Archived Filled out my LOA form yesterday - I'm headed to Europe!

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Feb 3, 2013
Yesterday I made my intentions official and I filled out the form to take an Educational LOA. I'm headed to a Western European country in just a few weeks' time to participate in an English-language and culture teaching assistant program sponsored by the country's government.

My last day is three weeks from tomorrow and I fly out the following Monday. Even though I'm only going on an LOA I feel like I'm leaving Spot for good. My fellow TMs, TL, and ETL-HR (the only ETL at my store who knows so far) are very happy for me taking this next step in my life.

Because this program is considered "continuing education" and I receive a student visa I can go on the LOA rather than quitting. Although I would rather just quit, I do need a source of income when I return to the US in the summer and staying at Spot is my safety net.
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