Archived Ferguson Target

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This was the scene outside the Jennings (Ferguson) Target last night. (see attached picture)

The store, at the encouragement of local law enforcement with the decision of AP in Minneapolis; closed the store at 5pmCT. Just 3 hours before the scheduled announcement of the local prosecutor. As of 6am CT this morning the store was set to be closed. After some conversation with local agencies the store opened late this morning (as I understand by 10am CT).

It is important to note, that thanks to the design of the shopping center where the store is located; the Unified Command Post for all agencies to protect the area are behind the Target fairly well hidden and secured.

As for the Team members who work there. Some are in heart break over what happened last night. Others are in fear. But almost all are still showing up to work on time and ready to serve the community. And the people of that community thank them for being there and not boarding up like all other businesses have done.

The team at T-2050 is a very tight nit group and is standing strong. They are proving to the community that if you don't give up on them, then they won't give up on you.

If you wish to send support (Cards, snacks, letters, etc.) I am including the address again.

8007 W. Florissant Ave
Jennings, MO 63136


  • Target.jpg
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Hmm so for those brave black friday shoppers, if they form a big group do they get dispersed with tear gas? That puts a new meaning to crowd managment lol
I really can't believe they made this announcement at nine...
Rather nifty way to make anyone who is unhappy with the results of the grand jury findings look bad, don't you think?

Agreed. Especially when you have the Ferguson PD send out correspondence that instructs it's personnel how to use the media to work in the police departments favor.

I think you're overthinking it commie. No one is making anyone look bad except those who are violently protesting.

There were conflicting testimonies according to sources, and you cant convict someone if there is a shred of doubt. in this case it sounded like there was a lot of uncertainty.

If there ever was a crime, it was all of this reverse racism being used as an excuse to loot and pillage. Brought on by the same people seeking "justice". How is looting up stores and burning them just?

McCullough NEVER wanted to prosecute. He didn't prosecute the cops responsible for shooting 2 unarmed black men sitting in a still car. The cops claimed that the driver was tying to run them over, VIDEO SURVEILLANCE, showed otherwise, yet still he chose NOT to prosecute. He handled this case with extreme bias. Even during the announcement, he spent 15 minutes discrediting the witnesses, social media, and physical evidence.

I don't think the rioting and looting is just, I do think plenty of those who looted/rioted were opportunists from OUT OF TOWN. Since this started I've had live streams on between 4-5 different screens, and there were plenty of locals trying to STOP the looting, but that's not as popular a narrative...

But here's the thing, I am afforded plenty of privilege by virtue of not being black. I am still a minority but unless you have had to deal with the injustice they do everyday at EVERY level, I reserve my judgement in how some chose to react to this news. Let me give you an example, I have a white friend who has been arrested for 3 DUI's, another black friend who never had a criminal record but forgot to pay a ticket. Guess which one went to jail?

I mever got the point of rioting. You destroy your home because of anger. He was put up to a group of peers, and they found not enough evidence to indict. Im just saying it once, the people who keep pulling the race card on everything need to stop, the rsce card is not just a one way street, to end racism its simple stop trying to use a scapegoat of racism. Yes racism occurs but it happens to every group including whites, blacks, hispanics, asians, or whatever. There will always be hatred, but learning to ignore some of it is the best action.

Have you ever thrown your phone down in anger? Slammed a door? Well, magnify your feelings at that point by 1000. Yes, racism happens to every minority but racism against blacks is virtually institutionalized.

The grand jury chose not to indict but understand the prosecutor can virtually control the outcome based on how evidence is presented. Words are powerful. There are snippets of when Wilson was questioned, and believe me there is bias.

