Archived Favorite Guests

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you can tell which guests work or have worked in retail before because they tend to be vastly more patient and understanding about things

there's this one couple that shops at my store semi-regularly, I call them the Hipster Couple because they are the hipsterest hipsters ever, like what you'd see at an indie music festival. every popular meme and stereotype about hipsters applies to them. He wears a curly wax mustache and the "hipster lumberjack" flannel and beard, she wears one of those wide-brimmed sun hats with flowers on the band and boots that go almost to her knees. They always have the Target app opened on their iPad (in a fancy looking bamboo case) if they need to ask me about something. They only buy organic food. Pretty funny. They are super chill and polite though which is all I really care about, and as a bonus they seem to have Target's policies memorized since they shop here so often
I have an older guy who works across the street and he’ll come in a few times a week to get coffee at Starbucks and check out the electronics section for a while. He’s always good for a conversation. I really think he runs an online store on the side and he checks our prices and deals but he won’t admit it lol.
Not a specific guest but I feel so at ease when I'm stocking shelves and ask a guest to excuse me and they reply with something like "Oh no worries, I know how it is stocking" or "I got you, I work/worked in retail". It's like...fuck yes you're awesome. Respect! Was stocking candy the other day- a guest came and got two sour patch packets. I walked out to the main aisle to grab another box off the u boat and the guest was all the way down at the front of the store at this point. Go back to stocking...this guest comes back about 5 minutes later and re hangs one of the packs on the peg. My jaw almost dropped out of my skull. What a guest. #Bethatguest lmao
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