I was a skinny guy (still am
) when I became a TPS
130lbs to be exact. I spent a good bit of my time, just in the AP office watching cameras, or at the doors. (More then likely, you won't be a door man
but still, there's a possibility)
And BTW, you will tackle at some point. Yes, it's against rules, but there'll be a time your APS or ETL-AP asks you to. The important part is that you can try to hold the guy/gal down until another APS, TPS, or ETL-AP, APTL can get there and handcuff. Hell, if your desperate, tackle the guy, and then ask (a nearby guy) if he'll help you hold the guest down, more then likely they'll be nice about it and help... (just don't do this a lot, or you may get coached