Archived DTL sneaky visit.... rant.

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Feb 1, 2012
Firstly, let me say that Im aware that whilst on the clock we are supposed to be FAST, fun and friendly .... and stay "brand".

Recently our DTL came in for a visit in plain clothes and a cap, and went around taking photo's of unacceptable areas and TM's working. apparently the ETL's were aware of the visit, just not what time it would be, and didnt tell the TM's..... well anyway. Whilst on his visit he snapped multiple pics..... one of a TM on their phone.... 3 'leaning' on the jewelry boat, one on the elec boat and one on a register .... along with other pics.

Well the elec one was me...... I was covering a lunch, and wasnt even really leaning, I was reading some news on the desk and was hunched over ever so slightly whilst doing so..... still turning around to make sure no guests were there..... the store was pretty much dead, but he got the pic and my ETL wasnt happy. It just irks me..... I had closed the night before, meant to be off, but came in at 5am to help out.... and usually im smiling, walking around, FFF...... but of course he took the pic on 1 minute of slight leaning. argggh. I havent been 'coached' or anything on it, the ETL just mentioned it to me and asked if I was doing it......urhhh well you saw the pic, I cant really lie about it lol. The jewelry one was an SrTL ..... he was nooooooooooooooooot happy about that one.

I see our STL and other ETL'S not doing their jobs half the time, playing ping pong on their non-break times etc .... wish he could see that. Gah. rant over. It just seems creepy to me. I understand checking up on employees, and checking camera's if you like.... but walking around detective style, taking sneaky photo's just seems too much.

I understand I was in the wrong here, yes I shouldnt have been leaning, and yes If I was feeling tired (exhausted more like) I shouldn't have come in, but when they hack my hours from 48 to 16 because they are over on payroll.... I need all the shifts I can get...... I just feel like we are getting 'recognized' more for the negative, than all the positive lately. Apparently there will be more of these visits.... fun!
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lol we had a Group Leader + DTL come in plain clothes once, they came and talked to me while i was speedweaving out front, and said they were watching me before and they thought i was doing a good job ;D Afterwards they talked to the LOD... Next day the STL personally congratulated me lol 😉

But yeah I hear you... Theres some days/nights where I hope to god nobody is spying on me.... Haha 😉 Been lucky so far though
yeah it's kind of lame, unless he is getting some heat so he can lean on the leadership in your store. If it's just to reprimand the lowly hourly team members, then yeah, screw that! All the pictures he snapped were just symptoms of a problem, and not the actual problem itself.
WTF district are you in? That's crazy. There are so many things to focus on right now that if your store's leadership really was that bad off there has GOT to be something else the DTL could coach them on rather than sinking to undercover tactics. Our DTL and District Business Partners shop all the time in our stores with their families and whatnot and they rarely ever say anything to the STLs unless its major.
We had a VP of some kind Visit a few months back and he showered me with praise,and I had the LODs and ETLs coming up to me all day thanking me, and letting me know how much I impressed him.... Felt so good 😀

We have had so many ppl quit lately, mainly because of our STL But that is not even being looked into, we are bleeding employees .... Some long timers too 🙁
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every visit should be a surprise visit, telling everyone you are coming and stores calling each other when the DTL leaves is stupid. Should just show up randomly and see how the store looks unprepped
True, but if the stl is so worried about his scores, they could give us a bit of a heads up 😛

I agree a surprise visit should be a surprise, but if the TLs know, don't know why we can't 🙂
True this^
If there are problem TMs (ie: leaning, texting behind SD, on the phone, etc) on the floor, it should lead right back to leadership not doing THEIR part through learning plans, coaching when necessary, inspiring their team to work harder/show initiatve.
True this^
If there are problem TMs (ie: leaning, texting behind SD, on the phone, etc) on the floor, it should lead right back to leadership not doing THEIR part through learning plans, coaching when necessary, inspiring their team to work harder/show initiatve.

I dont think I ever completed my official learning plan, almost 7 months ago when I started. I know what is on it, and know all of it, but it has never been checked over, nor did I really receive 'official' training. Now I have a new one, now im learning pretty much everything in the store.... but this one too shall probably never be fully completed or gone over either.
Target's version of undercover means "wearing a ballcap". Doesn't matter what else they're wearing, but always a ballcap.

