Some may have breathing issues where they can't.Why are older employees allowed not to wear face masks. Anyone who works in healthcare can tell you plastic face shields do not provide the same protection as masks and are made to be work in addition to masks.
Ok sure@qmosqueen Pretty please, smaller pictures. Thank you. 😊
Some may have breathing issues where they can't.
I find that the 10-packs of non-woven masks we sell are pretty lightweight and breathable. I have asthma but I've been ok wearing a mask, even cloth ones. Just have to focus on deeper breaths occasionally, and remove it to drink water and stay hydrated regularly.
There was a press release, and it's on national news, so I assume everyone?So I guess Target's gonna start requiring face masks per the news? Anyone here this at their store. In an area with no mask mandate.
Thanks for posting this. I have some to return now. Glad I haven't used up my Germ-X yet.!! BORN BASIC HAND SANITIZER HAS METHANOL IN IT AND IS RECALLED BY THE FDA !!
FDA updates on hand sanitizers consumers should not use
FDA Warns consumers and healthcare professionals of Hand Sanitizers contaminated with
I don't understand this, someone explain it in little words. Since the alcohol isn't being drank then what is the problem in using it for sanitation?!! BORN BASIC HAND SANITIZER HAS METHANOL IN IT AND IS RECALLED BY THE FDA !!
FDA updates on hand sanitizers consumers should not use
FDA Warns consumers and healthcare professionals of Hand Sanitizers contaminated with
Some of it can be absorbed through skin.I don't understand this, someone explain it in little words. Since the alcohol isn't being drank then what is the problem in using it for sanitation?
So many people in my state are acting like this is all over and life is normal again, including members of my own family. I feel like I am outnumbered and doomed, honestly. Many guests are not wearing masks in the store, despite Target policy and state mask policy. Even TMs are walking around without masks or pulling them down or off frequently. I feel very alone in my feelings right now.
And Coronavirus rolls on and on foreverI visited with my husband today. Stopped at a truck stop along the way and it was culture shock compared to my tiny town. Easily a third of the people didn't have masks, I suspect many of them were truck drivers, not ordinary motorists. They put up a barrier but there's a little mini buffet, it's still filled but an employee was packing the containers for the customers (no longer self serve). Another employee brought out more food and he had a chin mask on, face uncovered. Yeah, handling food.
I met my husband outside his workplace, most people had masks but there were a few that didn't. Many were putting them on as they walked in the door, not before.