Archived Corrective Action / Final Warning Question

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Oct 8, 2012
Hopefully somebody will be able to answer or at least send me in the direction to get the answer.

Best Practices (don't we all love to hate that phrase) states that when a Corrective Action is given to a Team Leader, it has to be reviewed by somebody (generally HR) our of the store. Isn't that also true for Final Warnings? Doesn't that have to be reviewed and signed off on out of the store? If it is best practice and isn't followed, what can be done?


If this is in the wrong area, I apologize. It had to do with Team Leads
Hopefully somebody will be able to answer or at least send me in the direction to get the answer.

Best Practices (don't we all love to hate that phrase) states that when a Corrective Action is given to a Team Leader, it has to be reviewed by somebody (generally HR) our of the store. Isn't that also true for Final Warnings? Doesn't that have to be reviewed and signed off on out of the store? If it is best practice and isn't followed, what can be done?


If this is in the wrong area, I apologize. It had to do with Team Leads

Basically you are correct... however if they are attempting to performance this person out and they aren't on best practice i have seen it only get submitted when they get to the point of termination.... At which point the hrbp will review it... if they haven't done it right it may have to be done or start over... so consider yourself lucky they haven't reviewed it and hope they documented something wrong
Corrective Actions and Final Warnings have to be reviewed by DTL or HRBP, but are signed at the store level.
actually, hourly employees the CA is handled by hr mgr & stl, exempt employees are hrbp
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