If you ever see anyone suspicious-looking, moving around the store randomly and wearing a ballcap, its one of three things:

1. A shoplifter.
2. And undercover AP person.
3. An undercover corportate/district person.
Target's version of undercover means "wearing a ballcap". Doesn't matter what else they're wearing, but always a ballcap.

If you ever see anyone suspicious-looking, moving around the store randomly and wearing a ballcap, its one of three things:

1. A shoplifter.
2. And undercover AP person.
3. An undercover corportate/district person.

4. A comp shopper from Walmart.
Firstly, let me say that Im aware that whilst on the clock we are supposed to be FAST, fun and friendly .... and stay "brand".

Recently our DTL came in for a visit in plain clothes and a cap, and went around taking photo's of unacceptable areas and TM's working. apparently the ETL's were aware of the visit, just not what time it would be, and didnt tell the TM's..... well anyway. Whilst on his visit he snapped multiple pics..... one of a TM on their phone.... 3 'leaning' on the jewelry boat, one on the elec boat and one on a register .... along with other pics.

Well the elec one was me...... I was covering a lunch, and wasnt even really leaning, I was reading some news on the desk and was hunched over ever so slightly whilst doing so..... still turning around to make sure no guests were there..... the store was pretty much dead, but he got the pic and my ETL wasnt happy. It just irks me..... I had closed the night before, meant to be off, but came in at 5am to help out.... and usually im smiling, walking around, FFF...... but of course he took the pic on 1 minute of slight leaning. argggh. I havent been 'coached' or anything on it, the ETL just mentioned it to me and asked if I was doing it......urhhh well you saw the pic, I cant really lie about it lol. The jewelry one was an ETL ..... he was nooooooooooooooooot happy about that one.

I see our STL and other ETL'S not doing their jobs half the time, playing ping pong on their non-break times etc .... wish he could see that. Gah. rant over. It just seems creepy to me. I understand checking up on employees, and checking camera's if you like.... but walking around detective style, taking sneaky photo's just seems too much.

I understand I was in the wrong here, yes I shouldnt have been leaning, and yes If I was feeling tired (exhausted more like) I shouldn't have come in, but when they hack my hours from 48 to 16 because they are over on payroll.... I need all the shifts I can get...... I just feel like we are getting 'recognized' more for the negative, than all the positive lately. Apparently there will be more of these visits.... fun!

I was under the impression that we couldn't take photos because Target does not allow anybody to do so.

DTL's have gone from being mostly harmless to very harmful, in my opinion. Ours came through and wanted our TV Wall, with 90lb plasma TV's, to be even and had us redo it to get those screens level! Now the TV's are going clearance, a week after it was done, and so the work was for nothing.
no... the staff would be lying on the ground ie red/khaki carpet style, so his precious feet did not have to touch the soiled tarnished floor of the lowly team members.
I once caught out DTL sneaking around in the backroom. She had come in truly incognito and nobody caught her as she walked straight from the frontdoors to the backroom. She had been poking around back there about five minutes when I caught her. Our Sr. Merch mad a beeline for us when I called her over the walkie and told I just saw the DTL back there; I don't know what happened after that as I quickly found a way to excuse myself from their discussion.
Our DTL, I think, is too scared to come incognito to our store. The biggest surprise is when they announce themselves one hour before, and then it became crazy. :buba:
Then they're running around like ants on a hot frypan.
I once caught out DTL sneaking around in the backroom. She had come in truly incognito and nobody caught her as she walked straight from the frontdoors to the backroom. She had been poking around back there about five minutes when I caught her. Our Sr. Merch mad a beeline for us when I called her over the walkie and told I just saw the DTL back there; I don't know what happened after that as I quickly found a way to excuse myself from their discussion.

You caught her in the backroom, challegene her! Good job!
You caught her in the backroom, challegene her! Good job!

I also had a good reason to excuse myself. I had shot a special batch and originall was going back there to pull it (it was during one of the scheduled CAFs so the backroom couldn't pull it for me quickly enough). As soon as the Sr. Merch showed up I went back into light duty to do my pull. IIRC the DTL actually gave me props for pulling the batch myself instead of taking backroom staff off of pulls to do it for me.
There's a corporate big-wig that comes into the pharmacy every once in a's a real PITA because he expects to be given preferential treatment and always comes in around 5:30 when we're the busiest. He'll literally walk up to the drop-off window regardless of whether he's dropping off or picking up and expect to be waited on IMMEDIATELY!!! If he's not, he will "report" to the DTL-Rx and exaggerate the time he had to wait just because he's an arse :angry:
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