I'm Lost! Extra GS Sodastream boxes?


Beauty TM
Sep 29, 2017
Long story short - too many Sodastream canisters and not enough boxes. If I call the shipping manager on the label will they send more boxes?
Dang, are you taking in more than you sell?

At my store it seems to stay at a 1:1 ratio. Guests rarely bring in more or buy more than they trade in. It balances out. If anything, I sometimes have empty cubbies in the boxes going out.
Long story a little longer, apparently there was a period where they ""ran out"" of new canisters so they were letting guests take them off the floor to swap them. Which is a big no. I was GSA before, switched to a different department at the beginning of this year, and have returned to the front end as SETL. I've inherited a lot of dumb stuff like this that I intend to 1. fix and 2. not let happen again.
Sometimes a soda stream rep comes out and we mentioned it to him and now we have an abundance (maybe i’m being dramatic, but probably at least 3, which is way more than we need) of extra empty boxes. For awhile, we were completely empty of actual soda stream and they still sent us empty boxes before the extra product.
We've never run out, but unfortunately the new tm's working in guest services just lets the poor guest grab the higher priced soda stream off the sales floor in the box and then takes the empty one. That creates extra empty ones on hand. I've caught a few team members in guest services ringing up the $30+ bottles and taking the empty ones when the guest should only have paid $14 and given one from the soda stream box. Can I get your boxes? lol
We've never run out, but unfortunately the new tm's working in guest services just lets the poor guest grab the higher priced soda stream off the sales floor in the box and then takes the empty one. That creates extra empty ones on hand. I've caught a few team members in guest services ringing up the $30+ bottles and taking the empty ones when the guest should only have paid $14 and given one from the soda stream box. Can I get your boxes? lol
And no guest ever protested?