Archived extra $1 for CTL?

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@Backroom88 As a former-man-of-logistics-now-CTL, I would venture to say that we're a lot alike. Depending on your store, CTL might be the next best TL spot next to something logistics. For me, the vendor relationships I was developing as a backup receiver are really helping me now. I also work at a busy super so meat, produce and production are totally different areas and outside of helping with TINV, I don't have much to do with it (Had I still been in a PFresh, the position would have been harder to accept). Considering how thin the HLTL's are spread, I'm pretty happy with the choice I made. Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of coverage (~45% of sales when you take mini into account!) but at least consumables is something I can be passionate about.

tl;dr I'd be happy with making ~14 as a new team lead and it sounds like you already have a lot of the tools to do it successfully. If you have any specific questions, I would be happy to answer them.
@Backroom88 As a former-man-of-logistics-now-CTL, I would venture to say that we're a lot alike. Depending on your store, CTL might be the next best TL spot next to something logistics. For me, the vendor relationships I was developing as a backup receiver are really helping me now. I also work at a busy super so meat, produce and production are totally different areas and outside of helping with TINV, I don't have much to do with it (Had I still been in a PFresh, the position would have been harder to accept). Considering how thin the HLTL's are spread, I'm pretty happy with the choice I made. Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of coverage (~45% of sales when you take mini into account!) but at least consumables is something I can be passionate about.

tl;dr I'd be happy with making ~14 as a new team lead and it sounds like you already have a lot of the tools to do it successfully. If you have any specific questions, I would be happy to answer them.
I really appreciate the support @LogisticsFox. I did have a question. If your scores are red constantly especially the guest surveys is your ETL and STL constantly on top of you? Do you get in trouble? I feel that thats something you cant really control, because no matter how great of a leader you are and how fast and efficient you are if your scores are red thsts going to fall on you, unfairly!
I really appreciate the support @LogisticsFox. I did have a question. If your scores are red constantly especially the guest surveys is your ETL and STL constantly on top of you? Do you get in trouble? I feel that thats something you cant really control, because no matter how great of a leader you are and how fast and efficient you are if your scores are red thsts going to fall on you, unfairly!
Luckily, it hasn't reached that point. I have a good team and I actively give them feedback on our survey scores and we have been consistently green since I became the CTL. If it did reach that point, I'm certain there would be discussions about it with my ETL and STL and hopefully I would be able to speak to the slip. You are right that it's mostly out of our control but as long as you're doing your part (by talking to your team and providing great service yourself) you should be able to attest to it with your leadership.
Luckily, it hasn't reached that point. I have a good team and I actively give them feedback on our survey scores and we have been consistently green since I became the CTL. If it did reach that point, I'm certain there would be discussions about it with my ETL and STL and hopefully I would be able to speak to the slip. You are right that it's mostly out of our control but as long as you're doing your part (by talking to your team and providing great service yourself) you should be able to attest to it with your leadership.
Thank you for your help! Once its official i will let you know and update on how its going!
Know your vendors well,. The good ones will get extra space if they keep full. I love 2 vendors who always keep all areas full & ask for more space. Sure, you know the deal & they don't complain about anything.
$12/hr is not enough for any TL position, IMO. Especially CTL which is arguably one of the more difficult TL positions.

Tell that to my HR and to target HQ in why I should be paid more since they cut the CTL position entirely and I basically am the CTL without any extra pay or authority

Its actually kind of BS because I was signed off to be TL and then they cut the CTL position even though I know I would of been moved into it within a year. I want to stay in my store and the only other TL positions that have ever opened up is GSTL and Food Ave TL which thanks...I am not a good fit for either of those and would not last more than a few months. Our FATLs never last more than 6 months and FA is actually just going away now after 4th quarter.
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I really appreciate the support @LogisticsFox. I did have a question. If your scores are red constantly especially the guest surveys is your ETL and STL constantly on top of you? Do you get in trouble? I feel that thats something you cant really control, because no matter how great of a leader you are and how fast and efficient you are if your scores are red thsts going to fall on you, unfairly!

Depends on which metrics are green and red. My STL said the overall score is a seperate metric and the sub metrics like freshness and all that dont add in to that overall score. Not sure if he is right or wrong but the only reason I asked him is because we were green on everything but the overall was red for one of the weeks and it didnt make sense to me at all
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