Archived Employee stealing

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Guest Service
Aug 7, 2018
I work with a woman in sco that takes m&ms right from the shelf daily without paying. If a customer gets a Target gift card for a purchase and leaves it behind, she takes it fot her personal use. She also takes plastic bags for her garbage can at home. I called corporate about this person. She still is working there. Does corporate take the calls seriously? I am beginning to think they do not.
I work with a woman in sco that takes m&ms right from the shelf daily without paying. If a customer gets a Target gift card for a purchase and leaves it behind, she takes it fot her personal use. She also takes plastic bags for her garbage can at home. I called corporate about this person. She still is working there. Does corporate take the calls seriously? I am beginning to think they do not.
Don’t call corporate. Call the integrity hotline or tell your AP team and she’ll be gone ASAP.
Go directly to your AP. I've had TMs put on finals for the giftcard thing alone (and then fired because they usually do it again). Doesn't matter if it's just $5. They still got fired (which I completely agree with). It's all about intent. If she were at my store, she'd be fired right away. Taking giftcards that were left behind at SCO is a huge no-go for us. Besides she's also stealing the m&ms. Next time write down the time and location when you see her steal them and let AP know right away. All they have to do is get it on video.
Gift cards are an HR issue. Only if target has to replace them is it an AP issue. If the guest comes back and your GSTL replaces said $5 dollar gift card it then becomes an AP issue otherwise the team member is stealing from the guest not target.
I'm sure AP knows and waiting for it to be worth their time to have them my state $500 is a criminal crime and you go to jail

Might be a bit of a wait...... it takes a lot of M&Ms and $5 GCs to add up. But everyone is right; your AP is building a case. Get a bucket of popcorn while you wait, your movie will begin eventually. (make sure you pay for the popcorn 😉 )
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