Found this dated (old POS-era) Guest Service handbook


Mouse in the backroom
Dec 20, 2022
A few days ago I went over to front end in my store to spider wrap some stuff and I found a Guest Service handbook. Curious, I decided to read it a bit as I had never seen it until that moment and I quickly realized it was quite out of date. While I never got to experience "old POS" (which everyone here seems to agree it was much better), this was very interesting. What I find odd is that this handbook is older than the store I work at; obviously I don't want to give it away but I will say that my store never had old POS or the red scanner handhelds at any point. I did take some pictures of the handbook of course

They mail a new store kit to every more store that includes manuals and training guides like bike building and these. They’re super outdated but like 85% of the stuff is still relevant so I assume they don’t edit the kids before mailing them out. They also include the old custom block forms from pre sort and stock
I used to love those training books when I worked at Guest Service. Lots of great tips and information for a lot of situations and scenarios. I wish they would update them for New POS and policies.

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