Archived Development Problems..ugh!

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May 12, 2013
So, I was hired on at Target this past holiday season as a softlines brand team member. I really like it, caught on really quickly, and I got top performer and everybody seemed to be impressed with my work. At my review, my TL started talking to me about my development and I decided to go for it. (I told my TL and ETL about my decision) My TL said that I would need to be more global and start learning about outside of softlines. I talked to my ETL-HR and she sounded excited about it, and told me I would just have to clear it with my ETL since she makes the softlines schedule. I started to ask and didn't even get all the way through my question. As soon as I mentioned other areas, my ETL says that before I can learn other areas, I need to get softlines running "flawlessly" and that the daily routines are not being done (research, label maintenance, ad map, etc.)

Now this is where I have a problem. I am the only softlines brand team member. I am usually only scheduled 1-2 morning shifts a week, and the rest night shifts from 4 or 5 until 10. When there IS a workload to be done and I am there 3+ morning shifts, I will be told to skip the routines because the tasks need to be focused on. (for instance I was told this by my ETL this past week while doing the RTW adjacency. The only routine that was done was putting new jewelry out and locking up vendor product. Although this was supposed to be my day to superzone and research in jewelry, I was told not to by my ETL.) Skipping the routines when the workload is heavy wouldn't be too much of a problem, but these are the only times I am consistently there in the morning!

I am really at my wit's end as how I'm supposed to be completing all my routines consistently with the hours I am given. We can't research past 11AM, so that's automatically out. (although I do research the tables I set right after I set them, if it's before 11) I do rack alignment at night as I do reshop, towards the end of the week I complete the ad map before I start reshop, I do label maintenance on the odd occasion I am scheduled a full 8 hour night shift and I also do it whenever I am done with my tasks in the morning shifts I am given, usually towards the end of the shift. A GSTL suggested to me that my ETL doesn't want me to move up because I am the fastest at putting out softlines reshop, and she doesn't want to lose me and have it start piling up. I don't know about that for sure, but I could see it.
The other day I did tell my TL that I would like more morning hours so that I can complete the softlines routines. The new schedule hasn't gone up yet, but to be honest I don't expect any changes.

Anyone got any suggestions about how I can improve my routines, or who to talk to about being able to complete them better?
I think your gstl may be right. It sounds like your ETL may not want you to move away from softlines. I don't think that's right. A TL or ETL should be willing to let their top performer go on to pursue other opportunities, not be stuck and unable to grow and learn.

As for routines, it sounds like you're doing as much as you can with the hours and shifts you're given (and the direction given by your ETL).
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The only suggestion I would have is to actually sit and write down when you plan to finish routine tasks. If you have a semi-consistent schedule (i.e. you work the same mornings every week), you can map out what your plans are. You can then take this to your TL/ETL Softlines and ask them what you can do to prioritize/schedule routines better. If you need help finishing routines and other TMs or your TL is able to help you with them, try to delegate or partner with them. If you potentially did develop into a leader, you are going to have to deal with cut hours and more tasks anyway.

One of the biggest things that lets me know my team is ready for development is how active they are in seeking out criticism. Plus, showing you can own softlines processes by partnering with your team and being involved in planning as well as execution will give you great material for any future TL interviews! Also, getting other ETLs and your STL excited about your development can speed up the process quite a bit.

Good Luck!

Edit: Make sure you do all of this On-The-Clock.
I think your gstl may be right. It sounds like your ETL may not want you to move away from softlines. I don't think that's right. A TL or ETL should be willing to let their top performer go on to pursue other opportunities, not be stuck and unable to grow and learn.

This is also another way to piss off your old ETL, and cause tension between TLs/ETLs...but be advised that to move to another position, it has to be approved by both ETLs. Doesn't mean that they will be happy about it, and you may deal with the aftermath for awhile...
Dont super zone in the morning do it the night before and get some of ur softlines tm's to help you.

Also talk with your IS tl scans after 11 dont count if if if ur only zeroing the count. You should nvr be scanning after 11 with br loc though.

Small things like these are good for interviews as well. Make sure you apply for any tl spots that open either way their required to interview you which is valuable experience.

Also if your running the softlines zone at night and the hardlines tl calls out or there is none scheduled offer to run the hardlines zone as well.

When ur in huddles talk about things that are more global. Taking all breaks/lunches so that ur back on flr by 9pm to zone. talk alot keeping fixture room clean. Ensure ppl are calling over the walkie at night that their taking their break and this person is listening out for their calls. Call out that foreign and defectives need to go up to guest services.

These small things all make u more global and get you seen and heard by ppl other the ur tl/etl without taking away from your daily responsibilities. They show that you see the bigger picture, which is a big part of what their looking for.
I was in the same exact position before finally being let free to interview for TL (and I am currently a TL). My advice to you, don't give up, stay positive. Maybe have your ETL give you ownership of a few areas that are struggling and show that you can maintain those areas by having the team focus on them as week. Being a great leader isn't about YOU doing everything it's about having a very well trained team. Train the team on label maintenance how to print labels where to find peg hooks and label holders and have a team member take ownership of labels in accessories/shoes a separate TM focusing on gondolas and infants and another on boys and girls. And as far as being global make sure your team is responding to back up, if electronics needs help help them, do "vibe walks" or schedule them for the team to ensure great guest survey scores... Think the whole store not just soft lines. When checking for calfs call all the ones on the line out. Good luck, it is VERY challenging to move when your a key player on a team.
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