i know all (okay, most) the tricks extreme couponers use. actually, i wouldn't call these people extreme couponers, i would call them scammers. i had this guy in my line for 2 hours last month, he was buying tons of trial sized items and gave me tons of coupons for like 8 dollars+ for other products and more than one type of manufacturer coupon for some products. my gstl came over to help me when she saw the extreme couponer and we went through all the coupons together. and this was on a busy saturday btw. i never feel comfortable with extreme couponers and i always call over a gstl when i know for a fact they are trying to scam us. it's always the same coupons i see too! and if you're a cashier you really need to pay attention to the size they are buying and what it says on the coupon. also beware of red text that says something like "one coupon per household per day". the register usually accepts coupons with no problem and i love when i flip my light on for help and the guest tells me to scan the coupons and they will go through, lol no, i don't want to get in trouble and it's not fair for you to get away with virtually free products from using incorrect coupons.