So glad I don't have to deal with this anymore. I do understand the reason for red and khaki, with the whole being one team, one voice, etc... However, it has been my experience, you can be a team and not have to all look-a-like. At my new place of work (even though I have been there a month, still feels new), it was stated on our agreement (work contract, whatever you wanna call it), stated business casual for dresscode. However, in orientation they elaborated and said everyone had a different interpretation of what business casual is. Some people came in suits, others button ups and slacks, polos and jeans, and kinda followed that pattern. Until we got the full run down of what dresscode was acceptable. Basically for dresscode as long as you don't wear ripped up jeans, spaghetti straps, offensive t-shirts or your pj's, then it is fair game ( and before anyone says anything, this does not mean you can wear your birthday suit, lol).