We have two tms in our RX who have been with the company 19 and 20 years respectfully. They were told that if they stayed in the RX then they would no longer be employed by Target...if they chose to move to another area then of course they could stay with the company. One of the ladies is the RX team lead...she has spent all these years working for Spot only to come on one day and find out..Oh yeah...you may be working for a different company soon. One of the other ladies, works in the RX part time...flow the rest of the time. She wa told if she stayed in the RX ( after take over) she would no longer be allowed to work flow. I also have overheard guests asked the RX team about what was going to happen etc...the RX team tells the guest that they don't know...that the public knows just as much as they do. IF Spot just had to do this...then they could had better prepared the RX team instead of just some bs email they sent out on the day of .