", etc? And talking about second waves? We aren't done with the first damn wave!

I honestly feel like this has just started, we aren't halfway through this yet, but people are talking like it's winding down or about to disappear. Makes no sense to me at all. Folks need to settle in, and the idiots on tv should stop acting like this will all be over soon.

Not trying to be a downer, but people need to face facts. This is one for the books, and life is not going to go back to "normal", at least not for a long, long time. JMHO.
Why are people constantly talking about "opening up" the country, lifting restrictions, "when things get back to normal", etc? And talking about second waves? We aren't done with the first damn wave!

I honestly feel like this has just started, we aren't halfway through this yet, but people are talking like it's winding down or about to disappear. Makes no sense to me at all. Folks need to settle in, and the idiots on tv should stop acting like this will all be over soon.

Not trying to be a downer, but people need to face facts. This is one for the books, and life is not going to go back to "normal", at least not for a long, long time.
You're right, "normal" is gone, in several months or a year there will be a new normal.

The thing that bothers me is the lack of widespread testing. How do you know you can open up a community if you don't have accurate numbers of who's been sick, verification that sick is a one time thing, and know if the curve has been flattened enough to relegate COVID-19 to the same importance as influenza in that community? Not just the test to see if people are currently sick, but antibody testing that will reveal the recovered people. If people aren't showing symptoms, then how do you know if 30% of your population has been sick and you have to maintain isolation, or if 80% of your population has been sick which would give a decent herd immunity and the remainder can't overwhelm the local health care system so everything can safely open up.

I did read an interesting blurb about the people who have a second round. It may not be a second round. Coronaviruses as a rule don't reinfect until a wildly different mutation, but they can resurge at the tail end of an infection, making you feel like hell just after you thought you recovered. Some places have been doing rectal swabs, found that COVID-19 is in the intestinal system long after the standard test shows a negative result. Rectal swabs show an active infection for one month, and combined with resurgence would give the illusion of a second round of infection. (I will have to dig deep into my browser history to find the article.)
Part of the problem with those reports is the people who are reporting "virus detected after someone was declared recovered" are using tests with different protocols and sensitivities, so they don't know if people are really being reinfected or seeing a resurgence in the virus or if the virus just lingers in the system in a non-active, non-contagious way. So, people are being retested with more sensitive tests that are able to detect smaller bits of the virus' RNA but the people conducting those studies aren't checking to see if the bits to see if they really represent a reinfection or resurgence or just that it takes that long to stop shedding bits of the virus' RNA.

There's just so much that's not known or not well understood at this point. In part because people conducting studies rush to the nearest media outlet rather than their peers for review, resulting in a lot of uncertain-to-bad info getting out. And once it's out, it's damn hard to retract.
They are not testing in our area unless you need hospitalization. You will get a presumptive positive diagnosis, told to self quarantine and call if symptoms worsen. How does that roll with the LOA?
in los angeles county they're doing free testing for all "essential" workers

just signed up for an appt online and was in and out within 30 min and my results are gonna be emailed to me

i dont get why they wouldnt test unless u need hospitalization cos like i thought for some people symptoms dont show
in los angeles county they're doing free testing for all "essential" workers

just signed up for an appt online and was in and out within 30 min and my results are gonna be emailed to me

i dont get why they wouldnt test unless u need hospitalization cos like i thought for some people symptoms dont show
I know! I know 2 people with pneumonia and all but a couple of the symptoms, but no tests because they do not need to be hospitalized. They were told that there were not enough tests available.
Has anyone’s store had a team member with a confirmed case? How was that handled?
You will probably be notified a few days to a week later. They won't tell you who or what department. They will tell anyone who worked in direct contract with that employee (if anyone) for an expended period that they may be infected. Nothing to anyone else. You may not notice any additional cleaning or they may make a show of it.
We had a TM have to go on a two week leave because a family member tested positive. He had been setting a pog that couldn't be finished for a few days because everything in his cart was quarantined. They cleaned all of the label strip holders on that pog as well as his cart and everything in it.

We were told about it the day after he seemed to skip out on us without finishing his work.

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