COVID-19 COVID Fatigue, Coping, Support, Venting, etc.

Died *from*, or died *with*. I could die *with* a cold but it doesn’t mean I died *from* that cold

People with HIV-AIDS die from tuberculosis.
Yes, they die from the one disease but it was an opportunistic condition that would not have happened without the HIV-AIDS.

People with COVID-19 die from opportunistic conditions and infections, respiratory failure, sepsis and secondary infections., That's why people have to have double lung transplants.
And of course there is the problem of comorbidity.
That was something the conservatives were harping on like crazy when this started.
"Oh, they must have been sick with something else and that's the only reason the rona killed them."
Well, guess what, just about all of us have something going on that the rona finds to kill us with.
Are you too fat, have high blood pressure, have a heart issue you didn't know about, it could be anything and it will find it.
Or it will just fucking kill you like it has done hundreds of teenagers and little kids for no reason that the doctors can figure out.

COVID-19 became the third biggest cause of deaths in the week of March 30 to April 4, trailing heart disease and cancer.
It killed more people than stroke, chronic lower respiratory disease, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, kidney disease or influenza. In that week, close to 10,000 people died of the illness caused by the coronavirus.
The flu, which The Impeached 45 and other people who don't understand how numbers work have invoked when talking about COVID-19, led to 1,870 deaths (a figure that includes pneumonia) during that same time.

After we get the vaccine distributed, after we get herd immunity, then maybe we can relax a little bit.
But we will still need to change out habits.
Wear a mask if you have to go out in public if you are sick, don't go to work if you are sick.
Bug the congress and senate to get us decent healthcare so we can go to the doctor when we are sick without being afraid of losing our shirts.
Have the president put plans in place for future pandemics and then hold future presidents feet to the fire to follow them.

We are all sick and tired of this.
I didn't get to have Thanksgiving with my kids or do Record Store Day, something that I do every year.
It's better to give up things you care about for the moment so you can have them in the future.
That's what being a grownup is all about.
Factoid: a buddy is a Captain for Southwest Airlines, he told me a passenger plane gets essentially "new cabin air" every 1 min 30 sec. The circulation mechanism in an airliner is extremely efficient. With essential distancing they are safe.

A little bit of fabric is incredibly scary to some people and I can't figure out why.

Unfortunately some people have to get COVID before they realize they were WRONG.

Considering most people are asymptomatic when they have Covid, I find that there are more out there who get it and don't change their minds about it. The serious cases are not as common as you may think.
People with HIV-AIDS die from tuberculosis.
Yes, they die from the one disease but it was an opportunistic condition that would not have happened without the HIV-AIDS.

People with COVID-19 die from opportunistic conditions and infections, respiratory failure, sepsis and secondary infections., That's why people have to have double lung transplants.
And of course there is the problem of comorbidity.
That was something the conservatives were harping on like crazy when this started.
"Oh, they must have been sick with something else and that's the only reason the rona killed them."
Well, guess what, just about all of us have something going on that the rona finds to kill us with.
Are you too fat, have high blood pressure, have a heart issue you didn't know about, it could be anything and it will find it.
Or it will just fucking kill you like it has done hundreds of teenagers and little kids for no reason that the doctors can figure out.

COVID-19 became the third biggest cause of deaths in the week of March 30 to April 4, trailing heart disease and cancer.
It killed more people than stroke, chronic lower respiratory disease, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, kidney disease or influenza. In that week, close to 10,000 people died of the illness caused by the coronavirus.
The flu, which The Impeached 45 and other people who don't understand how numbers work have invoked when talking about COVID-19, led to 1,870 deaths (a figure that includes pneumonia) during that same time.

After we get the vaccine distributed, after we get herd immunity, then maybe we can relax a little bit.
But we will still need to change out habits.
Wear a mask if you have to go out in public if you are sick, don't go to work if you are sick.
Bug the congress and senate to get us decent healthcare so we can go to the doctor when we are sick without being afraid of losing our shirts.
Have the president put plans in place for future pandemics and then hold future presidents feet to the fire to follow them.

We are all sick and tired of this.
I didn't get to have Thanksgiving with my kids or do Record Store Day, something that I do every year.
It's better to give up things you care about for the moment so you can have them in the future.
That's what being a grownup is all about.

