Archived DBO areas

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The clearance man... it’s an ugodly amount and nobody seemed to think about how terrible it would all turn out. Thankfully we got everything set except for the Nerf isle. We just rolled clearance from there into my summer/sport isles. It’s a giant mess and the prices are going lower everyday and there’s no way I can keep up with all of it. Half is probably salvage. I’m hanging on for when I get a few tm’s for seasonal help. But then again I’ll have to deal with training them on what to do and not to do just to make sure they don’t make my job harder having to go behind them. Haven’t touched Luggage/Auto/ASOTV in months and it shows. I really only get to take care of sporting goods cause i get a decent amount on the truck for it so i just zone as I push. Just way too much for one person to keep up with with the very limited hours.
You're so lucky you could put clearance into the summer aisles. I wasn't allowed to do that. My store's VM helped me condense the carry forward into one aisle and we used the rest of the space for clearance. It's selling but I'm prioritizing price change over anything else until it's all gone.

The workload is ridiculous for how many hours we're given. It's gotten so bad at my store, I had an offstage conversation with HRBP about it, even asking her for more hours and more time in my areas (I'm on inbound every morning). But nothing seems to have changed yet.

I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle every day..almost like I'm being set up to fail.
I'm the toys DBO. And I agree with everything being said about the clearance. 🙁 It's a mess.

However, I was originally the Toys/Sport/Auto/Luggage/ASOTV DBO. After about two weeks I told one of the ETLs that it was an impossible workload and I made sure to tell them directly everyday that I didn't finish the push. (Everyday) After about two more weeks, they split the position, so I am just Toys and someone else is Sport/Auto/Luggage and ASOTV. I know this doesn't happen in every store, but constant communication sometimes helps for ETLs and TLs to see what changes have to be made.
lately its been paper because no one knows how to use the stacker apparently
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