I really can't believe they made this announcement at nine...
Rather nifty way to make anyone who is unhappy with the results of the grand jury findings look bad, don't you think?
Agreed. Especially when you have the Ferguson PD send out correspondence that instructs it's personnel how to use the media to work in the police departments favor.
I think you're overthinking it commie. No one is making anyone look bad except those who are violently protesting.
There were conflicting testimonies according to sources, and you cant convict someone if there is a shred of doubt. in this case it sounded like there was a lot of uncertainty.
If there ever was a crime, it was all of this reverse racism being used as an excuse to loot and pillage. Brought on by the same people seeking "justice". How is looting up stores and burning them just?
McCullough NEVER wanted to prosecute. He didn't prosecute the cops responsible for shooting 2 unarmed black men sitting in a still car. The cops claimed that the driver was tying to run them over, VIDEO SURVEILLANCE, showed otherwise, yet still he chose NOT to prosecute. He handled this case with extreme bias. Even during the announcement, he spent 15 minutes discrediting the witnesses, social media, and physical evidence.
I don't think the rioting and looting is just, I do think plenty of those who looted/rioted were opportunists from OUT OF TOWN. Since this started I've had live streams on between 4-5 different screens, and there were plenty of locals trying to STOP the looting, but that's not as popular a narrative...
But here's the thing, I am afforded plenty of privilege by virtue of not being black. I am still a minority but unless you have had to deal with the injustice they do everyday at EVERY level, I reserve my judgement in how some chose to react to this news. Let me give you an example, I have a white friend who has been arrested for 3 DUI's, another black friend who never had a criminal record but forgot to pay a ticket. Guess which one went to jail?
I mever got the point of rioting. You destroy your home because of anger. He was put up to a group of peers, and they found not enough evidence to indict. Im just saying it once, the people who keep pulling the race card on everything need to stop, the rsce card is not just a one way street, to end racism its simple stop trying to use a scapegoat of racism. Yes racism occurs but it happens to every group including whites, blacks, hispanics, asians, or whatever. There will always be hatred, but learning to ignore some of it is the best action.
Have you ever thrown your phone down in anger? Slammed a door? Well, magnify your feelings at that point by 1000. Yes, racism happens to every minority but racism against blacks is virtually institutionalized.
The grand jury chose not to indict but understand the prosecutor can virtually control the outcome based on how evidence is presented. Words are powerful. There are snippets of when Wilson was questioned, and believe me there is bias.
Brown was a thug. I would've been pissed if an officer who was merely doing his job had to face an indictment for it. Imagine if a drunk driver ran a red light and T-boned into your car late at night and was killed, and as a result of that you had to go to trial because there's a 0.001 percent chance you were at fault for the accident, wouldn't you be pissed? It's' the same damn thing. As it is, we now have an officer who has lived through a traumatic experience and will be dealing with the psychological ramifications of it for the rest of his life, we have a city that is literally burning to the ground, and instead of reconciliation, we have social activists and the media making this a race issue and trying to douse as much fuel on the fire as possible. It's a sad time to be a human being.
I won't debate whether Brown was a thug, but Wilson was NOT doing his job, he was abusing his power.
The reason people are in jail is because there was other evidence that was able to convict them beyond a juror's reasonable doubt.
In this case there is no evidence except eyewitness testimonies, so they wouldn't be able to make a conviction off of testimonies if everyone is saying something different. Now if they had a dash cam that showed things in Brown's favor, then they would be able to indict.
With grand juries, beyond a reasonable doubt is not necessary. Just is there enough evidence to go to trial. McCullough did not want to go to trial, so he ensured that would not happen.