Brown was a thug. I would've been pissed if an officer who was merely doing his job had to face an indictment for it. Imagine if a drunk driver ran a red light and T-boned into your car late at night and was killed, and as a result of that you had to go to trial because there's a 0.001 percent chance you were at fault for the accident, wouldn't you be pissed? It's' the same damn thing. As it is, we now have an officer who has lived through a traumatic experience and will be dealing with the psychological ramifications of it for the rest of his life, we have a city that is literally burning to the ground, and instead of reconciliation, we have social activists and the media making this a race issue and trying to douse as much fuel on the fire as possible. It's a sad time to be a human being.

I won't debate whether Brown was a thug, but Wilson was NOT doing his job, he was abusing his power.

The reason people are in jail is because there was other evidence that was able to convict them beyond a juror's reasonable doubt.

In this case there is no evidence except eyewitness testimonies, so they wouldn't be able to make a conviction off of testimonies if everyone is saying something different. Now if they had a dash cam that showed things in Brown's favor, then they would be able to indict.

With grand juries, beyond a reasonable doubt is not necessary. Just is there enough evidence to go to trial. McCullough did not want to go to trial, so he ensured that would not happen.
I really can't believe they made this announcement at nine...
Rather nifty way to make anyone who is unhappy with the results of the grand jury findings look bad, don't you think?

Agreed. Especially when you have the Ferguson PD send out correspondence that instructs it's personnel how to use the media to work in the police departments favor.

I think you're overthinking it commie. No one is making anyone look bad except those who are violently protesting.

There were conflicting testimonies according to sources, and you cant convict someone if there is a shred of doubt. in this case it sounded like there was a lot of uncertainty.

If there ever was a crime, it was all of this reverse racism being used as an excuse to loot and pillage. Brought on by the same people seeking "justice". How is looting up stores and burning them just?

McCullough NEVER wanted to prosecute. He didn't prosecute the cops responsible for shooting 2 unarmed black men sitting in a still car. The cops claimed that the driver was tying to run them over, VIDEO SURVEILLANCE, showed otherwise, yet still he chose NOT to prosecute. He handled this case with extreme bias. Even during the announcement, he spent 15 minutes discrediting the witnesses, social media, and physical evidence.

I don't think the rioting and looting is just, I do think plenty of those who looted/rioted were opportunists from OUT OF TOWN. Since this started I've had live streams on between 4-5 different screens, and there were plenty of locals trying to STOP the looting, but that's not as popular a narrative...

But here's the thing, I am afforded plenty of privilege by virtue of not being black. I am still a minority but unless you have had to deal with the injustice they do everyday at EVERY level, I reserve my judgement in how some chose to react to this news. Let me give you an example, I have a white friend who has been arrested for 3 DUI's, another black friend who never had a criminal record but forgot to pay a ticket. Guess which one went to jail?

I mever got the point of rioting. You destroy your home because of anger. He was put up to a group of peers, and they found not enough evidence to indict. Im just saying it once, the people who keep pulling the race card on everything need to stop, the rsce card is not just a one way street, to end racism its simple stop trying to use a scapegoat of racism. Yes racism occurs but it happens to every group including whites, blacks, hispanics, asians, or whatever. There will always be hatred, but learning to ignore some of it is the best action.

Have you ever thrown your phone down in anger? Slammed a door? Well, magnify your feelings at that point by 1000. Yes, racism happens to every minority but racism against blacks is virtually institutionalized.

The grand jury chose not to indict but understand the prosecutor can virtually control the outcome based on how evidence is presented. Words are powerful. There are snippets of when Wilson was questioned, and believe me there is bias.

Brown was a thug. I would've been pissed if an officer who was merely doing his job had to face an indictment for it. Imagine if a drunk driver ran a red light and T-boned into your car late at night and was killed, and as a result of that you had to go to trial because there's a 0.001 percent chance you were at fault for the accident, wouldn't you be pissed? It's' the same damn thing. As it is, we now have an officer who has lived through a traumatic experience and will be dealing with the psychological ramifications of it for the rest of his life, we have a city that is literally burning to the ground, and instead of reconciliation, we have social activists and the media making this a race issue and trying to douse as much fuel on the fire as possible. It's a sad time to be a human being.

