Archived dating policy?

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As far as TPS goes. It depends on the store. I can date any TM..My STL and TL is ok with it. I Know a TPS thats married to someone on the sales floor.
Dang, I never know about such things until the culprits finally........ disappear. I'm like, "uh I haven't seen so and so in awhile." and then I get an ear full.....

I'm thankfully very naive.
We had a GSA who started dating the STL - They transfered her out, he stayed; they brought in ALL new management. He changed Everything by doing that.
I'm only asking because it's a lot of that going in my store and I was just curious about the whole relationship stuff outside of work.
Wow only 30-40%? Your store must have way more cameras than mine does! :huh:

I wish I could say I still worked there, but I don't.. To answer your question though, we did get some additional cameras during our 2009 remodel. There were, and still are so many blind spots to be found :angry:

Target.. Why you no cover entire store with Cameras?
Honestly I've never understood why the stores don't have more cameras. They always throw these outrageous dollar amounts out there for additional camera cost but I doubt they're true. The marginal cost to adding a camera to an existing system cannot be very high. The only roadblock I could see is maybe additional server storage. That's where the costs could start to add up when you're talking about the whole company.
1) Just like to say that being an SFT and not under anyone in the store means I could date anyone I feel like(not that I am, but it's nice to have options 😀 ).

2) There are three types of camera systems: Analog, Digital and a Hybrid system. Trust me, this equipment can become VERY expensive. Target doesn't use the cheapo cameras you can pickup just anywhere and hardware/software to receive and control multiple cameras at once is specialized. One camera and one control box just sent us back about $3,000(I believe) awhile ago.
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