Archived Disrespect from corporate

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The problem with Target is that you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. They want you to VIBE but with permission. Do it without God's blessing and they'll term you for stealing.

Why when your idiot ETL-GE is in the building you run it by them, since he will sell displays as regular furniture, give a triple discount on a display TV making it $300 off giving away a wall mount for free(stand was lost). He gives the store away. No one even questions it anymore, they ask now "Was idiot the LOD?"

Yeah, what I deal with, his best buddy? The STL...
@Bosch - wish I knew which store so I could get hooked up. I just couldn't go through being a jerk guest trying to get a discount. Should but don't know if I could.

I think what bothers be more is hearing about no payroll or trying to cut but they give shit away to guests
@Bosch - wish I knew which store so I could get hooked up. I just couldn't go through being a jerk guest trying to get a discount. Should but don't know if I could.

I think what bothers be more is hearing about no payroll or trying to cut but they give shit away to guests

I could deal with a lot of stuff, but when you don't know you don't sell the bookcase displays or TV Stand displays in home décor you are screwed cause you know there is no back up on dealing with fraud..
That's just wrong on so many levels. I mean you would think ...that HQ would learn that we at the store level are not the enemy.A lil common respect goes a long way.
You summed it up. Some common sense wouldn't hurt either. I've only been in retail a few years but I have seen corporations fail. It doesn't look good for Red this moment. Bright side they could turn around. We as people are Reds most important asset. We will press on with or without Target. Uh Independence Day movie speech. Would like less flailing from corporate. Would stArt rant but have beastly unload approaching. (sleeping icon)
the people at corp are assholes... most of them have never worked at the store level. I just let everyone return whatever unless the LOD or GSTL or GSA tells me different. I don't want to deal with the shit.

I want to preface this by emphatically emphasizing the point that I do not agree with what the woman said and the lack of support in general that comes from Spot.

There is however a game I like to play in situations like these called 'What crawled up her butt?'
So having worked a phone bank I do know the joy of never knowing what is going to come over the line every time you hit damned red button.
I can tell you, it's wearing beyond belief and at the center I worked at there were people breaking down every week, some actually were taken away in ambulances.

For those of you who work GS, imagine if every person you got was someone yelling about being mistreated, not just a large percentage but all.
Now some of those are scammers to be sure, maybe ever a high percentage, but I'm willing to bet that some are legitimate people were their problem could have been handled by a LOD who decided to stay in their office, where coverage was so thin that the guest was treateded poorly just because there wasn't the time or manpower to do better, the GS TM was poorly trained, etc.
In those cases, I bet the phone bank people sit around on break and talk serious smack about the stores, kind of like we do here about them.

What are the chances that the same problems with cuts in manpower that are effecting the stores are hitting the call stations?
So she may not be able to pay her bills because her hours were cut or a friend just got laid off.
Knowing Spot she probably has a stack of memos on her desk about staying green on customer calls and how to make them happy, all of which contradict each other.
She probably needs to go to the bathroom but because of the cuts in manpower, the floor manager told her she has to wait 10 minutes for the two other people to get back.

So that's my game.
It doesn't excuse her in the slightest, she should have acted professionally and with respect no matter how much things sucked on her end but I like to think she might be someone we have more in common with than we are different.
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I am so sick of vibe. Let's vibe! How about we don't and say we did?? Bending over backwards for guests is getting insane. Just the other day a guest had a handbag with a clearance sticker ( clearly didn't match) she said I want it for that price!! I said I am sorry ma'am but the price and the numbers do not match and she wanted to speak to a manager and guess what?? They freaking gave it to her!! That's literally stealing!! She stuck the clearance sticker on there and she knew it! Ugh I am so sick of this vibing it is literally getting out of hand!
😱 Let's give away the whole store, Scammers run the place and eventually they'll go out of business because they'll be losing money. They really need to re-think things.
I think i am very lucky to be in a group 92 store. None of this bs goes on in my store we glefully say no to fraudulent returns , coupons and the POS credit card frauders. Then again 5 of the ten highest risk stores are in my group.
Target has really lost its way with the guest. The only people who target readily attracts are the scammers, which drive away the real loyal paying guest. I hate going to the suburban stores, which are in another group, they seriously give away the store. Then they expect that same bold treatment at my store, which just isn't happening.
UGH. We shouldn't be giving away the store, we should be scheduling more TMs so that the store looks more professional and there are TMs available to help guests find what they need. Who the hell thinks that giving the store away will drive loyalty?
Just had something similar happen at my store with a return for air mattresses.

LOD took the call, "Corporate" yelled at them so loud some of the cashiers were looking over. The LOD asked for the person's extension and said they'd call back to confirm their identity and then hung up. Turns out the person didn't even work for Target and was in on everything.

Lesson, never take a call from a guest/stranger's phone.
In my experience in "corporate" calls from guest service, the team member on the other end of the line is from Uruguay. If I was denying a return, pre or post "Vibe" I did it regardless of what the team member on the other end of the line said. There is such a disconnect between headquarters and the stores that there's never any sort of communication to district leadership that anything even happened.
Coupon scammer came to guest service. I refused to honor her $1.99 price match from KMart's online ad on 24 bottles of shampoo priced at $5.99, plus she had copies of $1.50 coupons. She asked to see the manager, so I called the LOD. I explained to the LOD and to the guest that we don't price match KMart online and we don't accept photocopied coupons and we don't accept price matches on 24 items. Guest whined, said that the store in another part of town did it for her. LOD said we had to do the deal for her. So I watched her ring it up for $11.76 plus tax. Less than an hour later, the guest returned all 24 bottles of shampoo on her driver's license and got a gift card for $143 plus tax. I watched the LOD do the return. Then I called AP and gave him a copy of the fraudulent return receipt. His question? "WTF would you allow that return?" shrug...ask Skippy, she made the sale, she made the return. I was just watchin.

ETA: Skippy apologized to me after she got reamed by AP.
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with all the fraud that is happening because of this vibe crap I see why one of our best GS TMs quit, it drove her nuts.
@Retail Girl Does no receipt return not work anymore? I always thought you could at least exchange if you go over the limit too.

Or was there some fraud going on? It sounded like a rather innocent return.
@Retail Girl Does no receipt return not work anymore? I always thought you could at least exchange if you go over the limit too.

Or was there some fraud going on? It sounded like a rather innocent return.

It's pure fraud. No one returns formula without a receipt with no need to buy more. Baby still needs to eat. Some is legitimately returned because the baby can't eat it, but they either have a receipt, the card they used, or just want an exchange. No receipt and no desire to buy more = fraud. There is a reason it defaults to an exchange without a receipt.
WHOAAA, daninnj. Who the heck returned all that? The Guest Service TM would get good scolding from our AP team for returning all that. Our store doesn't do large HBA returns without a receipt. Even if they have the card they used. Of course we make exceptions if they're obviously not frauders. I actually had a frauder give me her receipt, but she asked me, "Are you going to give me the full price." I responded with, "No, I'm going to give you what you paid for it." She said "never mind" and left.
I cant stand all the crap of scammers! I have seen a few scammers come in not wanting their faces being seen so they have on sunglasses or never look up for the cameras... very interesting.... very interesting indeed!
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