Archived Dear corporate

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My new thing, for when people tell me it is hot in the store, is to tell them they can go fill out the survey at the bottom of their receipt and tell our corporate offices that the store is hot. lol Don't know if corporate actually looks at those surveys but damn I hope so

That's a good idea!

We have the same issue with having a hot store and people complaining. Some TM would tell guests that complained to them that we are 'working on it' or something similar, although that wasn't true at all and they knew it. But I think they just didn't know what to say.
Normally I would just reply "I agree, it is far too warm". I'm not going to pretend that something is being done when I know it isn't.
My new thing, for when people tell me it is hot in the store, is to tell them they can go fill out the survey at the bottom of their receipt and tell our corporate offices that the store is hot. lol Don't know if corporate actually looks at those surveys but damn I hope so
I've been known to give them the guest relations number and encourage them to phone it in. 😛
Why does training have to be so hard, why can't you make diagrams? Or a mock pog explaining what each thing means? Or how about an actual picture that shows you how to do peghooks when you don't have a battleship? What about how to read yellow adjacencies and what back walls are standard and what are not? Or how to tell.

I also want clarification. Who pulls my pogs? Who sets tune in? Who puts up soft lines billboards and 7x11,s because if it's signing then that's a huge disaster due to the fact my male TM has no idea what a curvy cut or poncho sweater is. Who prints 3 by 5's? Why can't you outline responsibilities?? who was suppose to build the basic shippers and where do those hours come from? What are the actual responsibility and routines my signing person should have? What about the PPTL, SL TL, HL TLAND ETC. if my pricing TM can't complete Tuesday's workload how am I suppose to hold them accountable if I'm not sure how many hours that day's workload should've taken?

Why can't every team just have there own guides with how to dos', responsibilities, brand and diagrams?

Do you know how much this would improves process and training?

Sincerely a girl who needs some black and white in her grey works.

End rant.
Actually bullseye does outline a lot of what you ask lol. Though it seems it was not shown to you when you trained. Some things to for example:

Our store all backwalls are standard unles specifically called for in POG paperwork, aisles to the left of the aisle facing from race track are standard (r)ight hand for reverse, reason for this is so that item #1 on the section is always the first thing the guest sees from outside.

Peghooks are soemthing you get trained on visually, the POG always has the hole diagram, if it doesnt then the schematic page at the end shows u how far up in inches and how many inches apart they should be each line.

Adjacencies are simple tho not sure what needs clarification, each section has a title for the pog, if it is clearance, if it is a back or front SPL they will be noted with a B for back and F for front.

Tune in is set by POG team, the hours needed to complete it are in the Adjacency calendar in work bench. POG pull hours are by best practice given to backroom so it is their job to pull them.

Softlines signing is salesfloor unless it is storewide signing (big ones on walls) this is also on Adjacency calendar, all things ontop of the devider line are owned by POG all things under is salesfloor, the only exception to this rule is if your STL allocates all ADJ workload to pog so that salesfloor focuses on brand and strays.

Again Adj calendar tells you who owns and builds what. shippers i think were part of Salesfloor dept 407ish i could be wrong but owner is whoevers side of the line it is on, Singing is factored into each task individually not as a whole.

As for pricing you just look at the updated monday pricing workload report do the math the old rule was 120 eaches per hour ticketed but you now have to use mytime along with it to see where u stand, your pricing TM's should be able to tell you when u status before their shift what is feasable and u hold them accountable meeting half way.

Tm's have guides and outlines as to what they own and do, it may have become blurred due to the vibe and STL/ETLS not knowing they can pull the info on workbench and train the team. Target has alot of issues but there are resources, just stuff gets lost in the mix when u change teams or leaders and new ppl come in.

ALSO, we are a team and at the end of the day we should all work to help others if we can even if they dont help you, be the bigger person.
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Actually bullseye does outline a lot of what you ask lol. Though it seems it was not shown to you when you trained. Some things to for example:

Our store all backwalls are standard unles specifically called for in POG paperwork, aisles to the left of the aisle facing from race track are standard (r)ight hand for reverse, reason for this is so that item #1 on the section is always the first thing the guest sees from outside.

Peghooks are soemthing you get trained on visually, the POG always has the hole diagram, if it doesnt then the schematic page at the end shows u how far up in inches and how many inches apart they should be each line.