I'll tell you something, unless people get more adjusted to it or there is some miracle cure (vaccines don't kill off any virus or sicknesses for that matter in totality; flu shots exist yet people still get the flu every year)... unless one of those two things happen, you'll be saying this for 5-10-15 years from now, that you had to make that "one" sacrifice for the better of mankind!!
Except that the whiny snowflakes *aren't* making that sacrifice when they're half-assing it by wearing their mask under their nose or on their chin or refusing to wear one because of 'muh rights as a 'murican'.
If people would just do it right instead of trying to do end runs, we'd see a real drop like we did during the FIRST lockdown.
If people wanna be stubborn, get sick & die - thanks for removing yourself from the gene pool.
But when you get someone sick unwittingly because you didn't warn them that you were asymptomatic, that's akin to manslaughter & I wish all kinds of evil to fall on you.
But hey, you can't fix stupid & you can't quarantine it either so I'll just do my best to keep your germs & stupidity away from my loved ones.
And yes, we've lost two relatives to COVID in the last few months.
Could. But I could also die in a car accident. Shall I isolate from cars and roads because of the distinct possibility of death and/or injury?
Dude, quit being a feminine hygiene wash. This is a very dangerous virus. It's so crazy different from other human viruses that it's darned near impossible not to catch it. And for whatever reason (scientists, get off your asses) the symptoms have a crazy range pretty much unseen.

Yeah, you could die in a car. Far less likely. But haven't we regulated the automotive industry near to death to reduce deaths? Yeah, we have, and deaths have dropped dramatically from the days when a mom's reaction when driving was to throw her arm out because her unseatbelted toddler was heading for the windshield or when you could stuff 15 kids in the bed of a pickup, with them riding on the edge and not in the bed at 60mph.

We need extreme measures for the moment until the medical and scientific community get their act together and list specific detailed facts on how to fight it and how to drop potential severity to almost none.

This isn't the apocalypse, but this also isn't the seasonal flu. It's a dangerous time, and riding it out in proper fashion will make it go away faster. Breaking the known facts, that'll make it all worse.

This is unprecedented only for one reason. For maybe the first time ever, we have enough of a chance to develop a treatment that buying time with extreme measures means it's not eventually inevitable. Before, people could try to protect themselves with simple measures, but whatever nasty germ invaded couldn't be stopped and enough people had to die before things got under control. We don't have to do that this time around (scientists, get off your asses), we can come to a coexistence that is partially on our terms, not all on the germ's terms.

Oh, and buying time is desperately needed to help those getting sick today. If there aren't too many patients in the hospitals, people won't die that could have lived with proper medical treatment. If infections have been slowed to so much of a crawl that doctors don't really have to worry about holding medicines and items in reserve for the next case, they can throw so much stuff at a patient that the patient who would have died without all the bells and whistles will live.

Not the apocalypse, not a run of the mill germ, but really nasty. We have to buy time. We have to buy a lot of time. We may be able to wrestle this pandemic into submission (scientists, get off your asses) rather than praying for a miracle or smudging to get rid of evil spirits, but medical research needs it slow to outrun it.
But when you get someone sick unwittingly because you didn't warn them that you were asymptomatic, that's akin to manslaughter & I wish all kinds of evil to fall on you.
Sorry for saying something that'll probably make things more inflammatory, but as I recall many states have laws, I think forms of assault, if someone with HIV has unprotected sex with someone without telling them in advance. If knowingly passing a virus without taking any attempts to not pass it is a form of assault, why not another virus?
I know two people who have died from Coronavirus.
I hope you are lucky enough to never have that happen.
I know people who have been sick with it and are still dealing with long term effects.
I hope you are lucky enough to never have that happen.
I am currently working with my team making plans for how we are going to deal with the influx of people who have long term disabilities because of coronavirus.
I am sure you will never have to do that.
Of course this isn't the zombie apocalypse but all the movies and TV shows about zombies aren't about zombies as monsters (at least not the good ones).
They are about man's inhumanity to man.
And this pandemic has done an amazing job of bringing that to the forefront.
If you ever had any doubt that we would be wiped out in a zombie apocalypse, our behavior during this pandemic has pretty much proved we would.

People with HIV-AIDS die from tuberculosis.
Yes, they die from the one disease but it was an opportunistic condition that would not have happened without the HIV-AIDS.

People with COVID-19 die from opportunistic conditions and infections, respiratory failure, sepsis and secondary infections., That's why people have to have double lung transplants.
And of course there is the problem of comorbidity.
That was something the conservatives were harping on like crazy when this started.
"Oh, they must have been sick with something else and that's the only reason the rona killed them."
Well, guess what, just about all of us have something going on that the rona finds to kill us with.
Are you too fat, have high blood pressure, have a heart issue you didn't know about, it could be anything and it will find it.
Or it will just fucking kill you like it has done hundreds of teenagers and little kids for no reason that the doctors can figure out.