I won't debate whether Brown was a thug, but Wilson was NOT doing his job, he was abusing his power.

The reason people are in jail is because there was other evidence that was able to convict them beyond a juror's reasonable doubt.

In this case there is no evidence except eyewitness testimonies, so they wouldn't be able to make a conviction off of testimonies if everyone is saying something different. Now if they had a dash cam that showed things in Brown's favor, then they would be able to indict.

With grand juries, beyond a reasonable doubt is not necessary. Just is there enough evidence to go to trial. McCullough did not want to go to trial, so he ensured that would not happen.
Of course but that is my own property. I dont get angry, go bust a random car winshield expecting my issue to be resolved. That is the difference. I face the problem, and confront it. I dont go wreckless, destroying property, and possibly injuring others. There are peaceful protest, but this isnt one, and this is only making things worse for thebwhole community. They are like 5 year old in target who didnt get their toy they wanted, and they go tear alart all of toys, electronics, and scream the whole way. It may work a few times out of frustration, but gets old, and eventually you get kicked out. Enough of these riots, ferguson will be put under strict law, and people will be arrested. Emotions need to be controlled, or else this city may not have a police force, and i know these rioters wont step up to defend those next to them.
The sad part is there were locals and protest organizers trying to protect the stores.
Bet you didn't see that on the news, of course not, it doesn't fit into the narrative that they want to present.
Instead what you get is about these animals who are destroying their own community.

Do you think that maybe they are so sick and frustrated that they really don't feel any connection to the community at all?
That when you account for 90% of the arrests in a town where you are 70% of the population, where everyday your car is stopped for no other reason than to raise money for the city treasury, where there are only 3 people on the police force who look like you, that this is just one more nail in the coffin?
I am white, but I am noticing the amount of press that the riots in Ferguson are getting, while this, when it happened, was in the news for about one day, and probably did about 4x the amount of damage, and for a way dumber reason. (I am a huge hockey fan, too). Why? probably because it was full of just upstanding white-folk.

When it is minorities rioting it turns into "What is wrong with them?"
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The riots happened in Vancouver because the Canucks choked big time in game 7 in 2011. Didn't even put up a fight against Boston. These protests that are supposedly for Michael Brown are a joke. Protesting will not bring Michael Brown back or change laws. If people want change, they need to stop voting for blue or red. Vote 3rd party. Vote for people that are going to protect your civil rights. Stop voting for greedy war mongering Democrats and Republicans. And yes they're both pieces of shit.
The riots happened in Vancouver because the Canucks choked big time in game 7 in 2011. Didn't even put up a fight against Boston. These protests that are supposedly for Michael Brown are a joke. Protesting will not bring Michael Brown back or change laws. If people want change, they need to stop voting for blue or red. Vote 3rd party. Vote for people that are going to protect your civil rights. Stop voting for greedy war mongering Democrats and Republicans. And yes they're both pieces of shit.

The point I was trying to make was, whether black, or white we are all idiots at heart.
I just laugh at these protests because they change nothing and make the cops hate people even more. Like I said before, certain groups need to stop being brainwashed by certain political groups. Vote 3rd party and vote for candidates that actually support civil rights and liberties.
I am white, but I am noticing the amount of press that the riots in Ferguson are getting, while this, when it happened, was in the news for about one day, and probably did about 4x the amount of damage, and for a way dumber reason. (I am a huge hockey fan, too). Why? probably because it was full of just upstanding white-folk.

When it is minorities rioting it turns into "What is wrong with them?"

I remember that. It got a decent amount of press coverage.
The riots happened in Vancouver because the Canucks choked big time in game 7 in 2011. Didn't even put up a fight against Boston. These protests that are supposedly for Michael Brown are a joke. Protesting will not bring Michael Brown back or change laws. If people want change, they need to stop voting for blue or red. Vote 3rd party. Vote for people that are going to protect your civil rights. Stop voting for greedy war mongering Democrats and Republicans. And yes they're both pieces of shit.

