I wasn't allowed to interview

Jun 14, 2023
Hi, long-time lurker here. Started working at Target over four years ago. I was going to write about how I got to where I am, but really it's just seasonal TM->FFTM->HRE->HR TL(opened a new store).

A little over two years ago I got a promotion and helped open a new small format store as HRTL. I have been the only HR at this store for the last two years. I'm not saying there weren't slow days, but it was still a full time job. Most of the other TLs had come from other stores, myself and one other were new TLs, and our SD was new as well. We struggled a lot during COVID. This store is in a growing city and many of the restaurants, bars, and even convenience stores are paying the same or more (plus tips). The first SD was very strict and honestly could be quite mean. There were many times where team members came to me crying because of something she said. There were many times where she left me crying. I'm certain she had a hotline call or two against her and she ended up leaving without telling anyone. The store's turnover was abysmal, and since we didn't have many team members in the first place, every term hit us hard. We've gone through 4 Sbux TLs, 3 GMTLs, 2 Specialty TLs, and 2 Closing TLs. All of this before the new SD came last December. All that being said, the store has come a long way, and I'm proud of what's been accomplished.

The first SD didn't like any of us TLs (which is ridiculous looking back, because she HIRED us) and actively put us down, talked bad about us to the DSD, and was not very open to helping us advance. Whatever, I kept my head down, worked hard, built connections with my HR peers & HRBP, and made sure to only cry about my job when I was on the clock but no one was looking. My two performance reviews at this store have been good as well, even the first SD gave me props in my first one. When the second SD came, we got along great, and she actually gave feedback on my work. Our statuses were positive. No correctives ever. Core metrics pretty good. I never hid that I was interested in advancing, and tried my best to be a global team player.

A few months ago I'm pulled into the office with the SD and HRBP. HRBP tells me the store made enough sales last year to be allocated an ETLHR spot and that my job is going away. (I looked up the guide on workbench and we didn't make enough, but whatever.) Of course I ask if I can interview. HRBP gives excuses like the district is over headcount for ETLs and that if I'm truly wanting to promote then they will bench me and in 18 months I'll be even more prepared. (lol wut?) Then I get told my store will be over TL headcount, so I have to leave, but most stores are also over TL headcount, so I'm told "just keep doing your job until the new ETL comes and we find you a spot." "OK bet," I say, and I start applying for other work the moment I get home.

A couple weeks ago the new HRETL shows up. She was a non-HR ETL at her old store, and got three weeks of training with another ETL HR in the district. No new spot for me yet, so we're working together for awhile. Immediately, she needs hand holding to do basic HR tasks. "How do I print these reports?" is an actual question I got. Immediately she acts like she's my boss. Her third day in, someone tells me that she was super stressed while closing and got snappy with a team member. During this time I was helping out another store that has lost their only HRE. The HRETL there jokingly asks me to come back every day, and I tell her I don't have a position at my store anymore so I might as well. Apparently this HR worked some magic, because now I'm at this store, still as HRTL. This HR has now been on medical leave since I officially transferred, so I am effectively the only HR in a standard size store (until they return? who knows). There's so much more to tell, but this is already long af. Thanks if you made it this far.

TL;DR - Became HRTL and opened a store. Was the only HR for two+ years. Store does good, gets an ETL spot. Not allowed to interview, because reasons that don't relate to my performance. New ETL is struggling to do in 10hrs what I did in 8. I'm now at a standard store as the only HR (still not ETL tho). Sorry, been holding it in I guess. I'm frustrated I didn't even get a chance at it, and it doesn't feel like there was any good reason. Anyone else go through something similar?
They are extre.ely picky when promoting etls within. There's a chance what they told you is true and they really are over headcount. Chances are already knew they wanted to move thay etl to hr at your store. Good luck. Your probably in a more advantageous position now at a traditional store, especially of your old store wasn't doing so well. If you want to move up to etl look at being more global in the store. Just being good at your job is not enough.
They are extre.ely picky when promoting etls within. There's a chance what they told you is true and they really are over headcount. Chances are already knew they wanted to move thay etl to hr at your store. Good luck. Your probably in a more advantageous position now at a traditional store, especially of your old store wasn't doing so well. If you want to move up to etl look at being more global in the store. Just being good at your job is not enough.

They are all about their people knowing the store from one end to the other.
And not moving people up who actually know what they are doing.
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Target generally doesn’t want stores to promote individuals within the same store. That is a real thing. Promoting and transferring within the district is typically what occurs especially for ETLs. With that being said, there are instances where it does happen in the same store.
To be honest with you there is a pipeline that the districts have. You’re probably somewhere in that line. How it works is if a spot opens up and they agree that the person next up is able to do that job they get the spot. You may be better suited for it but it’s a long game because every person has a plan. For example I know the plan for me two years out. I knew when a certain spot opened that although everyone felt I should be the one that it was going to someone else who been in line before me. After that another spot opened and I got the call since I was next up.

It can absolutely feel frustrating because you feel snubbed but what I would say is always have those honest conversations with your SD and DSD. “What’s the plan for me”, “What do I need to work on to get me to the next level”, etc. It’s good to ask those questions. The plan for you will be revealed. If there isn’t a plan you showing that level of interest will put you on their radar.

