I'm in a similar position to you Penguin. I want to be a TL and I want it now. Like right now. No, more like yesterday. Being developed takes time. The time is so stupid long that you will get out of your "I want it now" phase and you will move into a "it'll happen when it happens" phase. If a position opens up, go on workday and apply for it. Make sure your resume, cover letter, and all that are dripping with target koolaide. When that position opens, you will have an interview with the ETL. You may or may not be passed off to the SD for more interview. During the interviews, you can either be promoted, put on the bench, or told no. Most people get put on the bench. They know your strengths and weaknesses already. It is totally possible that someone else will get the job and you will have to help them do the job you wanted. They will see how you handle that as well. Sometimes, it is easier to apply to other stores (target stores) than your own.