Archived Do you ever worry about free speech at Target?

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I don't think pop culture is taboo in my opinion. I mean if you know the team members and their demeanor and they are comfortable talking to you about things like movies, video games, and sports then why not? As long as an ETL or TL does not see or hear you talking about that crap, then why not?
When it comes to politics, I tread lightly and mainly only discuss that with team members that either don't really care or ones that I know that won't go squealing on me.

I don't like the mentality of "if you don't like it, quit". If my rights as an American citizen are being abused or possibly taken away while I'm on American soil, I have the right to complain about it on the world wide web.

When I said PDA, I am not talking about kissing or touching. I am talking about the types of affection that I guess are physical but you know something is there. Sexual tension is annoying. I mean if you are going to have sexual tension, go to a restroom or your car or a bedroom and screw. I don't want to see that crap. And it doesn't matter what way you swing or what you look like or what you believe in. I don't want to see it. Period, exclamation point, colon, pound sign.
There's going to be some sort of sexual tension in the workplace if two people are attracted to each other. PDA and flirting are different things. If some people are overtly flirting all the time, that's unprofessional...but if it's not negatively impacting their work then I don't see why it really matters. It happens in every work place. PDA implies people playing kissy face and smoochums all over the sales floor.

Not to sound dickish, but maybe it annoys you because you're a bit jealous? I've been there. In my opinion, other people's sexual tension only gets to you if you let it get to you.
I keep my thoughts to myself, at my store HR has a lot of "informants" who love to run and tell what ever they hear anyone saying about the leadership, store or company...We had a seasonal TM who started talking union and you would think the store went into a nuclear meltdown....
I pretty much said whatever I felt like-often colorful, certainly never brand. I considered it the sole perk of a job that didn't reward good performance in any way. Eventually a TL came in who decided not to put up with my behavior... And honestly good for him because it was getting out of control. It got me to start acting professional but I always said if I was going to lose the "perk" of being able to speak my mind that would be it for Target and I. I'm happy to say I made good on that promise 🙂
The thing is, your rights aren't being abused or taken away. You can still say whatever you darn well please...but just like every other time you speak, there will be (positive or negative) consequences for what you say. Unless they are threatening to try and have you arrested for what you say, then your rights are still intact. Unless you are self-employed, every single job you have will have it hanging over your head that you could say the wrong thing and be dismissed....that's not a Spot thing...that's a life thing.
The thing is, your rights aren't being abused or taken away. You can still say whatever you darn well please...but just like every other time you speak, there will be (positive or negative) consequences for what you say. Unless they are threatening to try and have you arrested for what you say, then your rights are still intact. Unless you are self-employed, every single job you have will have it hanging over your head that you could say the wrong thing and be dismissed....that's not a Spot thing...that's a life thing.
Not sure if you were responding to me because I wasn't trying to suggest my rights were violated but you are absolutely right. I had the right to say what I wanted just as Target(or any employer for that matter) has the right to reprimand me for any such comments. It got to the point where the only thing Target had over other employers was the fact that I could talk Sh*t at work. I didn't get written up once for almost 2 years. I would've been fired at most other jobs for my shenanigans but I came from a store that still has the "now hiring" sign up from when the store opened nearly a decade ago so keep that in mind. Eventually a TL from a not-terrible store transferred to my department and wasn't having any of it and gave me my first CA. I turned my attitude around quickly and put in my 2 week notice the next day. My first thought was "well if I can't be a dick at work what's the point of working here?" I had enough experience I could go almost anywhere else and make more money. That's when I realized I spent almost 2 years working a job I hated because I was able to talk about how much I hated it while I was there... And at that moment, all I could think was what a terrible reason to stay at a job. I just realized how wasteful it was and how I could have channeled that negative energy into something positive for me. Luckily it's never too late to change. I got a job at a very fair wage with a company who's future I'm excited for. I've been able to bring a positive attitude to work everyday which I know has been contagious with my co-workers and it just feels better not to be a jerk! And if a total stranger didn't stand up to me..... It might never have happened.
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Not jealous but you're entitled to your opinion. I just don't like excessive PDA or honestly PDA. It should be private in my opinion. If you've read my posts and know my testimonial, you would know that I would probably go crazy or insane if I had a relationship with a woman right now. Wouldn't be able to handle that drama and stress.

