Archived Everyone is playing Pokemon Go at work.

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Maybe she should be trying to catch shoplifters or scammers instead of worrying about tm who take out their phone for maybe two minutes every hour

Maybe people should do what they are getting paid for and not catching stupid bullshit.

2 ETLs
Couple TMs

I will admit, that I have been checking it out for nostalgia's sake. It has promise, but it's too distracting.
I just think it's messed up that he was doing that WHILE in red and khakis and while the store was open. Morale is pretty low this is not a leader's behavior 🙁

I agree. Morale is low. What type of a statement is leadership making including DTL, STL, and ETL walking around playing Pokemon yet expecting others to work? From the sound of things in this thread, sounds like many team members are doing the same thing. If I still worked at Target and saw leadership and other team members playing Pokemon, I would be insanely pissed off.
Lol target doesnt pay me enough to NOT look at my phone every so often to catch some pokemon 😉 good thing though at my main job we get lots of down time in between flights so I don't feel as guilty. I wonder how long this game will keep me interested tillI just completely forget about it
Practically my entire store is playing it. Getting something from the back? Pokemon Go. Huddle? Pokemon Go. Hiding from guests? Pokemon Go.
Well if your DTL is playing it now that makes for a great excuse! Just let them try to coach you for it. All you have to say is, "Well, our DTL was playing, and that's your boss."

Not a very smart DTL 'cause I bet the whole store's gonna be pulling that card now.
Basically my whole store is playing it, and there's a Pokestop right outside our break room. Most of my more uncommon ones were actually found in our parking lot. There is one guy at my store who is taking it super seriously and is going to be the one who makes the LODs crack own on it.
Basically my whole store is playing it, and there's a Pokestop right outside our break room. Most of my more uncommon ones were actually found in our parking lot. There is one guy at my store who is taking it super seriously and is going to be the one who makes the LODs crack own on it.
You have a PokeStop? I'm kind of jealous...
It really is no wonder that this company is shitting the bed.

Eh...... I think the company shit the bed multiple times first and that is what led to people not giving much of a crap about anti-phone rules. This forum has multiple places dedicated to ranting about the crap the company has done/is doing and surely not every tm who feels shafted is even posting here... So of course they dgaf enough about target to put their phones away.
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