Archived Domestics, Furniture, Kitchen Stuff Zoning Tips

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Aug 15, 2017
Hey y'all!
I've been at Target for about a little over a month now. I usually have pets,auto, luggage, and seasonal as my area but recently I've been schedule for CD&E block at my store which is domestics, furniture, home, stuff, kitchen and cooking appliances, office/school supplies, party/giftwrapping things, and arts and craft. I've been scheduled to do that 5 times in a row. Sometimes I feel stressed and overwhelmed so I was wondering if anyone has any tips to make it smoother going through my area?
Keep things off the floor. Keep first impressions looking orderly and don't over burden yourself. Worry about end caps, first couple sections of each aisle and just make sure nothing is blatantly out of place. Keep your reshop low. Things like the toasters and croc pots will usually not be touched often throughout the day and can be zoned at the end of your shift if you absolutely must zone them at all. I know backwall of kitchen is a mess in most stores but that's something I save for slower days. The party section gets hit by kids and lazy adults all day long but don't worry about constantly fixing it up unless your LOD is stressing it. Fix it up once mid shift and once near the end. Takes 15 minutes ish to pick up all the gift bags off the floor, hang up the tissue paper and re align the paper ont he base decks to a decent zone. Office and school is luckily not that bad anymore since BTS is over but you probably just need to touch it up a few times and the biggest problem will always be the reshop you get for that area. Kind of annoying especially if it doesnt even fit ont he peg so you know someone flexed it out onto the base deck out of laziness. Minimize your foot traffic and be mindful of your time. You'll be fine.
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