COVID-19 COVID Fatigue, Coping, Support, Venting, etc.

I can’t relate in the same way others are, but I signed up for online classes to finish my Bachelors and I can say it’s a bit of an adjustment to say the least.
I have to say I'm surprised at how many people say tbeir kids don't like virtual schooling. I hated pretty much every minute of school and would have LOVED to be able to home school.
My kid likes virtual school as she feels less anxious about the school day when at home . But she is less social with kids and has some communication challenges. That’s why we thought we will send her to school though it feels scary at times . Her first day back went great! 🙏
I had a household member who was positive earlier this year and I received pay when I had to quarantine. Does anyone know if Target will pay if I would test positive? I wasn’t sure if they would pay twice.
Tomorrow is the last day of hybrid school for my middle schooler (they're keeping the elementary kids for now) and I'm just fucking heartbroken for him. Kid needs other people, and trying to do school work at home is not working.

And, of course, the reason for this is Covid is spreading unchecked and we're almost out of hospital space and more people are dying.

Tomorrow is the last day of hybrid school for my middle schooler (they're keeping the elementary kids for now) and I'm just fucking heartbroken for him. Kid needs other people, and trying to do school work at home is not working.

And, of course, the reason for this is Covid is spreading unchecked and we're almost out of hospital space and more people are dying.


I feel ya there! I'm pretty sure next week will be my daughter's last hybrid days. Our county's cases just hit 58 with the cutoff of 50 to keep elementary hybrid. She's going to be devastated.
Again I have to say I am shocked at all these kids who actually want to go to school. I was always much happier at home than I was at school, from my earliest memories. Me and my siblings all loved weekends and summer vacations and did not look forward to going back to school in the Fall.
Again I have to say I am shocked at all these kids who actually want to go to school. I was always much happier at home than I was at school, from my earliest memories. Me and my siblings all loved weekends and summer vacations and did not look forward to going back to school in the Fall.

From what I am seeing of my daughter's first grade work, the difference may be in how everything is being taught. It's not a lot of rote memorization and rigid structure, I see more visualization being used- drawing pictures to show math concepts for example. Writing/reading uses more open-ended methods- instead of being told what to read, the kids can choose as long as they read the required amount of books or minutes over the course of a month. Writing lets them choose the stories they tell and they build upon those stories as they learn more about how to write them.
Kids crave structure, home all day may not have enough structure.

Kids also don't get to play or hang out with friends from school, so they also have the same social deprivation that is driving adults stir crazy.

I always said I would love to not work and play video games all day. After 5 months of no work, no structure, no purpose, my mental health was collapsing. Maybe the same for children, the "no school!" dream turned into a mental health nightmare.
Hmmm, I would say that kids don't crave structure so much as they need it.

I guess I can see how some adults would also feel that way, but it never really applied to me. My sister is the same way. We love nothing better than to be at home, free to do what we choose. It is important to build your own structure into the day though - the beauty is that it is your own structure, not something imposed on you by outside obligations.

When I was on my LOA I made sure to get up at a reasonable time and get dressed every day (and in jeans, not yoga pants, lol), and try to do at least one or two tasks or "chores", be it cleaning a room in the house, doing essential shopping, organizing and cleaning out closets, etc. It definitely helped me feel a sense of accomplishment.
We've had a major spike in Anchorage.
My oldest has been exposed with two of her staff at her bank coming down with it.
My ex-wife's best friend who just lost her husband got it from her grandkids.
My friend who I go to Record Store Day Black Friday with was exposed by his aunt who didn't tell anyone when she brought her kids to a birthday party.
He has an autoimmune disorder so that is severely fucked up.

I have had to cancel the two things that make November bearable as it gets down to 5 hours of light and 0 Degrees outside.
Fuck 2020 and fuck the guy who couldn't run this country in a way that would keep this disease to a minimum.
So my new job deals with people who can't pay their bill. Most people are honest and like I just can't pay. One lady sat there and was like your so lucky you have a job. You don't have to worry about bills. Your health is good so you don't have to worry about getting covid. I was pissed because she didn't know what I struggle with day in and day out. I almost quit that day.
We've had a major spike in Anchorage.
My oldest has been exposed with two of her staff at her bank coming down with it.
My ex-wife's best friend who just lost her husband got it from her grandkids.
My friend who I go to Record Store Day Black Friday with was exposed by his aunt who didn't tell anyone when she brought her kids to a birthday party.
He has an autoimmune disorder so that is severely fucked up.

I have had to cancel the two things that make November bearable as it gets down to 5 hours of light and 0 Degrees outside.
Fuck 2020 and fuck the guy who couldn't run this country in a way that would keep this disease to a minimum.

also fuck the guy who ate a bat or whatever patient zero did

We got another case yesterday . Our cleaning process is getting strict from now on . Hope we could control it . We have 3 cases in total this month and not so far apart.
I'm pretty sure I have PTSD at this point and it's not even in the past yet. Any mildly bad local news (and there's been a lot recently) and I get a huge surge in OPU orders. My feet are shot. My knee aches. Today, my left quad feels like hot rubber. And, any day that I don't pick 400+ OPU units I get asked what's wrong? Gee...I don't know? Everyone else on the team rarely hits 300 units in a day, that's what's wrong. I'm fucking tired.
I know your pain. I'm a 400+ picker too. Ice those knees and soak the feet my friend as there doesn't seem to be an end in sight for awhile.
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Cracking down harder on masks at my store again. I’ll believe it when I see the higher ups wearing them properly.
Also haven’t had a cleaning person in months. Got two cart wipers for each side every day but no dedicated cleaning person.

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