Dating TPS???

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May 28, 2013
I'm a gstl and I have a crush on one of our TPS....and a lot of people say it looks like he likes me....We talk a lot but try to keep it dl like lately we've been saying hi to each other and that's about it, I try to avoid him to get rid of the crush but I can't help but like him. I've never liked anyone as much as I like him.. Idk what it is. I'm literally to the point where I want to quit and then tell him... What's targets dating policy on dating? In my circumstance?
In the almighty glorious handbook of spotty it says TL's cannot date Team members....but if it were me I wouldn't take the chance it would be like dating a cop or something it's a conflict of interest (I think I might have used that phrase right not sure)

Conflict of Interest


: A conflict between the private interests and the official responsibilities of a person in a position of trust

I guess.
Question answered.

Anybody think we should close the thread?
One of you would have to transfer stores. The problem isn't so much you being a team lead so much as it is him being a TPS.
TPS and Execs are completely hands off to the entire store. Not going to happen.

Discussion closed.
With him being tps that's a recipe for disaster like everyone else has said. If you two want to have a relationship then possibly one of the two of you would need to transfer, or he change positions (to something besides cashier, or anything under GSTL chain of command)
Do what I did with one of mine a few years and hook up with him after he gets fired (or quits).
Thank you guys. What if I moved down to cashier or something?? Would it still not be ok?
Thank you guys. What if I moved down to cashier or something?? Would it still not be ok?

As stated,
TPS and Execs are completely hands off to the entire store. Not going to happen.

Discussion closed.
Execs and TPS are not allowed to be date or be blood related to anyone in the store. Its a conflict of interest policy. TLs can date TMs as long as they don't work in the same areas.

Someone would have to quit or transfer to another store.

In-store dating is a bad idea anyway.
In-store dating is a bad idea anyway.
Not always true, my last roommates stated dating at target, one a team leader the other just a tm, they are married now.. they both moved on to diff companies before they got married, but still..
If you are mature enough to keep it discreet and nobody finds out, then great, do it!
But let me tell you, from my own experience (being that I was a TPS for many years), dating people from target gets OLD.
You spend 40hrs there already a week, you go home, you think about work, you have friends from work, you then date someone from work and talk about work, and on top of all that, you have to think about work in the future. Honestly, sometimes you need that time away from target and target politics and have a NON-TARGET social life. Plus, the scope of what you two will discuss is completely different, as you have different objectives and roles in the store. Trust me, aside from the hookup, there is probably nothing to gain from it except awkwardness and stress in the future.
As per the pyramids....

Store Ops: Can date anyone that isn't their supervisor
Pharmacy: Same, but cautioned against due to handling of drugs
AP: Off Limits
HR: Off Limits
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