Don’t get too discouraged. Everyone’s path is different. I became an SD after 9 years and my resume reads like I’ve have 20 years leading the most challenging things known to man. Another SD in my district got promoted with only 6 years in and hasn’t had many roles but people like him, and he’s good with the team. Paths are different. That SD may need to reach out to us for guidance more than our other peers but doesn’t necessarily mean he’s less qualified for the job than me. Everyone is different.

Keep your head up and continue to ask for transparency about your career. The frustration is perfectly justified.
Target generally doesn’t want stores to promote individuals within the same store. That is a real thing. Promoting and transferring within the district is typically what occurs especially for ETLs. With that being said, there are instances where it does happen in the same store.
I thought they changed that. Several people (TLs, ETLs, and SD) all were promoted and stayed at our store.
Target generally doesn’t want stores to promote individuals within the same store. That is a real thing. Promoting and transferring within the district is typically what occurs especially for ETLs. With that being said, there are instances where it does happen in the same store.
We have 2 ETL's that promoted within our store. One actually started as a tm.
Sorry, been holding it in I guess. I'm frustrated I didn't even get a chance at it, and it doesn't feel like there was any good reason.
They have told you what they are going to do, nothing, so its time for you to tell them what you are going to do. Now seems like a good time to consider how long are you willing to wait and whether you want to stay with this company. Because the ugly fact is, it won't change so you must. Is this the sort of atmosphere you want to work in everyday? If the answer is yes, then you'll take what your given with a smile (yes that stinks) until at some unknown time in the future when you get your promotion. If no, then it sounds like you have plenty of experience to find an HR job elsewhere with perhaps a better chance of promotion and maybe better pay. Just know also, the older you get the harder it will be to get another job or a promotion so don't waste too much time chasing the carrot this company is famous for. Best of luck I hope it all turns out well for you!
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We have 2 ETL's that promoted within our store. One actually started as a tm.
The jury is still out for me as to whether that is a good idea or not. The person who has been your peer and friend for years is now you boss and is telling you what to do how to do it and to move faster? Writing up your friend who is now underneath you? Some people can do that others not so much.
The jury is still out for me as to whether that is a good idea or not. The person who has been your peer and friend for years is now you boss and is telling you what to do how to do it and to move faster? Writing up your friend who is now underneath you? Some people can do that others not so much.
Yeah.... coworkers aren't actually my friends, so no worries for me. I've been at Target so long that Bullseye is like the pup of the pup of the pup that was the original so those 22 year olds and I have very little in common other than the most recent shape of our nametags.
Yeah.... coworkers aren't actually my friends, so no worries for me. I've been at Target so long that Bullseye is like the pup of the pup of the pup that was the original so those 22 year olds and I have very little in common other than the most recent shape of our nametags.
Target might not offer you an ETL position because they can hire someone for a lot less than you might take.

At my store they have hired a lot of ETLs that are recent college graduates with little relevant work experience.
We have 2 ETL's that promoted within our store. One actually started as a tm.
We had a TM from our store promote to ETL, but they're not an ETL in our store anymore. They went from TM to Closing TL, and then transferred to another Target nearby as a ETL-GM.
In the past I always thought that if you were promoted to an ETL you had to go to another store.

Then again my store never tells anyone when a new TL and/or ETL show up like in the past.

Apparently it is too expensive for our store to print out an announcement and post it by our two time clocks!

Our store almost never do huddles either which I think Target requires.

In four years I have been to ONE huddle and that was about six months ago.
The jury is still out for me as to whether that is a good idea or not. The person who has been your peer and friend for years is now you boss and is telling you what to do how to do it and to move faster? Writing up your friend who is now underneath you? Some people can do that others not so much.
It's worked at our store. I'd say 90% of the promotions have been internal for the 4ish years I've worked here. The other 10%, generally don't last very long.

For us, at least, it resolves the common lament I see repeated so often here. If you can do it, show me. People shut up when the ETL who's been there & done that, shows them exactly how it's done.

This won't work at every store, of course. Some people just want the better position to cruise. All our ETL's that I interact with are working ETL's.
It's worked at our store. I'd say 90% of the promotions have been internal for the 4ish years I've worked here. The other 10%, generally don't last very long.

For us, at least, it resolves the common lament I see repeated so often here. If you can do it, show me. People shut up when the ETL who's been there & done that, shows them exactly how it's done.

This won't work at every store, of course. Some people just want the better position to cruise. All our ETL's that I interact with are working ETL's.
Most of ours are internal, for the past 4 or so years, but they were not the first time I worked at my store.

I worked here 2013-2016, and then 2019-present, since 2019 almost all new TL's have been promotions from TM. But from 2013-2016 they were basically all outside hires.
Most of ours are internal, for the past 4 or so years, but they were not the first time I worked at my store.

I worked here 2013-2016, and then 2019-present, since 2019 almost all new TL's have been promotions from TM. But from 2013-2016 they were basically all outside hires.
IMHO promoting a TM has more to do that you can't get away with paying someone less than an outside hire.

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