Archived First week of Target

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May 4, 2016
Part way through my first week at target as an early morning back room team member (pulls, back stocks, flexible orders) . Finding my trainer unhelpful. Left me alone from first day. It's not hard but it's hard to not know what to be doing next and this becomes even more difficult when I need help and the trainer is gone. In my last two shifts I have two separate accounts of looking for them for 20 plus minutes. Is this normal? Coming from a restaurant where pay is entirely performance based do some hourly workers not care?
My trainer was horrible and I spent most of the time trying to find them. I spent 30 minutes trying to find my hardlines trainer! Unfornutaley, Target's training is very poor. It's a sink or swim mentality. They will not cover everything with you and you will have to learn most things on your own.
Welcome to Target and welcome to The Break Room.

Unfortunately training is not really standardized at Target. Unless you get a trainer that really cares about their job and their store, you pretty much have to learn on the go. You'll get there. Don't worry.

Enjoy the ride.
I've been lucky to have a great trainer, only needed him for an hour and I was on my own. I suggest to find tms that are around you that know something and pick their minds. It helped me to ask as many questions as I could to learn more than I need. Somethings where I work are only learned as they happen. I love my coworkers though.
The best trainer, sad to say at Target is yourself. I self taught myself a lot of what goes on here @ spot. The more research you do for yourself for the many positions available at the Target, the better you as a tm will be. It also helps when you are low on hours and want to work, but your current work center is low on hours.
My trainer was sick when I started so I got no training lol. A week later she was healthy again and back at work and trained two new hires.
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