COVID-19 became the third biggest cause of deaths in the week of March 30 to April 4, trailing heart disease and cancer.
It killed more people than stroke, chronic lower respiratory disease, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, kidney disease or influenza. In that week, close to 10,000 people died of the illness caused by the coronavirus.
The flu, which The Impeached 45 and other people who don't understand how numbers work have invoked when talking about COVID-19, led to 1,870 deaths (a figure that includes pneumonia) during that same time.

After we get the vaccine distributed, after we get herd immunity, then maybe we can relax a little bit.
But we will still need to change out habits.
Wear a mask if you have to go out in public if you are sick, don't go to work if you are sick.
Bug the congress and senate to get us decent healthcare so we can go to the doctor when we are sick without being afraid of losing our shirts.
Have the president put plans in place for future pandemics and then hold future presidents feet to the fire to follow them.

We are all sick and tired of this.
I didn't get to have Thanksgiving with my kids or do Record Store Day, something that I do every year.
It's better to give up things you care about for the moment so you can have them in the future.
That's what being a grownup is all about.
Bravo @commiecorvus! Well said!
Sorry for saying something that'll probably make things more inflammatory, but as I recall many states have laws, I think forms of assault, if someone with HIV has unprotected sex with someone without telling them in advance. If knowingly passing a virus without taking any attempts to not pass it is a form of assault, why not another virus?
People hiding their symptoms is a big problem. A neighbor and friend of my sister's has a circle of friends who were not taking the virus seriously. They are all in their mid-forties.Two of them went out to dinner several weeks ago with their husbands and another couple. Posted pictures on Facebook of them laughing and whooping it up with a caption about how it was "long overdue" and what a great time they had.

Yup, you guessed it: all six of 'em got the rona. High fevers, chills, cough, fatigue, headaches, the whole nine yards. Turns out the restaurant's owner, a cook, and a waitress were all positive and came to work anyway. They were shut down and can now do takeout only. Not sure about all of them but at least one of the couples is still having lingering health issues and they are finally taking it seriously, canceling social plans and wearing masks, etc.
Yesterday was like a normal Black Friday around here. People packed into the store. Less than half wearing a mask. Also woke up last night to a text about another case in the building. Like sheesh.

Then today we get a double and somehow they managed to schedule no closing gm people or early am gm team to work the truck. Oh well.
Dude, quit being a feminine hygiene wash. This is a very dangerous virus. It's so crazy different from other human viruses that it's darned near impossible not to catch it. And for whatever reason (scientists, get off your asses) the symptoms have a crazy range pretty much unseen.

Yeah, you could die in a car. Far less likely. But haven't we regulated the automotive industry near to death to reduce deaths? Yeah, we have, and deaths have dropped dramatically from the days when a mom's reaction when driving was to throw her arm out because her unseatbelted toddler was heading for the windshield or when you could stuff 15 kids in the bed of a pickup, with them riding on the edge and not in the bed at 60mph.

We need extreme measures for the moment until the medical and scientific community get their act together and list specific detailed facts on how to fight it and how to drop potential severity to almost none.

This isn't the apocalypse, but this also isn't the seasonal flu. It's a dangerous time, and riding it out in proper fashion will make it go away faster. Breaking the known facts, that'll make it all worse.

This is unprecedented only for one reason. For maybe the first time ever, we have enough of a chance to develop a treatment that buying time with extreme measures means it's not eventually inevitable. Before, people could try to protect themselves with simple measures, but whatever nasty germ invaded couldn't be stopped and enough people had to die before things got under control. We don't have to do that this time around (scientists, get off your asses), we can come to a coexistence that is partially on our terms, not all on the germ's terms.

Oh, and buying time is desperately needed to help those getting sick today. If there aren't too many patients in the hospitals, people won't die that could have lived with proper medical treatment. If infections have been slowed to so much of a crawl that doctors don't really have to worry about holding medicines and items in reserve for the next case, they can throw so much stuff at a patient that the patient who would have died without all the bells and whistles will live.

Not the apocalypse, not a run of the mill germ, but really nasty. We have to buy time. We have to buy a lot of time. We may be able to wrestle this pandemic into submission (scientists, get off your asses) rather than praying for a miracle or smudging to get rid of evil spirits, but medical research needs it slow to outrun it.

