Archived Double Scan

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Apr 19, 2017
How do other stores process double scans? When a guest was double charged for something on the more expensive side, we verify it. However, if they buy it at another store, how would we know if that was true or not. Obviously we don’t want to assume that the guest is pulling one over on us, but they always have some sort of argument as to why it should be done. And I honestly think some stores tell people they can do anything they want at whatever store they want, so they don’t have to deal with it. I just am curious as to why another store would okay that, without there being some sort of proof first.
Guests should really just do it at the store they bought it from. Of course it'd be different if they were vacationing and went to Target in say... Washington, but live in Illinois, and tried to attempt a return at that Target in their Illinois residence, I'd do my best to return/exchange.

Even then, they should of had enough time to notice an error in the receipt before leaving. How someone pays without noticing an obviously very high number or even noticing the double charge as it happens is beyond me, they must be zombies. I can get some smaller things, but if it's expensive then.. not sure. You're right to privately assume they're trying to scam you.

I'm not sure, in my two years at the front end, I've never done or worked the Guest Service desk, so I literally know 0 haha.
They should go to the store where the item was purchased. Most of the time double scan mistakes are noticed fairly quickly...while they are still in store or in the vicinity.
Washington, but live in Illinois, and tried to attempt a return at that Target in their Illinois residence, I'd do my best to return/exchange.

Lol I would come to your store and lie that I am visiting from another state.

For double scans it should be same store no excuses. Expensive items I would want to back it up with camera footage
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Too many scammers out there. I feel certain policies are in place to justify when we have to basically keep such at bay. You are certainly right to be cautious, ESPECIALLY with expensive items.
We were told to start writing on receipts for double scans, missed coupons or price matches. I write next to the DPCI so they can't rip the receipt and pretend it didn't happen.
Had a guest come up to GS claiming she'd been double-charged for a sonic toothbrush.
The GSTM noticed staple holes in the receipt & decided to attempt to return BOTH charges only to confirm ONE had been returned/refunded already.
She pointed this out to the guest who hemmed & hawed before leaving.
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