Archived Does Target train at all or is it just

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May 5, 2013
When I got hired in Electronics right before Black Thursday, I figured that training would have been a bit delayed. But it never really came. Another Electronics associate showed me around the floor, that was effectively the extent of it. I was selling ESPs incorrectly until January, when some new literature hit the store. Hell, I had to figure out the register pretty much on my own. It's been 7 months, and I know little to nothing about the TVs past what the cheat sheet says on the display wall.

When I worked at Sears, I spent my first week getting basics training. I didn't even see the salesfloor for 3 days, and I didn't have customers until I was done. I was prepared to work with customers after my training, with a basic working knowledge of the processes of the store.

Am I expecting too much?
Are you expecting too much for training? No. Are you trying to use that as an excuse 7 months too late? Yes.
Look, if you're doing something for 7 months and have not picked up any bit of knowledge from anywhere then you need to look at yourself instead of the training policy. The amount of useless knowledge gained on a day to day basis is crazy once you think about it.

Go to workbench, print up the electronics championship material, blah blah blah
I'm not using anyrhing as an excuse. But I am being asked about things I don't know by customers and other associates and managers. About a month ago, the store manager asked if I knew how to make signs. I said I was shown about 5 minutes in to my first shift, but I thought there was a signing department for that. She looked bewildered.

I am just trying to figure out if my supervisor missed something.
I know that when I get a new Price Change TM, they spend a week shadowing my schedule so that they learn what needs to be done according to Best Practice plus they complete the learning plan. When I train new Price Accuracy TLs, they spend 2 weeks with me (unless it's a different district, then usually 1 week but sometimes 2) so that they can learn about the different reports, MySupport, the Price Accuracy Binder, how to be a PATL, and complete the learning plan. The second week, I watch them and hand the reigns of leading the team to them to see if they understand what they were taught and step in when something needs correcting.
Ignore stupid rules.

Your team lead of that department should have sat you down and talked over what your expectations of trainings are. The only thing is that if they have then you need to be firm about your training. Don't sign off anything till you receive it.
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Seems like my only expectations are to keep a tidy zone, work minimal hours, and collect RedCards. Other than that, we're on our own.
That's all and good, and my store when I worked there did that. But you should have been sat down and explained the training and expectations of a pg07 electronics team member. Things like Electronics champion quizzes, red cards, upselling, etc. If they are not having this conversations with you then you need to have a conversations with your HR-ETL about this because these are not expectations they can reasonably hold you to without proper training. lets be honest, it's not a very rigorous training but it still needs to be done.
when i train GSAs they work with me for a week and then the second week i put them with my strongest GSA to see how her and I do things differently (neither right or wrong) and then they're on their own. I still make sure they close with a strong ETL and TL their first time alone and they need to open during the week a couple of times before opening on the weekend.
dont listen to stupid rules

that isnt the proper way train anybody, around black thursday it gets crazy and training new team members is either very little or non at all, they just throw you with the sharks...but like you said, for you having to figure out the register yourself is serious and isnt right. usually another TM is elected to be a team trainer, so your team trainer probably sucked really bad.
I like this stupid rules.

If they don't show you, and push you to learn how to do certain things to be a global and amazing at your job, you do it yourself. Ask questions, and always be on them to learn you new things.
I think all Targets are like this. I know I wasn't really trained in hardlines, electronics, or backroom (where I am now). But I just always ask questions and learn as I go. So it wasn't so bad.
I understand that some stuff is learned as you go along, like racks and zones. I'm talking about product knowledge.
When I worked in camera stores, I read all the product info I could find. Same as when I worked at Sears selling appliances. And I had a good reason: commission. In the past couple of years, however, commissions have become a bad word in retail.
I try and spend as little time as possible selling things. Where is my motivation to wrap a lot of time into knowing my stuff?
I like this stupid rules.

If they don't show you, and push you to learn how to do certain things to be a global and amazing at your job, you do it yourself. Ask questions, and always be on them to learn you new things.

Training their staff costs money.
They much prefer you train yourself.
Of course that means if they want to get rid of you, it's real easy because you are going to be missing something someplace.
There's still crap I have no clue how to do, and I've been at this store going on a year. I remember them pulling out that training paper and talking me threw stuff in 30 seconds then checking off on it. They don't do much training at my store, that's for sure.
I guess its how they justify our pay and our job security. Target and the rest must enjoy their defenses against unionization.
This sounds so similar to my situation, I was on hardlines for 3.5 months and covered one shift in electronics for a no call-no show. One day, 2 tm were fired for stealing cell phones and 1 quit, and suddenly I got about 30-40 hours in electronics. I was given the key and nothing else. I asked what was an esp and attachments, since no one told me. I asked people in backroom to show me how to pull something just in case a guest ask for something and no one can pull it. I ask questions but when one trainer is selling the wrong service plans to guest and selling displays without a box or instructions. They have hardlines tm who still bring guests to me because they dont know where anything is after about 6 weeks of working there.The other trainer is rushing out the store when i come in to close, because the schedules are so tight they dont want anyone staying over without permission.
at my store, training hours are really scarce.. and when you do get them, you're not really trained, you just jump into it and learn as you go. this is my experience at a new store. Use your TM's and TL for help when you can.
This sounds so similar to my situation, I was on hardlines for 3.5 months and covered one shift in electronics for a no call-no show. One day, 2 tm were fired for stealing cell phones and 1 quit, and suddenly I got about 30-40 hours in electronics. I was given the key and nothing else. I asked what was an esp and attachments, since no one told me. I asked people in backroom to show me how to pull something just in case a guest ask for something and no one can pull it. I ask questions but when one trainer is selling the wrong service plans to guest and selling displays without a box or instructions. They have hardlines tm who still bring guests to me because they dont know where anything is after about 6 weeks of working there.The other trainer is rushing out the store when i come in to close, because the schedules are so tight they dont want anyone staying over without permission.

If you have questions, just ask. Here is a link on hardlines:
at my store, training hours are really scarce.. and when you do get them, you're not really trained, you just jump into it and learn as you go. this is my experience at a new store. Use your TM's and TL for help when you can.

One of the two reasons I don't bust my ass to sell things. In a department lkke Electronics, there is no excuse to not train employees. Of course, we all hear that we should do this on our own time, either between zoning 3-4 departments or on our off-time. Sorry, $8.32/hr isn't enough for me to waste my time. When I worked commission, I did. Commission sales, however, is now a dirty word...
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