Archived eHR down for everyone, or just me?

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Nov 28, 2015
Haven't been able to even bring up the eHR webpage from home (on any browser, including IE) for about 3 days now. Before I troubleshoot further, can anyone else bring up the page?
last 3 days? you are lucky the last time i logged in to ehr from home was 6 months ago .
I just go to the website and log in like I would at the store...
I just go to the website and log in like I would at the store...

Can I ask what OS you have? I'm still on Vista (ugh) and I've tried IE, Firefox, Chrome, and even used Safari on my phone and nothing works. I'm wondering if it's actually my ISP (ATT) because I don't know how it could not work on any of those platforms (even mobile). (Ignore if OS might be too identifying, not sure what the board rules are on that stuff, lol)
Request Rejected

So it looks like it didn't work but if I click it, it does.

Wait, do you mean the online schedule, or the "" link? I can see my schedule on the schedule site just fine, but the actual eHR site doesn't work. (There's some weird "Request rejected" thing on your post too, was that a link copypasta?)
Log in and you can see your schedule, pay stubs etc.

Yeah, I've been trying to set up direct deposit, but it's never been able to load the page. I'll do that at work on Monday I guess, but do you think I should just call the main "Online experience" help number to troubleshoot it, or is there like an internal employee help line number that they can help me with the specific eHR site?
Using Chrome on Windows 7 and iOS.

The link shows up as "Request Rejected" when you paste it here, but it still goes to the correct place.

Request Rejected
On a somewhat related note, anyone have the link to the page to login to Target email account?
It doesn't work on my phone or my tablet, but it works on my laptops. Target, it's 2015. Quit detecting browsers.
You can simply view your schedule at I've just never been able to access anything else, but I'll try your way.
It's gotta be something about Vista I think, I can never get the .NET package to install correctly (caused me a lot of headaches trying to install video editing software, ugh). I'll ask on Monday what number I should call for help and just use the computer there in the meantime. Thanks for the input everyone!
It was working for me for a while then all of a sudden it stopped working :-/ not sure why but it has always worked for me till lately.
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