The looters who are destroying things are not the same people that are the organized protesters. The protesting is done by a large, organized community of people living in and around Ferguson mostly brought together by civil rights groups and local churches. These are not the people burning things and stealing. The looters are mostly young men, many of whom are not from Ferguson who are simply using the unrest as cover to commit crime because they are scumbag opportunists. You are doing a disservice to the people of Ferguson when you mis-characterize them as such.
I never said that brah. I simply said that protesting about the Michael Brown death will change nothing. He will sadly still be dead. I have said what people should do but they won't because most voters are koolaid drinkers and sheep. They see Democrat or Republican and blindly vote for the person. Got to break away from that. And yes obviously barbarians use the protests as cover to loot because they are lazy piece of shit assholes that don't want to work. There is a difference between the barbarians and protesters. Protesters protest. Barbarians loot and throw shit and cause violence.
Of course but that is my own property. I dont get angry, go bust a random car winshield expecting my issue to be resolved. That is the difference. I face the problem, and confront it. I dont go wreckless, destroying property, and possibly injuring others. There are peaceful protest, but this isnt one, and this is only making things worse for thebwhole community. They are like 5 year old in target who didnt get their toy they wanted, and they go tear alart all of toys, electronics, and scream the whole way. It may work a few times out of frustration, but gets old, and eventually you get kicked out. Enough of these riots, ferguson will be put under strict law, and people will be arrested. Emotions need to be controlled, or else this city may not have a police force, and i know these rioters wont step up to defend those next to them.

Well then, sir, I congratulate your self-control. I can say, that I've slammed my phone down at work, knocked the darn computer at checkout, slammed the door as a passenger exiting someone's car, if you have NEVER done anything similar, which I doubt, but if you haven't, hats off to you.

What do you do when the problem is systemic? How do you face an abstract? How do you confront an invisible yet ever-present prejudice? Just to put things in perspective, there have been 400 arrests made since this started, 10 of those arrests were people FROM Ferguson, that's according to the mayor, but he also believed there wasn't a racial divide in Ferguson, so take that for what it's worth.

I am white, but I am noticing the amount of press that the riots in Ferguson are getting, while this, when it happened, was in the news for about one day, and probably did about 4x the amount of damage, and for a way dumber reason. (I am a huge hockey fan, too). Why? probably because it was full of just upstanding white-folk.

When it is minorities rioting it turns into "What is wrong with them?"

Thank you! When riots happen at sporting events and the majority are not black, they're painted as "impassioned fans who got carried away," when they are black protesting injustice they are "thugs, low-lifes, and scum." That is the agenda of most mainstream media.

I just laugh at these protests because they change nothing and make the cops hate people even more. Like I said before, certain groups need to stop being brainwashed by certain political groups. Vote 3rd party and vote for candidates that actually support civil rights and liberties.

Laugh at the protests, deride the riots, but tell me your solution? How can they effect change when they aren't allowed to vote because they were arrested for a dime bag of pot? While their white counterparts are not convicted with the same voracity or even at the same rate!?
End the drug war and give convicted felons a 2nd chance. If your crime was non violent and you're a felon, you should be allowed to vote and work after you serve your time. A person that is s felon due to drug possession shouldn't be barred from voting for life. It's pathetic.
Not to mention that black voters are overwhelmingly more likely to have their ballots discounted by Republican secretary of states because they find "irregularities" in urban neighborhoods voter registration records.

And their town has been gerrymandered so they have less representation than their white counterparts.
The one representative they did have on the city council was beaten in a nasty race by a white guy who accused him (without proof) of being a corrupt Al Sharpton type because you know all black politicians are like that.

