Archived Everyone is playing Pokemon Go at work.

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How are PokeStops created? I wish my store was a PokeStop.
How are PokeStops created? I wish my store was a PokeStop.

They were already in the game, but supposedly in the future there may be sponsored pokéstops. I think I read that they were in talks with McDonald's.
I've been playing during every break and meal for the past two weeks. Unfortunately, my store isn't a Pokestop, but Pokemon spawn every few minutes in the breakroom.
My phone froze when I caught a pikachu in the break room. I found out yesterday, I could've gotten it back. I keep my old phone in battery save mode hatching eggs during my shifts. Most of my eggs so far were Pokemon I already have, though, so that's sad.
We have a Pokestop in our Starbucks, and then two more and a gym on our side of the shopping center. Other side has 5 Pokestops. I take 5 minutes on the way home everyday to stock up on Pokeballs. Caught Pikachu in the parking lot on my way into work the other morning.
My entire management system, ETLs, LODS, GSTLs, and even my store owner absolutely play the crap out of this game. Super passionate about it lol.
I read this thread title and the first thing that popped into my head was 'BELIEVE ME, I KNOW!' Every one of my fucking coworkers talk about it. First thing I hear going in, break time, last thing I hear going out. No, I don't care if you couldn't catch a squirtle in market. The only thing I've added to the conversation is 'Yeah, a kid almost got kidnapped the other day playing it.' *blank stares* coworker: "Has anyone caught a charmander yet?"

Any Team Valor people on this site? 😀 yooooooooooooo
But yeah there is a gym and three pokestops near my work. My store tends to be a big hotspot for koffings and eevees

Not me, but I wish I did. They dominate the gyms in my area, and I wish I could benefit from that. Even when I can get in to a high level Mystic gym, I can never make it more than a few hours before it's taken over.
Hahaha yours changes in a few hours? The one near mine literally goes from red to blue to yellow in seconds until someone secures it with a Dragonite and then it stays there for about a day
It's Valor and Mystic in my area. From time to time you'll see some Instinct gyms but not that long.

People around here are serious. Leveling up the gyms to the max
But yeah I don't play at work so much that it affects my zone or anything. I usually just keep my phone in my pocket and hatch eggs since I'm pretty much always walking haha. We do have guests that come in playing and I usually direct them to the hotspots which are usually RTW and electronics/toys.
I think the best one I've ever caught was the random nidoking that just appeared in TSC and didn't even require a great ball.
Not sure if i'll get into the game. Just got a new smartphone but where I live I heard most people have to drive a ways to find stops/gyms. Maybe if I lived in a city or near a big school it'd be better, but wasting gas and data for this seems a waste. Before went down I checked my area and there weren't even any pokemon within reasonable walking distance.
Not sure if i'll get into the game. Just got a new smartphone but where I live I heard most people have to drive a ways to find stops/gyms. Maybe if I lived in a city or near a big school it'd be better, but wasting gas and data for this seems a waste. Before went down I checked my area and there weren't even any pokemon within reasonable walking distance.
As far as I know, nearly every public park has at least one Poke stop and sometimes a gym. Art installations like statues or murals will have a Poke stop, too. If you haven't joined already, though, you might like to wait until Niantic gets their shit sorted. They're very small (like, 20 employees?) and it'll take a little time before the game gets out of what I'm considering "open beta" mode.
See our Target isn't close to any pokéstops or gyms. I just put my phone in my back pocket and walk to hatch eggs. It doesn't bother anyone.
Not sure if i'll get into the game. Just got a new smartphone but where I live I heard most people have to drive a ways to find stops/gyms. Maybe if I lived in a city or near a big school it'd be better, but wasting gas and data for this seems a waste. Before went down I checked my area and there weren't even any pokemon within reasonable walking distance.

Poke vision isn't a good measure of whether there were Pokemon near you. They're not always in the same place and they spawn at different times and what not. Whenever I used pokevision, it didn't even always detect the ones I was looking at on the game screen. In addition to what was said about parks and murals, all the churches and cemeteries are stops too.

The stops and gyms are the same locations as portals and what not in the game, Ingress (also by Niantic).
My store uses the game to get people motivate the store to get red cards. divide sections of the store into the 3 teams. And see who gets the most red cards. Something to that effect.
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