Archived ETL brilliance

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Redeye good argument. I have looked at some of the recent post on Red360 just for fun and I wonder if that site has taken the liberty of doing any status alignment just in case (heaven forbid) that a negative comment be left on the post. But the general comments I have seen "I like the Norah Jones Target Exclusive Album", "The Shops at Target are going to rock", etc.... My question is, how many actual TM's are leaving these comments?
Yeh, everything I read seemed like glee club chatter.
Sure, tempers can flare here but I've also seen awesome outpourings when someone asks for advice or help.
Or when someone's had a really bad day.
I think it was Talen who pointed out that this is where we go instead of the bar after work.
Hardlinesmaster is pulling drinks,
Redeye is making with the sage but hilarious commentary,
Talen is building stuff in the back corner that we really don't want to know about,
The Mule has come up with yet another brilliant idea for the company that Spot will ignore,
And we all let our hair down after a day of Illegitimi non carborundum est.
What I'm trying to say is that in every waterhole in this country after 5:00 there are people talking about the mistakes their bosses make.
This is just the high tech version of that.
Don't have a bad ETL story. I've dealt with my fair share of dumb ones but nothing sticks out. There was a SLSTL that coached me for correcting her on the information she was giving my guest in electronics. She brought an ETL in with her for mediation I'm assuming. I calmly told the ETL what I did was not a coachable offense, I was trying to make sure the guest got great guest service, and was publicly embarrassed by her on stage in front of guests. I asked for an integrity hotline pamphlet and refused to sign anything.

At close she came up to me and offered a half ass apology.
I don't have a whole lot to add to this, but some of these stories had me in stitches this morning. I had an ETL come up to me when I was working my cashier shift last night with a facial expression of complete bewilderment. I asked her if I could "help her find something?" Her reply: "Where's the hanger bin?" i took two steps forward and pointed down to check lane 15 where the hanger bin was clearly visible and said "over there...." Point is the giant hanger bin is pretty friggin hard to miss.... Just sayin'...
Had an etl replenishment that lasted about 70 days. My first experience with him was finding out he was asking my br tms if they were fifoing the paper towels they were backstocking. He litterally worked 2 days out of 17 at one point. He would come in at midnigt instead of 9 pm and leave at 4am not 7. He lied in every email he wrote. He hated one tm and chanhed their schedule in the computer after it was already posted and delivered a corrective action to them only to have the hr etl rip it up. He sad he would cover our other etls vacation but instead scheduled our key carrier tl to cover tje shifts so he didnt have to come in. Once called in said hes nit coming in hes tired lol. Said hes religious so he took a week off for easter and scheduled the mother of 4 young kids to cover his before and after easter shift. Joke....... Oh he resigned when coached and our dtl then said he deserves another chance and put him in another store.
Whenever our backroom TL wasn't scheduled, one of the ETL's would usually check the length of the CAF pulls for the hour and assign some of us to help on the sales floor whenever the batches were really short.... the problem was, they would check right at the hour instead of waiting til :01 or :02 when the batches usually finish dropping. They'd get us on the walkie saying, hey this hour is only 15 minutes so only _____ needs to be pulling! Of course, it would turn out to be 1.5 to 2.5 hours long total, and it turned into a mess. I think the worst one was during December, when one of the ETL's had everyone except me go push while I did the pulls because they were 'less than an hour' when in fact it turned out to be several hours long, with both seasonal batches and both music/movies batches being almost an hour long by themselves. I finally just had my TL show me what to do on the computer to check the length of each hour's pulls, and now I do it myself. Sometimes an ETL will still pop up on the walkie but everyone in the backroom pretty much knows not to listen to the time they give by now.
Whenever our backroom TL wasn't scheduled, one of the ETL's would usually check the length of the CAF pulls for the hour and assign some of us to help on the sales floor whenever the batches were really short.... the problem was, they would check right at the hour instead of waiting til :01 or :02 when the batches usually finish dropping. They'd get us on the walkie saying, hey this hour is only 15 minutes so only _____ needs to be pulling! Of course, it would turn out to be 1.5 to 2.5 hours long total, and it turned into a mess. I think the worst one was during December, when one of the ETL's had everyone except me go push while I did the pulls because they were 'less than an hour' when in fact it turned out to be several hours long, with both seasonal batches and both music/movies batches being almost an hour long by themselves. I finally just had my TL show me what to do on the computer to check the length of each hour's pulls, and now I do it myself. Sometimes an ETL will still pop up on the walkie but everyone in the backroom pretty much knows not to listen to the time they give by now.