Can't we all just get along?
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Of course but that is my own property. I dont get angry, go bust a random car winshield expecting my issue to be resolved. That is the difference. I face the problem, and confront it. I dont go wreckless, destroying property, and possibly injuring others. There are peaceful protest, but this isnt one, and this is only making things worse for thebwhole community. They are like 5 year old in target who didnt get their toy they wanted, and they go tear alart all of toys, electronics, and scream the whole way. It may work a few times out of frustration, but gets old, and eventually you get kicked out. Enough of these riots, ferguson will be put under strict law, and people will be arrested. Emotions need to be controlled, or else this city may not have a police force, and i know these rioters wont step up to defend those next to them.

Well then, sir, I congratulate your self-control. I can say, that I've slammed my phone down at work, knocked the darn computer at checkout, slammed the door as a passenger exiting someone's car, if you have NEVER done anything similar, which I doubt, but if you haven't, hats off to you.

What do you do when the problem is systemic? How do you face an abstract? How do you confront an invisible yet ever-present prejudice? Just to put things in perspective, there have been 400 arrests made since this started, 10 of those arrests were people FROM Ferguson, that's according to the mayor, but he also believed there wasn't a racial divide in Ferguson, so take that for what it's worth.

I am white, but I am noticing the amount of press that the riots in Ferguson are getting, while this, when it happened, was in the news for about one day, and probably did about 4x the amount of damage, and for a way dumber reason. (I am a huge hockey fan, too). Why? probably because it was full of just upstanding white-folk.

When it is minorities rioting it turns into "What is wrong with them?"

Thank you! When riots happen at sporting events and the majority are not black, they're painted as "impassioned fans who got carried away," when they are black protesting injustice they are "thugs, low-lifes, and scum." That is the agenda of most mainstream media.

I just laugh at these protests because they change nothing and make the cops hate people even more. Like I said before, certain groups need to stop being brainwashed by certain political groups. Vote 3rd party and vote for candidates that actually support civil rights and liberties.

Laugh at the protests, deride the riots, but tell me your solution? How can they effect change when they aren't allowed to vote because they were arrested for a dime bag of pot? While their white counterparts are not convicted with the same voracity or even at the same rate!?
The problem is when you are taking your anger out on property besides your own, slam your phone, ok, slam your door, ok, burn a business or police car, not ok. Huge differences here. You are trying to say its ok to destroy property. I guess we all need to riot and burn our neighborhoods because we havento work black friday. You can take it how you want, i take it the way I feel. I dont expect people to be exactly the same. Just know riots like these wont change the outcome, itll just cause more damage.
I am not condoning nor condemning their actions. As I said before, imagine the feeling of anger when you slam a phone down, now multiply it by 1000, that is the place from where the riots stem. I haven't said its okay to destroy property, what I did say was that I am afforded the luxury of a privilege I did not earn, by virtue of my skin color, therefore I withhold judgement from those who have been systematically undermined and attacked at almost every level of their lives, each and every day.

I don't condone murder, but WILL refrain from judgement if a father murders his 2 year old daughter's rapist. That's the difference, I am not subjected to the same level, degree, or frequency of racism compared to that of a black person, so I choose to reserve my disgust and condemnation to the system that perpetuates racial injustice.

Can't we all just get along?

Of course we can.
There's nothing that says people who disagree on things can't be friends.
Some of my best friends are on much the other side of the political spectrum.
If you believe strongly, care deeply, and can back up your arguments there's nothing wrong with a good debate.

That said, justice said never take a back seat to expediency.
Political parties are poison. I was a hardcore Republican when I was in college but I woke up but did not drink any coffee since I don't like coffee. I will always be an independent.

Causing damage and destruction via riots and looting only do more harm than damage and make the group that is involved or being misrepresented by the extremists. When that happens, people will look down on the group and the stereotypes will be true which is sad but a reality.

Black males and black people definitely get profiled more often and more harshly by cops and the simple solution to that is to end the drug war. Stop ruining the lives of young adults from all races simply because of a stupid choice they made that didn't kill anyone.
Am I encouraging drug use and addiction? No. The drug war is a medical issue, not a legal issue.
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