If I ever become rich, I will definitely have a lawyer and do my best to be able to get some type of document, form, or contract that protects from cry babies that say they got offended because of something I said.

Will any of you be brave enough and admit that you are going to be offended by something at least once in your lifetime? Why do people want to sugarcoat crap or act like they are immune to them? The world is a vampire. Not everyone is going to be nice to you. I'm sorry if that destroys your world but it's true. In your life, you are going to have times in which you are going to be offended. You just got to be the bigger person and realize that you are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else.
@Jackswastedlife99 my friend, can I tell you a story?
My family came from a long line political activists.
Some of our friends were people who had been involved in the movement since the early days.
One was an old Jewish fellow we called Uncle Sal.
He wasn't actually related to us but had worked with my grandfather with the IWW in the bad old days and was a hard core socialist (which is why every time I hear someone call the President a socialist I just have to laugh.)
Sal told me and my brothers about being beaten up for standing at a street corner and talking about unions.
He said the once he was hit with a bat for eating lunch with a black railroad worker.
That was by a cop.

This was the calmest, most laid back man you could imagine.
I asked him if he fought back or yelled back when they swore at him.

He said you didn't win that way.
You always told them they were wrong and let the chips fall where they may.
A polite society was built by people standing up to what was wrong and by being better than the people who couldn't control themselves.
Then he'd show us the cool scars he got.
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I get what you're saying. You can't fight hate with hate. That's something that American society needs to learn. If someone is racist or a bigot or doesn't like gayness, you shouldn't hate on them. You should try to lead by example and be their friend and maybe you can change your mind and maybe not. At the end of the day, you took the high road. And are you really going to not be friends with someone because they disagree with you on something or don't like what you say?
I get what you're saying. You can't fight hate with hate. That's something that American society needs to learn. If someone is racist or a bigot or doesn't like gayness, you shouldn't hate on them. You should try to lead by example and be their friend and maybe you can change your mind and maybe not. At the end of the day, you took the high road. And are you really going to not be friends with someone because they disagree with you on something or don't like what you say?

I have plenty of friends who don't agree with what I say and vice versa.
It makes for great evening of discussion and debate.
There are members of my extended family who are hardcore conservative Jews who I consider friends as well.

The deal breaker for me does tend to be direct racism, misogyny, homphobia and antisemitism.
In those cases the person is talking about members of my family.
I learned enough from Uncle Sal not to punch them for it.
Telling them they are wrong is enough and then walking away works.

If not now, when?
If not us, than who?
If you are on the clock or can be identified as a Target TM, you give up your right of free speech.

I have seen guests make complaints about other TMs, and the TM got reprimanded. TM yells at a car & driver for almost hitting them while crossing the crosswalk. A TM cursing outloud (wearing red/khaki & name badge) while getting lunch at the nearby McDonalds. Then there is the whole social media policy.

You mean to tell me I can do foolish things in public and It will be bad PR for this company? woohoo! be right back, will post results.
I think everyone has some type of prejudice in them on some level. With that being said, I do think some people tend to act out on their own prejudice more frequently and in detail than others. Should it be promoted or encouraged? Nope.
Do I think prejudice and racism and other isms will ever be erased from planet Earth? Sadly no because humans are imperfect beings.

