First of all, we are all going to bash Spot at one time or another, it's not a personal thing but rather a human thing. Everybody hates their boss. Anybody who says otherwise is just lying, humans do not like having authority figures over them. I come to this forum to vent, tell tales, warn people, and learn.
I am the first to call out the BS but I'll be the first to applaud as well. It's just that in the last few years it's all be so one sided lately 🙂
I hope the TL, ETL's, and Spot do have "threads" that bash team members. If they didn't then I would be frightened because they are then saving up all that anxiety. Go ahead and make fun of us, it's healthy. What's not healthy is pretending everything is great and doing everything you can to ignore that fact or "cheerleading." A healthy dose of realism/skepticism is always a good thing, otherwise you end up watching fox news in a bunker in the Arizona desert scared of something like a so called uncle who forgot my birthday.