Ok so in 10 years when you’re still saying we need to buy more time and scientists need to get off their asses, don’t forget that you’ve wasted 10 years and that many, many people died during that time just because of pure age or unrelated reasons, meaning they have also wasted the rest of their lives as well. I don’t buy the BS of the “perfect” cure
Just mask up until this c19 blows over, it will. Don't be a sanctimonious self serving asshole in public, just do it. The beauty of being a small business owner is that I can and will and have said to the cocky arrogant Karen and ManKaren they must mask up. If not, essentially get the fuck out. If they don't comply, the police will be called immediately. I, we, can get as loud and as obnoxious as we wish to preserve a healthy environment and we don't give a flying fuck about your so called "rights as an American." Listen up shithead, in my place you have NO rights. (not directed to anyone in particular on this forum, just a general info post.)
Ok so in 10 years when you’re still saying we need to buy more time and scientists need to get off their asses, don’t forget that you’ve wasted 10 years and that many, many people died during that time just because of pure age or unrelated reasons, meaning they have also wasted the rest of their lives as well. I don’t buy the BS of the “perfect” cure

It's not going to be a perfect cure.
It's going to be an vaccine that we will have to stay on top of just like mumps and measles.
If the idiot fucking anti-vaxxers get all up in it, the damn thing will come back to fuck us all over again just like mumps and measles.

The things we give up for the next year or so while they get herd immunity up and running from the vaccine is well worth the wait.
And as I said there will be changes that will have to made to our society as a whole if we want to stop this from happening again.
There are no perfect cures, not for something that can mutate.

My grandfather told stories about how they blockaded the roads to villages in Alaska that didn't have the Flu in 1918 with armed men.
if you left, you didn't get to come back.
Nobody got to come in and if you tried they would shoot you.

They dealt with people not wearing masks by putting them in jail.
The nailed up people's houses and put a black X on the doors.
This was how the survived the last pandemic.

I'm not saying we should go that hard.
It would just give the anti-maskers proof of what they have believed all along.
I'm saying that my grandparents and your great-great grandparents had to make some tough fucking choices.
You are here because they made those choices.
Mary Mallon was forcibly held in quarantine by the government for over two decades simply for being contagious. The story wasn't a cover; she had been released from an earlier quarantine just by promising she wouldn't do the one activity that was spreading her illness and was arrested again because she broke her promise. No trial, just arrested and held.

A perfect cure would be like other viruses and bacteria in the end. Partial immunity to any new mutations, sick and miserable but not in danger dying. We'd just be bypassing all the deaths that typically happen before we get to that point.
I’m sorry guys. Bottom line is I am not living locked down, not living in fear, for years beyond this one. I refuse to and I’d hope many others would refuse to as well
I’m sorry guys. Bottom line is I am not living locked down, not living in fear, for years beyond this one. I refuse to and I’d hope many others would refuse to as well
It's nice that you have that choice, as I assume you are in your 20s or maybe 30s. When I was that age, I wasn't as worried about such things either. My nephews and niece are not as concerned as us older folks. All we ask is that you mask up and keep your distance.
It's nice that you have that choice, as I assume you are in your 20s or maybe 30s. When I was that age, I wasn't as worried about such things either. My nephews and niece are not as concerned as us older folks. All we ask is that you mask up and keep your distance.
Yeah and it may not be a big deal if certain people get it, I’m 26 and relatively healthy and I’m sure it would just be like a bad cold for me. But I’m worried about spreading it to my 60 year old mom who had an autoimmune disease, or my dad who has a history with high blood pressure. And I’m worried that when they’re in a supermarket, they can catch it from some invincible-feeling 20-something year old and suffer because of it.
While I'm sure that you have decided if you get it, oh well, I also hope that you have enough decency to feel horrendous guilt if you pass it on to someone who suffers and maybe dies because of you.
I think for me the stress I am getting tired of is the not knowing. Is the TM that has called out a couple times sick or just deciding not to come in? Is the guest who just walked by me without a mask sick or just lazy? When was the last time this Uboat, I am grabbing off the line, cleaned? Etc..

I know everything has been put into place to protect us and I am hopeful about this vaccine. But I know it will be a long time before all of these thoughts go away.
My kid’s school is going full online for next couple of weeks!! There has been an increase in cases reported and people might travel during thanksgiving. As a caution they are going online for atleast 2 weeks.

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