THIS. I argued until I was blue in the face on this issue over 4q- DON'T steal my backroom team members if youre jumping the gun checking pull times. Our scores for CAF Pull Timeliness got so bad that our DTL made the 6 hour drive to our store to personally see what was going on. Funny... at the end of the walk I ended up with one of those 8x11 GTCs and our ETL team had lost their usual smug demeanors. My BR team wasn't bothered for the rest of the holiday season.
I have been a quite lurker of this forum, and I have noticed something: in the general thread tm's are quick to bash spot, customers, tl's, etl's and other leadership. But in the Tl and Etl forum, there aren't threads bashing people, or called "TM Brillliance." I'm sure there could be! Stop whining. Put that energy to good use rather than bad.

First of all, we are all going to bash Spot at one time or another, it's not a personal thing but rather a human thing. Everybody hates their boss. Anybody who says otherwise is just lying, humans do not like having authority figures over them. I come to this forum to vent, tell tales, warn people, and learn.

I am the first to call out the BS but I'll be the first to applaud as well. It's just that in the last few years it's all be so one sided lately 🙂

I hope the TL, ETL's, and Spot do have "threads" that bash team members. If they didn't then I would be frightened because they are then saving up all that anxiety. Go ahead and make fun of us, it's healthy. What's not healthy is pretending everything is great and doing everything you can to ignore that fact or "cheerleading." A healthy dose of realism/skepticism is always a good thing, otherwise you end up watching fox news in a bunker in the Arizona desert scared of something like a so called uncle who forgot my birthday.
... Everybody hates their boss...

Gotta say, being on the FM side of things now with my boss removed from a lot of the typical BS of store side politics, my boss is great! Communication, supporting their team, it's all been a welcome change. 🙂
I thoroughly enjoyed the Fox News part. 🙂 While I tend to be more conservative, the comment made me laugh.

First of all, we are all going to bash Spot at one time or another, it's not a personal thing but rather a human thing. Everybody hates their boss. Anybody who says otherwise is just lying, humans do not like having authority figures over them. I come to this forum to vent, tell tales, warn people, and learn.

I am the first to call out the BS but I'll be the first to applaud as well. It's just that in the last few years it's all be so one sided lately 🙂

I hope the TL, ETL's, and Spot do have "threads" that bash team members. If they didn't then I would be frightened because they are then saving up all that anxiety. Go ahead and make fun of us, it's healthy. What's not healthy is pretending everything is great and doing everything you can to ignore that fact or "cheerleading." A healthy dose of realism/skepticism is always a good thing, otherwise you end up watching fox news in a bunker in the Arizona desert scared of something like a so called uncle who forgot my birthday.
I'm not really conservative or liberal.

But Fox News is a beast from where upon there is no escape and I have lost a relative to it's jaws.
I have been a quite lurker of this forum, and I have noticed something: in the general thread tm's are quick to bash spot, customers, tl's, etl's and other leadership. But in the Tl and Etl forum, there aren't threads bashing people, or called "TM Brillliance." I'm sure there could be! Stop whining. Put that energy to good use rather than bad.

Sharing a laugh is not whining. You are taking things too personally.
Plus we don't get paid to sit around and measure the foibles of the TL's and ETL's...
While a little birdie tells me that the meetings they have concerning the team 'performers' often degenerate into bs sessions about the annoying habits, lack of personal hygiene and how generally dim many of the TM's are.
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Confirmed by several of my TLs, too - past & present.

That makes me sad for your stores. Our TL meetings are short, to-the-point, and respectful. Our whole leadership team is incredibly tenured and I would gladly go out on a limb to say we all care deeply for our team members. Now CORPORATE, on the other hand...
it balances out though. In my tenure at target, I have seen once or twice an hourly tm make a pretty good joke about an executive while they were on the clock.
Stupidity is everywhere. When I worked for the government doing nothing for great pay temporarily a few years back I drafted a memo for the agency about some event and sent it to the boss. The boss completely disregarded the well-typed memo and sent back his own version complete with spelling and grammar errors and told his secretary to fix it. It seemed like he assigned it to his 7 year old daughter to type up. I think I just twitched in my little 6x7 cubicle the rest of the shift.
Adding to this...I like this thread (and yes, TLs and ETLs, go ahead and make fun of us! I know we do it too).

I closed in the backroom recently. While setting the line, I watched the closing LOD walk in and out of each cooler/freezer/produce room about three times. No clue what he was doing. After the last time, he came and asked me to backstock in the cooler and produce. Yup, I know I needed to get that done before leaving, but three times in ten minutes? I don't backstock in there THAT I was getting the line set. *sigh*
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