Question about the alleged SD bonus incentive for promoting female gender and/or minorities to leadership role?

Apr 16, 2022
Yeah.. so, I've been told about this being supposedly a thing.. some bonus to store directors and possibly even executives leaders that is based on the amount of female leaders and/or minority leaders they have working under them.

Obviously not something that they want to publicize. But, at this point.. I've now heard about it from a few different ETL's, both an HR and AP ETL and ex store manager..

My guess would be that the point of this incentive, if it exists, is to promote giving women a better chance at promoting and to most likely create a sense of having "Diversity" at their stores. Much like their highly boasted claims suggest.

I know target is obsessed with maintaining this image of being the company that is super progressive (even though they are clearly not). But my question to you all is whether or not this bonus actually exists or not. I've wondered about this for years after hearing about it the very first time. And frankly, it would make a lot of sense if it was true. Based around the fact that I've watched specific minority leaders commit the worst offenses and treat the team so poorly getting hotline call after hotline call and never get in trouble. Yet, they are so quick to fire your male team leaders over petty issues or questionable offenses.

Any clarity on this would be greatly appreciated. And if you don't want to post, please just message me privately.
Yeah.. so, I've been told about this being supposedly a thing.. some bonus to store directors and possibly even executives leaders that is based on the amount of female leaders and/or minority leaders they have working under them.

Obviously not something that they want to publicize. But, at this point.. I've now heard about it from a few different ETL's, both an HR and AP ETL and ex store manager..

My guess would be that the point of this incentive, if it exists, is to promote giving women a better chance at promoting and to most likely create a sense of having "Diversity" at their stores. Much like their highly boasted claims suggest.

I know target is obsessed with maintaining this image of being the company that is super progressive (even though they are clearly not). But my question to you all is whether or not this bonus actually exists or not. I've wondered about this for years after hearing about it the very first time. And frankly, it would make a lot of sense if it was true. Based around the fact that I've watched specific minority leaders commit the worst offenses and treat the team so poorly getting hotline call after hotline call and never get in trouble. Yet, they are so quick to fire your male team leaders over petty issues or questionable offenses.

Any clarity on this would be greatly appreciated. And if you don't want to post, please just message me privately.

Here's the thing; Spot is really careful about doing anything that could get them sued.
Plus the only reason they want 'diversity' is because it makes them more money, basically performative not the real thing.
They don't want anything to come up that will cost them a dime.
So having a bonus for this purpose wouldn't fit into that paradigm.
That doesn't mean they don't have a bonus that couldn't be applied that way and well as others.
One where the wording is so vague that no one could prove that was what it was for.
Getting more TLs and ETLs who look and think like the majority of the employees is a good idea.
I worked in a store where 60% of the TMs were Hispanic but all of ETLs were white (some less than 4 years out of college) and none of the ETLs spoke Spanish.
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Yeah.. so, I've been told about this being supposedly a thing.. some bonus to store directors and possibly even executives leaders that is based on the amount of female leaders and/or minority leaders they have working under them.

Obviously not something that they want to publicize. But, at this point.. I've now heard about it from a few different ETL's, both an HR and AP ETL and ex store manager..

My guess would be that the point of this incentive, if it exists, is to promote giving women a better chance at promoting and to most likely create a sense of having "Diversity" at their stores. Much like their highly boasted claims suggest.

I know target is obsessed with maintaining this image of being the company that is super progressive (even though they are clearly not). But my question to you all is whether or not this bonus actually exists or not. I've wondered about this for years after hearing about it the very first time. And frankly, it would make a lot of sense if it was true. Based around the fact that I've watched specific minority leaders commit the worst offenses and treat the team so poorly getting hotline call after hotline call and never get in trouble. Yet, they are so quick to fire your male team leaders over petty issues or questionable offenses.

Any clarity on this would be greatly appreciated. And if you don't want to post, please just message me privately.
I’ve never heard of such a thing and never got a bonus for it.
Executive Recruiters will get bonuses for reaching goals for diversity (they also get compensation for recruiting attributed to them) but at the store level it is definitely not a thing. Maybe for Field leaders but honestly I doubt that. If anything it's likely a metric that the HRBP and rest of field HR is scored on.
I believe it. Spot said very clearly a couple years ago that they wanted to increase the number of black employees across the board by 20%. Target pledges to increase number of Black employees by 20% as companies are pressured to take action -
I agree that representation among leadership needs to be increased to proportional numbers. But the fact is Target was already employing a disproportionately high number of black team members compared to the general population.
I don't know about bonuses, that leaves a paper trail which as CommieCorvus pointed out is not profitable, but I can say when I applied for PML I was told "unofficially" that I'm too "white bread" so don't even apply... just my experience

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