You are correct. From our wiki: Pallet-In, Pallet-Out, or PIPO, refers to a pallet which the distribution center receives from a supplier and sends to the store without breaking it down.
You are correct. From our wiki: Pallet-In, Pallet-Out, or PIPO, refers to a pallet which the distribution center receives from a supplier and sends to the store without breaking it down.
Thanks for all the info. In response to jb08045 question to HLMs post on taking an aisle with alot of fifo,,,, Myself I look at it as a challenge, somebody's got to do it.
That's super hard to do, working candy in check lanes is such a chore especially if you try to fifo. I just take candy from our least used lanes put new candy there and use those least used lanes candy to fill the top of the most used lanes about the best compromise for "speed is life" i could make.