You also have to realize that there will be some people in which you will be able to change their ways for the better but at the same time, there are going to be people that are thick headed and simply will not change or even attempt to do so. Sometimes, just got to accept defeat and be the bigger person.
I think favoritism definitely plays a part in whether or not a team member gets punished for something they say. I have been reprimanded for things I've said on the walkie talkie and to ETLs he I've hears team members say much worse. If the bosses like you, you have a little freedom in that aspect. If they hate or dislike you, be prepared for the worst. I heard a team member say "she press my buttons" all day. Some guests might take that as something sexual yet no punishment. Double standard if you ask me. I just get annoyed when people fake ask me how I'm doing. It's annoying.
Think of it this way, at least you don't work for General Motors.
In their hiring Power Point they have a list of words you are forbidden from using that is quite long and has nothing to do with political correctness.
They just don't want you reminding people they sell cars with features that kill people.

always, annihilate, apocalyptic, asphyxiating, bad, Band-Aid,
big time, brakes like an “X” car, cataclysmic, catastrophic,
Challenger, chaotic, Cobain, condemns, Corvair-like,
crippling, critical, dangerous,
deathtrap, debilitating, decapitating, defect, defective, detonate,
disemboweling, enfeebling, evil,
eviscerated, explode, failed, flawed, genocide, ghastly,
grenadelike, grisly, gruesome, Hindenburg,
Hobbling, Horrific, impaling, inferno, Kevorkianesque,
lacerating, life-threatening, maiming,
malicious, mangling, maniacal, mutilating, never,
potentially-disfiguring, powder keg, problem,
rolling sarcophagus (tomb or coffin), safety,
safety related, serious, spontaneous combustion,
startling, suffocating, suicidal, terrifying, Titanic,
unstable, widow-maker, words or phrases with a biblical connotation, you’re toast
This is for the execs.
The people who design the cars and deal with the press.
Saw some PDA again. If only I had a hidden video camera, (evil laugh in the background) one can dream.
If you are on the clock or can be identified as a Target TM, you give up your right of free speech.

I have seen guests make complaints about other TMs, and the TM got reprimanded. TM yells at a car & driver for almost hitting them while crossing the crosswalk. A TM cursing outloud (wearing red/khaki & name badge) while getting lunch at the nearby McDonalds. Then there is the whole social media policy.

You mean to tell me I can do foolish things in public and It will be bad PR for this company? woohoo! be right back, will post results.

Oh god, speaking of. I really got into it with one woman once...

I went to Starbucks in a neighboring town (where my college is) to work on a group project, still in my red and khaki. I had my nametag off and a zip-up sweatshirt on. I had just gotten my drink when the woman behind me commented to her friend "ridiculous. the help at target gets their coffee right away and we have to stand around and wait." Being the sarcastic ***hole that I am, I turned around and said "You can refer to me as a customer or a person, not the help. And since you apparently didn't notice, I got my drink first because I was in line before you." She told me she was going to call target and have them fire me for being rude (mind you, there are about 20 high volume targets within reasonable driving distance.) So I responded with "so you're going to call the billion stores in this area and tell all of them that you, a starbucks customer, were offended by another starbucks customer who Might work for you."
She told me that she "better not see me at work if I want to keep a job, and god knows you rats have enough damn trouble with that. Should have listened to your teachers and went to college" (as I'm literally holding a book titled college writing 3 in my hand.) and i responded with "i work in retail, I'm paid to be fake and friendly 40 hours a week. But when you snap I'll make sure they let you pickup the midol you clearly need before kicking you out."

talk about bad PR. whoooops

edit: still hoping i'll run into her just so i can provide the amazing service i promised, and see the infuriated look on her face.
I think in general, the higher up you get the more you re held accountable for what u say.
Had a mom tell her daughter (in a private school uniform) to "get her grades up or she'd wind up behind a counter" like me.
Wasn't going to waste my breath telling her I'd earned two degrees or of the circumstances that landed me there.

Shame you couldn't have got the kid alone and said "You know that thing your mom said? If you get her attitude about this kind of work you really will wind up behind a counter and you will a miserable little puppy."
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