Adjacencies are simple tho not sure what needs clarification, each section has a title for the pog, if it is clearance, if it is a back or front SPL they will be noted with a B for back and F for front.

Tune in is set by POG team, the hours needed to complete it are in the Adjacency calendar in work bench. POG pull hours are by best practice given to backroom so it is their job to pull them.

Softlines signing is salesfloor unless it is storewide signing (big ones on walls) this is also on Adjacency calendar, all things ontop of the devider line are owned by POG all things under is salesfloor, the only exception to this rule is if your STL allocates all ADJ workload to pog so that salesfloor focuses on brand and strays.

Again Adj calendar tells you who owns and builds what. shippers i think were part of Salesfloor dept 407ish i could be wrong but owner is whoevers side of the line it is on, Singing is factored into each task individually not as a whole.

As for pricing you just look at the updated monday pricing workload report do the math the old rule was 120 eaches per hour ticketed but you now have to use mytime along with it to see where u stand, your pricing TM's should be able to tell you when u status before their shift what is feasable and u hold them accountable meeting half way.

Tm's have guides and outlines as to what they own and do, it may have become blurred due to the vibe and STL/ETLS not knowing they can pull the info on workbench and train the team. Target has alot of issues but there are resources, just stuff gets lost in the mix when u change teams or leaders and new ppl come in.

ALSO, we are a team and at the end of the day we should all work to help others if we can even if they dont help you, be the bigger person.

I am aware of all this, but there is absolutely no clarification y
Actually bullseye does outline a lot of what you ask lol. Though it seems it was not shown to you when you trained. Some things to for example:

Our store all backwalls are standard unles specifically called for in POG paperwork, aisles to the left of the aisle facing from race track are standard (r)ight hand for reverse, reason for this is so that item #1 on the section is always the first thing the guest sees from outside.

Peghooks are soemthing you get trained on visually, the POG always has the hole diagram, if it doesnt then the schematic page at the end shows u how far up in inches and how many inches apart they should be each line.

Adjacencies are simple tho not sure what needs clarification, each section has a title for the pog, if it is clearance, if it is a back or front SPL they will be noted with a B for back and F for front.

Tune in is set by POG team, the hours needed to complete it are in the Adjacency calendar in work bench. POG pull hours are by best practice given to backroom so it is their job to pull them.

Softlines signing is salesfloor unless it is storewide signing (big ones on walls) this is also on Adjacency calendar, all things ontop of the devider line are owned by POG all things under is salesfloor, the only exception to this rule is if your STL allocates all ADJ workload to pog so that salesfloor focuses on brand and strays.

Again Adj calendar tells you who owns and builds what. shippers i think were part of Salesfloor dept 407ish i could be wrong but owner is whoevers side of the line it is on, Singing is factored into each task individually not as a whole.

As for pricing you just look at the updated monday pricing workload report do the math the old rule was 120 eaches per hour ticketed but you now have to use mytime along with it to see where u stand, your pricing TM's should be able to tell you when u status before their shift what is feasable and u hold them accountable meeting half way.

Tm's have guides and outlines as to what they own and do, it may have become blurred due to the vibe and STL/ETLS not knowing they can pull the info on workbench and train the team. Target has alot of issues but there are resources, just stuff gets lost in the mix when u change teams or leaders and new ppl come in.

ALSO, we are a team and at the end of the day we should all work to help others if we can even if they dont help you, be the bigger person.

Actually here in lies the problem, you have given me information that goes against best practice. While you can piece some information together, most of it is not clarified or offers info that clashes with other info. For example if you press the I on adjacency calendar it'll say hours include pulling, but if you pull up Plano best practice it says the hours do not include pulling.

The information regarding adjacencies is all grandfathered in, and if I went what you were saying I would have my boys underwear in girls.

My issue is I have a new pricing team and no resources within my district as I somehow am ranked in the top ten for our district and only 3 or so of the stores are green and when I went to 2 of them they typed in dpcis they couldn't find.

Tune is actually not under Pog, as they are SPL's under the revision section on the salesfloor page with the exception of new release check lanes. It's said the electronics TM is responsible under best practice? But because you have to piece all the information together everyone has a different answer which contradict eachother because target can't supply us with core roles and learning materials that would only increase productivity.

