COVID-19 Covid Vaccine Bonus

Oct 13, 2014
Hi, was there a 4 hour bonus if you turned in a vaccine certification? Was it paid automatically once you turned in cert? If so, is it coded on pays tub with reg work hours? I can't get an answer and I have left msgs for HR, but no response. Since we got that big bonus, I know I sound greedy, but some people say they got it.
It is listed as Emergency Pay on the paystub and paid at your regular hourly rate. HR must key this pay in after you show them your vaccination card in order for you to be paid.
Thank you very much!
Hroc told me only you get paid if it interfered with reg schedule. So if i was off that day no pay for me but if i had to leave early then yes pay for me.
Hroc told me only you get paid if it interfered with reg schedule. So if i was off that day no pay for me but if i had to leave early then yes pay for me.
I got paid even though I got my shot on days I didn't work.

I actually didn't even have to show my vaccination card.

There has been a lot of confusion on vaccine pay issue due to bad communication.
Hroc told me only you get paid if it interfered with reg schedule. So if i was off that day no pay for me but if i had to leave early then yes pay for me.
That's not true, there was the same confusion with my HR ETL.

They are probably mixing up something different, you can get paid sick leave you miss work due to vaccine side effects in many states. But you get the 4 hours of pay no matter what.
Hroc told me only you get paid if it interfered with reg schedule. So if i was off that day no pay for me but if i had to leave early then yes pay for me.
You get 2 hours of pay per shot that you get regardless if you worked or not. You just show your vaccination card to your HR and they key it in. What HROC is referring to is if you experience adverse side effects after vaccination. You get paid up to 3 days with a doctor’s note.
You get 2 hours of pay per shot that you get regardless if you worked or not. You just show your vaccination card to your HR and they key it in. What HROC is referring to is if you experience adverse side effects after vaccination. You get paid up to 3 days with a doctor’s note.

Does anyone know where the proof of this can be found?
I got a $100 bonus at the grocery store I work at and we were encouraged to get the shot at our in-store pharmacy, while on the clock.

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