Archived DTL Interview, what should I expect?

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May 13, 2013
I did a rough search, but didn't really find anything concrete. It may be buried somewhere in another thread. If it's, I apologize.

Anyways, I passed my TL interviews and I have an interview with my DTL on Friday morning. I asked my ETL what the questions are like and she couldn't really give me an exact answer. She did say he had his own packet, but the questions vary. Does anyone know if these are just going to be repeat questions that are seen on the VIBE packets that I already passed? Or are the questions completely out of the blue that I will have to think about right then and there? Any tips, comments, suggestions would be awesome! Thanks!!
It depends on the style of your DTL... He could follow the guide exactly in which case it would be just like your other interviews in store... Others like mine barely follow the packet and ask a few scripted but then go away from that with their own!
They are actually supposed to ask you the questions from Guide C of the TL interview packet. This is a relatively "new" best practice, which means many DTLs do not actually do this. If you have a newer DTL, they might use the packet like they are supposed to. If you have one that has been there for awhile, they probably have their own questions.
One TL just had to go in and meet with the DTL. She already had the support of the ETL and the STL and she pretty much had the job already, no need to interview.
You should go into it knowing your store's conversion, AAR, and comp figures (if you don't remember the exact numbers, you should at least know if your store is Green/Yellow/Red). You should also be able to speak to where the wins/opps are with each of those.
I was recently hired as an ETL. The DTL that hired me stuck to scenario based questions like, "What would you do if your stocking and a lady asks you where the birthday hats are?". Moreover, she asked me about past leadership experience, so I related everything to retail. She also asked the stereotypical ones like, "Tell me about yourself". I think where I shined was when she asked me if there was anything I wanted to add. I spoke about my lengthy volunteering experience, which coincides with the Target culture. I also spoke about the CartWheel program which seemed to impress everyone. I said that I liked that the company was thinking about the future and seeking to distinguish itself from the #1 competitor (wallyworld). I further made this point by mentioning facts about Target like the fact that it refrains from selling firearms, etc. etc. Best of luck to you! Stay confident and be yourself.
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