So thank you for proving my point that target needs to clarify more than a few things.
The responsibilities are outlined. Everything that the OP was asking for is already posted on workbench. At the end of the day being a leader in the building means figuring things out and getting the job done. This is a job not pre k where someone is gonna hold your hand and help you along

Actually core roles were just revamped and now all core roles are basic with a few roles that do not clarify certain things 😉 but thank you.

I'm not asking anyone to hold anyone's hand but as a leader it's my responsibility to be able to clarify things to my team members when they want or need resources or when they ask why they are being told two different things.
I have a pricing TM that can't complete 1 days workload in a week and myother new TM can run circles around them and gets frustrated. But all or most of that day's work will be done, so someone else has to bust their butts off? Not really fair

My pog team is upset that they have to put up signs and that we pull Our own batches or when they have to remerch clearance because that's not what it tells them on workbench.

I have an awesome store and leadership team so this is in no way me trying to see if I'm being screwed over. My work centers were bright red and are now consistently high green and high yellow. I was currently on maternity leave and came back to not only a new training system but was promoted to a senior before I left, so I want to be able to prepare and train my team how to understand and access things better as I now close and have LOD shifts. So forgive me for wanting to be a a good leader and set my team up for success, because they are the reasons for all the success of my work centers before I took over. I need them to trust and respect me.
I'm going into my third year, and wondering WTF is going on?

If I was CEO, I'd be rocking shit differently...

The real thing we need to be asking of corporate is for them to fucking turn on the AC when it is 100 degrees in August!!!

Ya no crap....Today I was sweating while doing RFID tags in kitchen towels at store is so freaking stuffy and humid but HQ REFUSES to do anything to make it more comfortable. We have had tons of guests complains going back years and they dont give one shit. And it rarely even gets above 90 here
Actually core roles were just revamped and now all core roles are basic with a few roles that do not clarify certain things 😉 but thank you.

I'm not asking anyone to hold anyone's hand but as a leader it's my responsibility to be able to clarify things to my team members when they want or need resources or when they ask why they are being told two different things.
I have a pricing TM that can't complete 1 days workload in a week and myother new TM can run circles around them and gets frustrated. But all or most of that day's work will be done, so someone else has to bust their butts off? Not really fair

My pog team is upset that they have to put up signs and that we pull Our own batches or when they have to remerch clearance because that's not what it tells them on workbench.

I have an awesome store and leadership team so this is in no way me trying to see if I'm being screwed over. My work centers were bright red and are now consistently high green and high yellow. I was currently on maternity leave and came back to not only a new training system but was promoted to a senior before I left, so I want to be able to prepare and train my team how to understand and access things better as I now close and have LOD shifts. So forgive me for wanting to be a a good leader and set my team up for success, because they are the reasons for all the success of my work centers before I took over. I need them to trust and respect me.

I wish you luck and the Plano TL is also a SR and I have no idea how they havent gone crazy and just up and left yet. When you are LOD you barely have time to do anything at my store
I'm working around hot machinery during peak times so I'll spend some time in the walk-in FIFOing (looks damn good right now).
Even when I walk out from behind the counter & into the store, it's still hot AF.
Then I walk outside into triple-digit weather & it actually feels BETTER than inside my store.
I tend to believe that while there is a pleather of information to get your 'hands on' there is an equal amount of contradicting information. It does lead to a lot of arguments. INstore even within this site. Take my signing position. The type of information I seek on WB is a joke as related to my position and what I really need to know and how to get it done and how to do it. And even how I get some of my information. Because when I go to get it, it says no information available.
While the information that's posted above might be technically correct, it's realistically false, outdated and not updated to reflect current policies and procedures. Then take into consideration 7 different volume types. I've said this before, I believ that spot is deliberate in its elusiveness. It then cannot be held accountable because well hey, the information is there isn't it? Then meanwhile we are all here in the swamp like little puppies looking to see if we are going to get a reward for doing it right. But alas, we picked the wrong piece of information.....
And I think that is the problem the op is trying to solve. It's a problem I have many times banged my head against the wall for. My only suggestion would be to Mysupport it. But I'm not really sure if that is going to get you far....
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